Poll: What do you want to see most in the Cycle sequel? pick up to 3 Vote Now!
Author has written 16 stories for Digimon, Pokémon, and Hunter X Hunter. I currently would love to hear your reviews on my latest fic, Cycle! No matter how long it's been since I've updated my FF.N profile, I still get email notifications for reviews on the fic, so please connect with me if it's touched you at all! News: 8/28/16: Btw if you have any ToMaTo fics or FE7 Matthew/Guy fics to rec me, or any of my other OTPs for that matter, please do let me know q;~~~ Of course I'm still alive, mostly on Twitter... xD 10/28/15: Just posting to say I'm still around, still want to write... some day...! Still gratefully a productive member of society, although I've changed jobs since the last update and still looking for better stability in my life in general, although I'm still in a better place right now than I was from my last update. For one, I'm engaged... XD And again still active in other places, namely Twitter and such. XD http://twitter.com/splashtomato It's going to take many, many years, but old ideas are still fresh in my head. I just never get the time to put them down onto something shareable... If you want to stalk my everyday fandomness, I generally recommend following my Twitter. XD; http://twitter.com/splashtomato 9/30/10: Waha it's been a long time again. Cycle sequel is brewing ever so slowly as usual, but still being worked on. Also firing up working on a FudouKidou(Fudou?) piece for Inazuma Eleven. I have no idea how long it'll get. Old stuff below. Un-bastardized version of my fics (except Cycle) at http:///user.php?userid=3057 Poor Where Fate Turns... I still have the rest of the story outlined and it's intended to be over 100,000 words (excluding review replies/notes). Dunno if I'll actually getting to write out that end part, since RO itself has changed so much that my ideas are pretty outdated, but maybe I'll do something just for the sake of finishing it. ._.; Dude... I hardly do anything here anymore except stalk Savers Tohma/Masaru and Fire Emblem 7 Matthew/Guy fics. Both of these couples need more. D: And I mostly do fanart, editing and translations these days. Therefore, head over to my LJ for all my work. :O! htttp:///profile Completed works: Bounty- Complete, 4 chapters Takouji, just a little idea I wanted to get out of my head, hehe. Hiatus: In Progress: |
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