Author has written 4 stories for Dragon Ball Z, Naruto, and Full Metal Panic.
Name: dragoness simplicity
_ *writes fanfiction*
(raises eyebrows) ... edit... edit edit
Personality: I'm a pretty laid back, fun-loving person. I love many anime-related things; from watching episodes (and repeating the interesting Japanese language), to reading manga, to cosplay conventions. I also enjoy many different television shows, and a variety of novels. Not to mention my love of philosophy, psychology, and quote collecting.
Dont let that fool you though. I'm not as crazed as I sound. I appritiate good feedback and don't get riled up when someone proclaimes that they hate any of my work.
Favourite fanfiction: anime/novels/TV etc:
Doctor Who, Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter, House, Psych, Merlin, Naruto, One piece, Sherlock, Stargate Atlantis, Supernatural, Torchwood.
Don't you just love quotes? I do. I've found that a lot of people place a favourite quote or two on their profile but that's all. I've decided to place a lot of quotes on mine to make up for the lack of quotes out there. =P
WARNING: The following lines are completely filled by various quotes.
Seer of Sevenwaters (Book 5). Fiction
(p16) 'Breath of the winds; dancing flame; peace of the earth; song of the waves. Calm. I would be calm.'
Seer of Sevenwaters (Book 5). Fiction
(p44) 'It was a different belief from our own, but one that should nonetheless be respected.'
'Summer Knight' Book Four of the Dresden Files. Fiction
(p363-364) Sometimes the most remarkable things seem commonplace. I mean, when you think about it, jet travel is pretty freaking remarkable. You get in a plane, it defies the gravity on an entire planet by exploiting a loophole with air pressure, and it flies across distances that would take months or years to cross by any means of travel that has been significant for more than a century or three. You hurtle above the earth at enough speed to kill you instantly should you bump into something, and you can only breathe because someone built you a really good tin can that has seams tight enough to hold a decent amount of air. Hundreds of millions of man-made hours of work and struggle and research, blood, sweat, tears, and lives have gone into the history of air travel, and it has totally revolutionized the face of our planet and societies.
But get on any flight in the country, and I will absolutely promise you that you will find someone who, in the face of all that incredible achievement, will be willing to complain about the drinks.
The drinks, people.
That was me on the staircase to Chicago-Over-Chicago. Yes, I was standing on nothing but congealed starlight. Yes, I was walking up through a savage storm, the wind threatening to tear me off and throw me into the freezing waters of Lake Michigan far below. Yes, I was using a legendary and enchanted means of travel to transcend the border between one dimension and the next, and on my way to an epic struggle between ancient elemental forces.
But all I could think to say, between panting breaths, was, 'Yeah. Sure. They couldn't possibly have made this an escalator.'
'Dead Beat' Book Seven of the Dresden Files. Fiction
(p241) '...fire, though lovely, can burn and kill when not treated with respect.'
'Proven Guilty' Book Eight of the Dresden Files. Fiction
(p520) "Do you mind if I ask you something personal?" Michael said.
"I'm way too busy to answer rhetorical questions."
He grinned for a second and nodded.
'Proven Guilty' Book Eight of the Dresden Files. Fiction
(p526) Confusing, life. But it beats the hell out of the alternative.
Fanfiction-related quotes:
1) Friend: (Mocking Snape): “Come this way, Harry. Bring… handcuffs.”
Me: (Mocking Harry): “Handcuffs? … Did I do something bad?”
(Mocking Snape): “… You will, Harry. You will.”
2) Tyson (Beyblades): Okay, we'll have a friendly match
Me: (mockng): Yes. We'll have a friendly match consisting of DEATH!"
3) My sister: And I thought I was a rabid yaoi fangirl... I have corrupted- I mean, TRAINED, you well, young one. pats head'
Favourite Harry Potter Fic Quotes:
1) Potter was very lucky not to have died. He'd been about 20 feet in the air when Nott's Stunner had hit him. Had he been conscious, wild magic would likely have saved him by making him bounce. However, a Stunned wizard falling from such a height was no better off than a Muggle. Draco loudly suggested that they all start calling Potter The Boy Who Would Not Die. - A Gryffindor and a Slytherin
2)"Slytherins do not always cheat!" Draco roared. "Slytherins cheat if they need to. Or if they think it will be amusing. Or they might cheat to simply see if they can break the rules and get away with it. They might even cheat as part of a larger, more nefarious plan. But Slytherins do not always cheat!" - A Slytheryn In Gryffindor Clothing
3) The elf nodded. "Good. Hogwarts is dangerous. Home is where you should be."
Harry and Draco looked at one another.
"What do you mean, dangerous?" asked Harry.
"Bad thing. Evil thing is coming. Coming to Hogwarts. It will be here soon."
"How soon? Do I have time to finish my pudding?" - (Draco) A Slytheryn In Gryffindor Clothing
4) Oh crap, Harry thought. Death Eaters. Girly ones that sing. Could my day get any worse? - All Bets Are Off
5) Then Harry smiled and Draco couldn't breathe anymore. But that was okay. Who the fuck needs oxygen anyway? - All Bets Are Off
6) Harry found himself gazing into the depths of Draco's grey eyes. They reminded him of a cloudy day. No, wait, they were more like the steel grey of ball bearings before grease got to them. Or maybe – yeah – grey like lint collected on a dryer filter, a delicate blend of ash grey and slate grey and stovepipe grey and dove grey, with just a suggestion of white flecks from the tissue you'd accidentally left in your pocket, but without too much blue, because you are no idiot and didn't cram your denims in this load although you were sorely tempted to because it would have saved time. Only greyer. - Never Mind The Bollocks
7) Draco smiled. ... "I'm still not sure about this Chamber affair."
Harry nudged him for a brief mock-indignant exchange of glances. "Would I lie to you?"
"Would I accuse you? It's just the whole pulling a sword from a hat business. You pull rabbits from hats."
"I don't think I'd have fancied trying to kill a basilisk with a rabbit."
"Oh, but I would love to see you try it. Imagine it. Imagine the photos." Draco went into a quick but energetic roleplay. "The brave hero brandishes his fluffy and whimpering pet of doom. 'Back, back, foul serpent!' Thwack! Distressed squeak. Th-" - underwater light
Friends' quotes: I actually have a HUGE Microsoft Word file that contains quotes from my friends - 100 pages or so atm. We are a hilarious bunch. My old school planners are packed full of old school quotes as well.
1) hmm 4pm... Breakfast sounds good.
2) Let’s take that notion outside and beat it senseless.
3) I'm somehow managing to get dumbner.
4) There are only two things you need to ask yourself before a big operation like this, "Are they awake?" and "Can I get away with it?"
5) You're not a threat to yourself or society. (looks at clothes) ... Well, you're not a threat to yourself.
6) I'm keeping that one. Oh yes I am. Forever and ever. Oh whoops, it ran away. :(
7) Definitely boredom is something that should be banned.
8) eiffelrox: shouldn't your brother be in school?
Me: yeah, why aren’t you at school?
Brother: Beats me *shrugs*
9) Me: "It would have been good if I hadn't completely screwed up in the middle...and the beginning...and the end.…
10) eiffelrox: whoa. 12 alerts for my revelation story yay
Me: 000
Me: u gotta call the ambulance 'cause you're on FIRE!
i mean the fire truck
face palm
i messed that up good
face palm
eiffelrox: im on fire?
Me: *bangs head against wall*
See. We're crazy!