Chapter 10 - The Past of Silence

O.C. #2 : This chapter should never have come in to existance...It sucks, I suck, this story sucks...And it's rushed. -weep-


Blue eyes opened slowly, met with a dark room. It was white, and he heard the familiar and feared sound of a beeping heart rate machine.

"No! No not again!" Naruto yelled, sitting up like lightning and covering his head to remove the beeping. "Not again! Make it stop!" he was aware that tears were pouring from his eyes.

A hand was placed on his shoulder and he froze, looking over out of the corner of his eyes to see...

"Sasuke..." he whispered before gasping and covering his mouth.

"Are you surprised?" Sasuke asked in an almost dark voice. "You're here because you fought my brother. You are such an idiot. Did you want to come here?"

"No...No I didn't...I never wanted to come here again..." he looked around the room and saw a number near the door. "It's even the same room." he smiled sadly.

"What are you talking about?" Sasuke asked, glad to hear Naruto's voice was beginning to adjust to use already. "Same room?"

"I was here, back when I was about 4 years old." Naruto explained. "My parents both worked during the day and so I had to go to daycare all the time. They had just picked me up when..." he brought his knees up. "A guy, just a guy, he came up with a gun and demanded money. We didn't have any, but he was desperate."

Sasuke could see where this was going.

"I remember...screaming...I was screaming my lungs out. He didn't even notice me. Just started searching their pockets. I don't remember moving, I just remember that I had stopped screaming at some point." Naruto's face was hidden and his voice muffled. "I know I was covered in blood. My parents blood. I was told the paramedics thought it was my blood."

He heard a mirthless laugh from where Naruto's face was.

"Next thing I knew...Headlights were shining in my eyes and someone was honking their horn. It was so close I couldn't hear or see anything else but the lights and the horn. I think I fainted, because they found me unconscious under the truck and physically unharmed..." Naruto turned his head a bit so that he could see Sasuke with his right eye. "Everyone thought I couldn't speak because I'd wasted my voice screaming...heh." the laugh was ironic and painful to hear. "Doctors said it was my way of coping...They think they know everything."

"This is the same room I was in the last time. Number 314." he turned to look away from the pained expression on the dark boy's face. "I get pity from everyone, and praise whenever I do the smallest things right. I'm not stupid...I'm just..."

Sasuke silently gasped at the sound of sobs coming from the blonde boy. He was suddenly on the bed with him, holding him tight as Naruto had done for him many times in only one week.

"Wounded." black hair covered his face. "We're both just wounded..."


Sasuke smirked as he watched the tv and saw his brother as the headline news. He had been arrested for child abuse and assault (about every kind of abuse too, save sexual). With Sasuke's testimony, he'd also been charged with attempted rape on an orphan.

Sasuke was back with his mother, and she was apologizing every hour for not trying harder, for not realizing sooner, for everything. He eventually left on his skates and sped down the street.

"Yo! Uchiha!" a voice called out to him.

Sasuke skid to a stop and turned around. Kiba stood there with Hinata. She was looking worriedly at him.

"Sorry about your brother." Kiba said when Sasuke stood next to them.

"Don't be. He doesn't deserve it." Sasuke said coldly, and Kiba looked bewildered. Hinata spoke up softly.

"H-how is...N-n-naruto-kun?" she asked, learning his name from the news report apparently.

"Fine I suppose. He can still paint, so he's happy. Of course, he can't walk for at least another two weeks." Sasuke explained, almost as if he didn't care.

"C-can I go with you?" she managed.


"You were headed see him...right?" Hinata looked at the ground, blushing. Sasuke blinked at her.

"No, you can't." Kiba answered. "You already have plans. You're coming with me to meet Akamaru's pups, remember?" he seemed hurt.

"Oh! G-gomen Kiba-kun." she hung her head, almost as if in shame.

"Bye you two." Sasuke waved and began to skate away backwards.

"Bye!" they waved before Kiba took Hinata's hand and walked her off. Sasuke smirked.


"Naruto. You have a visitor." Tsunade knocked on the open doorway to Naruto's new bedroom. The old one was being remodeled and removed of all and any blood spilt during the fight.

Sasuke walked in and Naruto smiled widely.

"Hey." he greeted. Sasuke smiled in return and sat on the edge of the bed.

Tsunade paused before leaving. She smiled happily, almost as if about to cry. Naruto was talking! Then she turned and closed the door to give them privacy.

"So, what's up?" Naruto asked.

"Nothing. My mom won't stop apologizing and it's driving me insane." Sasuke admitted, closing his eyes and sighing.

He gasped when lips met his for less than a second and then pulled away.

"N-naruto?" he stuttered and cursed.

"Yea?" Naruto asked innocently, a large blush on his face.

Sasuke's face hovered near his, their breaths mingling, before Sasuke closed the distance and kissed Naruto too. He didn't push too hard, or Naruto would've fallen over backwards and have been in a lot of pain.

He pulled away and sighed happily.

"We're both really screwed...You know that right?" he breathed out. Naruto seemed to think about it.

"Hmm...I don't think I really care, hm?" his eyebrows were raised and Sasuke fought not to laugh at the expression on Naruto's face.


Out : It really is...-sniff- I didn't even realize...Very rushed...-sniff-


Final Results as of this posting...

The chapter with the most reviews so far is Chapter 9, but that may be because I postponed posting this one. Other than that, #1 is Chapter 7, #2 is Chapter 6, andChapter 2 and 4 tie for #3.