Author has written 27 stories for Torchwood. I live in Canada and am currently going to University, trying to become a marine biologist. I LOVE, and am obsessed with, Torchwood and Doctor Who (to the point I can recite most of the lines to the Torchwood episodes with very little prompting), although I will probably never write Doctor Who fics. I've tried and they are always crap. Some other shows I like are: Merlin, NCIS, Primeval, Supernatural, Dark Angel, Gilmore Girls, Grey's Anatomy, and Vampire diaries. I have also recently fallen in love with wrestling but that is due to John Cena, Randy Orton, Cody Rhodes, and Ted DiBiase Jr. I have a bunch of plot bunnies running around in my head and I try to write them all but I have to admit that most of them never get posted. I like what I've thought of but when I actually write it, I decide that it isn't good enough, no matter what my friends tell me. The fics I do post will most likely all be one-shots because once I start writing chapters, it becomes a story that never ends. Janto will rule the world and is pretty much all I will post. Gwen and Jack is just wrong! I try to avoid Gwen bashing but I don't always succeed. Most of my fics will be slash and smut (rated T or M) or whatever you want to call it, because that is what I like to write. I do promise some more appropriate stories. Seeing as I do live in Canada, I have a tendency to use Canadian words instead of British words (like pants instead of trousers which can make conversations really amusing since the meaning of pants is completely different) in my stories. I apologize for any confusion it may cause. It's habit and hard to break. I am always open to ideas and suggestions and will try to do as many as possible, but it all depends on my workload and how many other stories I am working on. All stories are posted on my Livejournal account as well as here. Enjoy! |
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