Poll: What's you OTP? Vote Now!
Author has written 8 stories for Infernal Devices, Cassandra Clare, Book X-overs, and Lunar Chronicles. Right, so I'm this awkward 'non-writer' and am here more to read than write. That's the first thing you need to know. Also, I ship a multitude of things and the same person with various others (eg. Dramione, Harmione/Harmony) So if our opinions differ... that's how it is. As of now, that's all. I'll expand as and when my library grows. Oh, and girls? Girls Copy and paste this into your profile if this makes you smile ;) You see? We all love you. Also, if the wrong boy comes along for the higher apples, he might not be adequately careful (we know how boys are), and drop the apple. And we 'higher apples' have a waaaay longer way to fall than them 'lower ones' On that note, my loves, laters! |
Aspen-SiredBySpike (167) Avanymous (1) blue-glass-boat (6) Bookphanatic (6) ddpjclaf (11) elan0rjoy (17) Fictionalshipper (0) | Gia1802 (0) InfernoAlive (31) IWriteNaked (33) KissingFire (66) kiwichick11 (3) MyHavenisBooks (6) NewmanYHC (5) | Paradoxing (4) SereneCalamity (543) Shadowhunter5801 (7) ThatOneGoodWriter (63) |