Author has written 23 stories for Torchwood, X-Files, and Hawaii Five-0. Time to tell you a little about me. I haven't written FF for years, used to do X Files stuff back in the day - about season six I got obsessed and it took over my life for a while. Back then that was fine, I was a mum at home with small kids and it was a life saver. Now - hmm, I'm self employed, working from home and really can't afford to get as carried away. However, when I found Torchwood I had that falling in love like being hit over the head sort of feeling. When I joined here I said I was temporarily giving in and giving myself one story and after that we would see - well you saw. I obviously couldn't stop at one story. I also posted 2 of my X Flies stories here where they have been welcomed. I like angsty stories and until I found FF never knew that there were others out there who felt the same. I would love to hear from someone with some psych knowledge, just what the story is behind liking to feel a character you love cry. BTW, living with someone with depression really really is NO fun in real life, but in fiction... Weird Some basic facts - I live in New Zealand, have had stories in my head all my life and have finally got to a place in my life where I legitimately can call myself a writer. I am editor and publisher of a national sports magazine and in some ways my life has never been better. Fan Fiction is just so exhillarating to write - I think because you can forget the rules of writing for an audience and just go for it for the sheer joy of it. That being said I still try to maintain the craft of story telling. Not having to waste time on background is good, you can get straight into it. I have been working on a piece of my own fiction for years, but realised when I started getting into this current story that I haven't enjoyed writing this much in years. Hopefully when I've finished this I can carry some of this enthusiasm into my other work. - hasn't happened yet, just found more Torchwood inspired stuff to write. Updated April 2010 - yes my original writing is going very well thank you very much as my fanfic writing has backed off because of it. I am well on track to having a novel that can be published. Updated March 2011. Still working on that original fic. Nearly got it to finished first draft. I have an LJ account as well btw, for anyone who cares. There are links there on my masterlist to some of my more porny and cracky offerings that haven't made it on here. The only unfinished fic I have left is Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder, and that may never be done. I have a vague idea for a post S2 fic in the Family History universe using Manda again. I haven't got a plot for it yet, and some sort of plot is sort of essentia. currently writing Torchwood and have placed Woodcreek and Utu (both X Files) here as well. To the person that wanted a warning on Utu, sorry no. That story is an artifact of its time. It was written nearly 15 years ago when no one warned for anything other than slash. In fact it took me a while to work out what you were even talking about, I couldn't remember that much about it. Sorry if it upsets anyone but it is a nearly forgotten piece of my past. And my characterisation of characters, as always is my take on things. I reserve the right to make them whatever I think they might be. Thanks for reading my stories. Jill twtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwt MPreg Rant This forum seems to be having a rash of MPreg stories at the moment, I even wrote one myself not very long ago (Weta). Some are good and some are not so good, but I feel I have to correct a few things, say something because some things I'm reading just annoy the hell out of me. Number one, stories, however implausible and far out - from Star Trek through the Alien movies to Torchwood have to have you suspend belief easily. ie an idea has to be believable. Jack is believably immortal because we are willing to believe that time vortexs may exist and one girl desperate to do good may have inadvertantly made one man unable to die. We are willing to believe this because a clever group of story tellers helped us understand how it could happen. You need a good reason to make something happen. Jack and Ianto having sex is NOT a good reason for Ianto to become pregnant. It is just wrong and silly. However, if you wanted to make some alien intervention get involved, or discover that Ianto is really a hermaphrodite (human or otherwise) yes, you could run with that story. But you need to tell me how it happened. Men do not become pregnant by anal sex. Likewise, due to clever storytelling in episode one, we can believe that Jack may be able to become pregnant. Personally I do not believe it would be a natural pregnancy and something that would just happen. I would like to commend Helen Pattskyn and AnnaLouise86 for recognising that and giving us realistic views of how such an event may have come about. Number two, male pregnancy, regardless of futuristic technology would not be easy on the male body. Men just are not designed for and I can't see how they could possibly evolve for child rearing. Any pregnancy would be very hard on the man and possibly very dangerous. Number three and closely following on from the first two points is that even though this isn't a realistic scenario, it must be portrayed as such, it must seem medically plausible. IF male pregnancy were possible, he would not carry his artificial womb in his arse! Yes I was being crude. It would not work. It would be knocked off the wall before it could begin to grow. It also needs to be somewhere where it can grow without constriction, any pressure in your bowel and intestines is agonising, just think of your last bout of constipation to imagine that. I envisage that an artificial womb could be implanted in his abdomen, or the fetus could implant in the bowel wall - but on the outside of the wall. It would have to be artificially inserted and artificially removed - ie a csection. He could not become pregnant by anal sex, the sperm wouldn't get to anywhere near where it would need to go. In that case he can't miscarry as such. He can't bleed from anywhere you can see, although bleeding into the abdomen and associated pain, weakness and illness from blood loss would all work. Yes he would probably have terrible morning sickness, not to mention nearly everything listed as a complication of pregnancy on Wiki. None of his hormones would be right and you would need to add female hormones some way to keep the baby alive and his body from rejecting it. You could have your clever womb release them at the right time. You could have real angsty fun with all the potential complications, although personally I don't want to think of Jack and hemorrhoids in the same sentence. He would also I imagine have real pain from what is essentially a large and growing foreign body in an abdomen that isn't designed for it. MPreg rant over for now. I may have other rants to add later. twtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtwtw Seriously thinking about a how not to write male/male sex rant? Would anyone be interested? |
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