Authors Note:

Okay! So I have been meaning to do this for a while and since I am on summer break I decided what better time than now. I am going back and rewriting I'm in Love with the Bartender. I was rereading it the other day and I was disappointed in how I wrote it as well as how much information I left out. So, I am going back to each chapter and rewriting it. I plan on editing spelling mistakes, grammar and adding more detail. For those of you in the middle of the story or are disheartened by this, I am sorry but it was something I had to do. I feel like my writing has really grown since writing this story and I wanted to improve it. For instance, I rewrote the first chapter and it nearly doubled in word count (and smut!). This is why there are now two chapters covering Jace and Clary's first night together where the last story backed everything in one. So be patient and you will still get to enjoy this lovely story. Also, for your patience, I am even adding an additional epilogue. So you're are getting something out of this. If there is anything you want me to include in the epilogue for those of you who have already read this story, please review and let me know. If not please review anyway and let me know how you like the updated chapters. It will help motivate me to get them finished faster.

I do not own any of these characters. They are copyrighted to Cassandra Clare, who is awesome. There are real places and descriptions of real places whose names have been changed in this story. EX. Pandemonium is based are Marquee nightclub on the strip and the Chandelier bar is the actual name of the bar in the Cosmopolitan hotel and casino. (Which really is in the center of a three-story chandelier. It's gorgeous.) So without further ado, I present to you, your fanfic. :Bows:

-End of Authors Notes-

Chapter 1

The Blonde Rockstar

Jace put his drink down on the bar. The music was loud and the smell of cigarette smoke made his stomach turn. Even though smoking was only permitted outside the smell always seemed to get to him. That was one thing he missed about his hometown of New York, though that city had its fair share of problems as well. The blonde frowned. He hated having to go to these club appearances. The music was too loud and the women were skanky. It wasn't like he hadn't had his share of one night stands but after a year or so it got old. Despite the playboy image his manager and record label marketed him as the whole club thing just wasn't his scene anymore and it hadn't been for a while now.

He was thankful that this club had an upper story. It was a private roomed decorated as a library with pool tables and a balcony looking out onto the big main dance floor. It was packed thankfully in part to their special celebrity guest of the night, rock star Jace Herondale. Jace looked down at his drink lost in thought. The table of girls behind him were giggling uncontrollably, no doubt trying to get his attention. It was a ploy he had seen over and over again. At first, it uses to flatter him but now it was just annoying. At least the girls knew better than to approach him. His bodyguard made sure of that. The tall dark skinned man stood stoic behind him. Bat had been his bodyguard for almost a year now and having him around was just comfortable. This was the first guy that Jace clicked with. Bat could read him like a book and carry on a good conversation. He knew when Jace wanted to party or just to be left alone. The rockstar couldn't ask for a more reliable guy.

The rockstar grunted knowing that he had to go back down to the DJ booth again soon. After all, he was here to make crowd appearances. After staring in a few B rated movies he had gotten good at acting like he was having a good time when he cared to at least. Looking at his Rolex he noticed that it was eleven. It was late and the event would be over in a few hours. He just needed to grin and bear it until then. Jace half heartily raised his arm to summon the bartender. After downing two Jameson on the rock's he needed some water in him if he wanted to not look like an idiot on stage. He hated eaten much all day. An empty stomach doesn't do much for alcohol tolerance, though he had to admit it took a lot to get him wasted. He didn't plan to get anywhere near that way tonight. His manager would kill him and Bat was always a bit disgruntled when he had to carry his incoherent ass back to the hotel room. After waking up fully dressed in a bathtub with a cold shower running, that was his breaking point. It had been a few months since he had gotten really drunk and he planned to keep it that way.

"Another drink Goldilocks?" a voice called out to him breaking him from her reprieve. Jace looked up and met a pair of bright beautiful green eyes. Did the bartender always have green eyes? He was sure he would have noticed if she had. He could have also sworn she had been a blonde. Great, maybe the alcohol was kicking in more than he thought. He had a few drinks previously to dull his misery but he didn't think he was that far gone. Jace looked up at her for a moment, looking around the bar for what he hoped, was the other bartender. "Emma is downstairs helping one of the new bartenders. I'm going to be filling in for her for the rest of the night. Unless you rather I didn't?" She asked answering his unspoken question. It was a question someone would only ask a VIP. He was sure that if he wanted Emma back, it would happen. Truth be told that wasn't the furthest thing from his mind. He had a thing for redheads and the one in front of him was just his type.

"Depends, if you tell me your name or not?" he smiled his coy seductive smile. The beautiful girl smiled back as her green eyes sparkled with mischief. "Clary." She responded. Jace kept his seductive grin. The one he reserved for impressing women and fans as he turned her name over in his head. Well, tonight just got more interesting. "I am Jace, it is nice to meet you." He announced holding his hand out to shake hers. She took his hand and gave it a firm shake. He always appreciated a woman who knew how to shake hands. Most were so meek but not Clary. Her skin was so soft too. She released his hand before he could think about it too much. Clary pleasantly smiled at him. He admired her long crimson waves of hair as they fell over her shoulders. The outfit she wore didn't leave a lot to the imagination but he kept his eyes in check. He would be able to check her out when she wasn't standing right in front of him.

"Everyone knows who you are Blondie. You are kind of the headline host tonight." She teased placing a bottle of water discreetly in front of him. Great, she thought he was drunk. Buzzed yes, but drunk no. Though he wouldn't be opposed to getting a little drunk, with her. She was cute, beautiful, and judging by the look in her eyes, quite clever. A breath of fresh air from all of those clueless girls that normally followed him around. He doubted Clary was the type to worship the ground he walked on and he was attracted to that. The young women began to busy herself organizing the glasses in front of her. Clearly, she wasn't one to fall for his usual charms. No, she was too clever for that. He liked a challenge. "Thanks." He replied slowly opening his water. She nodded and began to turn to leave in the direction of a guest down the bar. He frowned when he realized she was leaving. He didn't want her to go away, not yet. "Clary." He called instantly gaining her attention. She turned back to look at him with wide eyes and a confused smile.

"You can't leave me so soon. I need another drink." Jace stuttered cursing the break in his usually smooth and collected demeanor. He wanted this girl and bad. Clary looked at him bewildered studying his before shaking her head and smiling. He couldn't fathom for the life of him what was so funny. She met his gaze seductively as she took a step closer leaning over the bar. Her face was so close, all he had to do was move forward and he could easily steal a kiss. Would that get him kicked out though? He was too distracted to pay attention to the mischievous smirk on her lips. Jace's eyes grew wide as she suddenly moved her face to the side and brought her lips to his ear. "Not a very clever ploy, Mr. Herondale. I would be more than happy to get you another drink but you haven't even taken a sip of your old drink." She teased before leaning back, giving him a smirk and walking away; leaving the blonde breathless. Jace looked down and saw his whiskey on the rocks still untouched in front of him. "Damn it" he cursed. She was right, he wasn't as smooth as he thought. Oh well, he still had a few hours left to woo her. He got up grabbing his water and drink, making his way down the stairs to the main stage. As soon as he was out of sight of the beautiful red-head he handed Bat his drink. "Here chug this and then give it back to me so it looks like I drank it." He commanded. Bat rose an eyebrow at him. "Oh don't give me the I don't drink on the job look. Just do it, you know you are as bored as I am." Jace spoke turning the corner and was ushered onto the stage.

Back at the top floor, Clary was wondering what went through men heads as she watched some poor idiot trying to hit on her friend Kaelie as she dropped off some Don Julio. The gorgeous blonde flirted with him politely but left quickly as soon as his back was turned. Working at a night club Clary had seen it all. Most of the time the men were not stupid enough to mess with the bartenders but after a few drinks any man could become a pig. The celebrities and VIP hosts were no different. Working at Pandemonium Nightclub in Las Vegas was cool. It was defiantly one of the top clubs on the Strip. Their main competition was Hakkasan down the street at MGM Grand but they still did very well for themselves. The money was excellent and the club often hosted parties with stars headlining as VIP hosts. The club was three stories. The top being a more casual hangout with a fireplace and pool tables, used as a VIP spot on nights when there were celebrity appearances. The bottom two floors included a giant pool used during the day and dance floors. Clary sighed looking at the Point of Sales (POS) screen. It was midnight and she had another two hours until she was free to go home, curl up on the couch and nurse her sick roommate. She wasn't even supposed to be working this area tonight. She was supposed to be in the pool area on the main floor not in the VIP lounge at the top. It's not that she minded the smaller group it's just that the money downstairs was much better than upstairs unless some celebrity tipped you really well. Most would be surprised how many didn't. For every generous VIP, there was five behind them that stiffed you. It all worked out in the end but it was still annoying.

It was slow given that only Jace, some high rollers and a handful of pretty girls were allowed up here. Clary's mind wondered to her friend Maia who had felt sick and threw up in the employee bathroom during her shift. They had called both of them in expecting the club to be packed and it was. She had to admit that Jace Herondale brought in quite the crowd. He was known for being a party boy though so it shouldn't have surprised her. She wanted to drive Maia home but she was still moving up on the extra board and trying to get your foot in the door as a bartender was hard enough. Maia wouldn't let her stating that she would Uber home. The manager reluctantly agreed to let her go and moved the floor chart around. She wasn't going to say no when they asked her to man the VIP bar solo. It got her out of here earlier so there was some silver lining to the situation. She collected her thoughts and began making herself busy. Clary cleaned the countertop and collected the money from the man waving her down at the end of the bar. She could feel the man's eyes caress over her body admiring her outfit. While she was wearing more clothes than the gogo dancers the uniform was anything but modest. She wore black booty shorts with fishnet stockings and black boots. Her top was a black with purple lace mid drift corset inspired top that accented her cleavage and stomach. She couldn't complain really. By Vegas nightclub standards, it was conservative but still provocative. She just wished the man was less obvious about checking her out. He smiled and handed her a $100 bill telling her to keep the change. She smiled brightly and thanked him. He turned and went towards the table of giggling bimbos. Poor guy didn't have a chance, but at least he tipped well.

Clary collected the credit card slip from another patron at the end of the bar. It was the same man who had hit on Clary and Kaelie when she came up. The tab was for extra shots for their small group totaling an extra $200. The man left her a $10 tip and his phone number. Clary rolled her eyes. She would never understand why some men were stupid enough not to know how to tip well. Not that she was going to sleep with him if he had tipped her 200% percent. Still, she was surprised how most people didn't know that 20% was the norm and she hated to think what he would tip someone who he didn't want to take up to his room that night. She rolled her eyes and stapled the signed receipt to the original check before filing it away in the drawer. Clary finished inputting the last transaction into the point of sales system (POS) before she caught movement from the corner of her eye. It was the rock star again. Tonight's VIP host Jace Herondale, America's current heartthrob and party boy. Though she did admit he didn't seem to be doing a lot of partying. Maybe he was having an off night?

Even she had to admit he was gorgeous. Tall, muscular with honey blonde hair and abs that most women would die to touch. Sure, she had seen pictures of him shirtless, who hadn't. That wasn't the thing that caught her attention, though. What made him breathtaking was his golden eyes, she had never seen anything like them her entire life. She was surprised that he didn't have a conquest on his arm. By god he certainly was handsome enough to get any girl he wanted in this club. Not to mention famous and rich. The perfect package for most gold diggers. Money never really mattered much to Clary when it came to dating. She wanted a man who was self-sufficient but she knew that money often meant a career that left little time for a relationship or family. Though for someone like him, she might make an exception. There was something about him that made her go weak at the knees. She looked back at him and the girls who were eyeing him hungrily. Apparently, no one interested him though because he had spent most of the night drinking at the bar alone or on the stage talking the crowd up. He had tried to flirt with her but she didn't fall for that sort of thing, though. This was her job and she wasn't the one-night stand type. Though as she looked at the blonde God sitting down in the seat in front of her she was tempted to be persuaded otherwise. Maia and Kaelie would be packing her an overnight bag with condoms, handcuffs and other things she told them that she was tempted to sleep with someone. They were always pushing her to go out, meet someone, have fun or join some dating website. Kaelie was the one pushing for the fun while Maia respected her wishes and pushed her towards dating. Neither option seemed appealing when most of the guys she encountered were douche bags and were looking for a night of pleasure or a casual hook up.

"I was getting lonely down there and thought I would come keep you company." The rockstar smiled as the man standing behind him, obviously, security turned to survey the area. Damn him for being so tempting. She needed him off her back before her morals went out the window. "If you are so lonely why don't you find yourself a lovely piece of arm candy." She replied sweetly gesturing to the table of girls eyeing him from across the room. "You have plenty to choose from. I see a hot blonde, a brunet, Latina, Asian and that black girl got curves to die for." She suggested. Jace looked over at the table of girls and smiled. They started giggling as he gave them a small wave. BINGO! "So anyone catches your eye? I can send over a drink to anyone that you want?" Clary smiled. This was perfect, she would distract him and potentially score some brownie points with her manager for giving great customer service. He was gorgeous but he was also a rockstar. He would only hurt her, the sooner she got him to leave, the better. She was here to do her job and he was making it very difficult to focus on top of everything else. "Red." She caught the word as she broke out of her daze. She obviously missed what he said completely. It was hard enough to understand what people were saying over the loud music when you were paying attention. Clary looked at him confused trying to make sense of what she missed.

"Red? You want a red-headed slut?" she asked confused. The look on his face was priceless. He looked shocked and almost choked on his water. He had finished his Jameson and sat the empty glass proudly in front of her when he sat down. "You don't come across as a…" he began. It took Clary less than a second to comprehend what he had said. He meant red as in a red-headed girl. "Oh! I was referring to the shot. You know red headed sluts. Peach schnapps, cranberry juice and jaeger." She smiled trying to save the situation. At this, he seemed to relax and smile pleasantly. "That actually sounds good, may I have two, please. One for me and one for my arm candy." He teased sweetly. Clary nodded happily and got to work. Jace watched her intently, analyzing every motion. His gaze sent butterflies in her stomach. Damn him and his attractive grin. She tried to tune him out to the best of her ability. When she was done she put the two shots in front of him and smiled. "So which girl should I get it delivered to?" She asked looking the table of girls who had gone back to looking at their phones.

"No need." He smiled. "I can deliver it myself." Jace Herondale announced. Clary nodded and was about to turn around when she saw him extend his hand. She thought he wanted to shake her hand as a form of thanks so she extended hers. He quickly but gently grabbed her hand and held it. His touch sent electrify running down her spine. Her breath caught as his gaze locked on hers. There was no doubt she was blushing now, curse her fair skin. Clary could feel the eyes of the girls at the table scrutinize her and as well as her manager's, Hodge from across the room. Her cheeks turned redder when he softly kissed her hand and opened up her fingers placing the shot glass onto her palm. "Here you go." He whispered. She looked at him confused before it clicked. 'Red' he had said. He wanted a redhead and there were no redheads at that table. She felt stupid for a moment. There were no redheads on this entire floor but her. It seemed so obvious now. He was trying to pick her up. To make matters worse the DJ starting mixing, T-pain's Bartender over the speakers. The irony was not lost on her or her golden companion. She looked at the drink in her hand and glanced at her manager. Drinking on the job was strictly not allowed but there were certain exceptions. Many of the managers choose to ignore a drink or two if it made the VIP happy. Please say no, she begged. She hadn't eaten all day and she was in no state to drink. Her stomach dropped when Hodge gave her a thumbs up. In Vegas, you worked to keep your VIP guests happy. It would not do well to anger a rockstar. Bad publicity and all. She couldn't hold it against her manager.

Jace grabbed his shot and went to cheers her as he followed her eyes after he saw her manager give her the heads up. "No excuses red." He smirked. At this, she smiled. She wasn't a big drinker but she did have the advantage. She was stone cold sober and he had already had a few. Plus, it was just one shot. She cheered him back. "Bottoms up." She smiled and downed the shot. The golden blonde smiled at her before asking for two more. An hour later she couldn't have been more wrong about one shot not affecting her. Jace seemed determined to make her his drinking partner no matter how much she politely tried to redirect him. She had successfully taken five shots in the last hour. Two were water but the other two were not. Courtesy of Hodge trying to please their guest by joining in on two rounds of shots.

"You are making it very difficult to work," Clary smiled after downing the 6th shot. Her red cheeks stood out against her pale skin. She obviously didn't have the alcohol tolerance that he had. As a matter of fact, given that she drank rarely she probably had the alcohol tolerance of zero, with a full stomach. She finally relented and denied him a sex of the beach opting for water instead. She confused that she hadn't eaten all day and that he was clearly the better drinker. She had thought that would have been the end of it but instead he confused that he had only eaten breakfast that morning. "You should eat more, you're so tiny." He teased. Clary smiled. "You are just full of compliments tonight." She replied. His golden eyes sparkled. "I mean them truthfully if that is what you are implying. We should eat something." The rockstar responded. "It is 1'o'clock in the morning and most places are closed. You should order room service or something." She replied. She had meant to be helpful but the grin on his face told her that he took her words an entirely different way. "Oh I didn't mean-" she stuttered blushing brightly. "I'm staying at Aria." He interrupted. "Is there room service food…good?" he asked smirking raising an eyebrow. Damn she wished she could do that. "I don't know. I've never had it." She squeaked. He smiled seductively. "Would you like to find out?" he whispered.