She quickly woke up, eyes widening in realization. It was the first day of school and she was late. Groaning, the young girl leaped off the bed and headed straight towards the bathroom. She glanced at herself in the mirror. Her bright orange-red hair was wild, strands nearly everywhere. 'Not much to look at', she thought to herself as she brushed her teeth.

A few moments later, the girl ran to her closet and threw on a pair of ripped jeans and a rumpled shirt that once read 'Rock N Roll' but now seemed to lose the letters after the many times it faced in the dryer. Attacking her hair, she managed to 'clean it up' into two braids reaching her shoulders.

"Shoot. Not a good day for sure..." The green eyed girl muttered, grabbing her backpack in frustration. She ran down the stairs ignoring the fresh note on the refigerator and grabbed her already made bagel. The note was probably from her mom, perhaps informing her she was coming late from work.

Her mom worked as an artist and was quite amazing at it too though it took time away from family. Clearing her now off topic thoughts, the girl raced towards the door and hopped onto her old and worn out bike. The paint was peeled off leaving a once red bike white. The school was only a few blocks away from her home, probably the only good thing that came out of moving.

As she rode down the quiet and peaceful streets, she pondered what the school would be like. Hopefully, she would survive. It wasn't her decision to move in the first place. It was her mother's. She claimed they were moving closer to her co-workers and what not. She sulked knowing her best friend wouldn't attend with her. She loved Simon, her friend since childhood. They were practically inseperable.

The girl could not think of a memory that he wasn't apart of but now she was in tenth grade and had to spend the year with strangers. Halting to a stop, she glanced up at the school in front of her. It was massive with many windows and doors. Students were running into the open gates, probably late for class. She wrapped her bike tightly to one of the bicycle poles and ran in. Shadowhunter Academy, here I come.

"Why are you so late young lady?" A rough male voice asked. She turned and inwardly sighed. In trouble on the first day, seems lucky enough huh? "Sorry, I'm new..." She started but was cut off by a short laugh from the man. He was tall with broad shoulders and grey eyes that matched his suit. His expression was playful and her face flushed in embarrassment.

"I'm the principle, Mr. Hansel. It's fine, I was only kidding. You're new here correct? I can help you with that." He advised giving her a kind smile. The bright haired girl grinned softly. 'He's nice', she thought. "We can head to the office. You can get your schedule from there."

The hallway was long and when they finally reached the main office, she was panting slightly harder than before. "This school is huge." She mumbled but heard Mr. Hansel reply with a chuckle. "It is, I agree."

Entering in, a lady appeared, smile on face. "Name please?" The girl was about to ask her how she knew she needed a schedule but replied, "Clary Fray." The lady was probably in her mid thirties with light brown hair and dark eyes. The girl realized there was a tag on her shirt that read: I am Ms. Caldwell! Welcome!

"Here you go dear. There's a map to get to your class since this academy is quite large. Have a great day Clary." Ms. Caldwell replied giving her a quick smile, before handing Clary a few sheets of paper. Clary turned and watched as the principle gave her a small smile. "Have a great day Ms. Fray." He said. She nodded and walked off following the map's directions. Her first class was English and Clary was currently fifteen minutes late.

After a moment, she finally the stairwell that led to her English sighed yet again. It would've been so much easier if I stayed at my old school, Clary thought angrily. The stairs were thick yet dusty and held many footsteps. She yanked open the door and doublechecked her schedule to make sure the room was correct before knocking. People always complained about being a new student because you recieved unwanted attention though Clary didn't quite understand what they meant. Now she would.

The door was open by a female teacher. She must have been in her forties since some of her hair was white. The teacher wore a long white skirt and an even longer buttoned shirt. She looked like a nun. Clary was sure that if Simon was there, he would've been laughing. "You must be Clary Fray, correct?" The orange haired girl nodded. "It's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Mrs. Vergeron. Come on in."

Clary wished she could shrink so no one could see her. She felt immediate gazes on her and told herself to ignore them and not look back. Dropping her bag beside one of the free front desks, Clary shrunk back into her chair trying to avoid the never ending stares. And that's how it went till lunch pretty much. Stares and whispers, what a pain. At one point in mathematics class, Clary had tripped over her own legs, as usual, but somebody had caught her. She remembered him laughing before introducing himself. His name was Jordon. Clary coud easily draw him smiling as he shook his head.

The orange haired girl sniffed the air and it smelled oddly of meatloaf. She scrunched up her nose before adjusting her pack to walk into the cafeteria. Clary moved out of the way as students rushed past her in a hurry. They all walked in groups; the nerds, the punks, the artists, the hipsters, and of course the popular. She was used to people labeling others and didn't feel bothered by it at all.

After a few minutes of waiting for nothing in particular, she stood at the hallway eading to the cafeteria in slight boredom. Who was she going to sit with? Clary shook her head, she could sit where ever she wanted. She suddenly felt a tap on her shoulder and turned. The green eyed girl gasped in surprise, "Simon?"

"The one and only." He replied, grinning. Simon was her bbest friend since forever. He was sarcastic and playful, something Clary adored. She couldn't believe he was here. How? With his brown hair and dark eyes including a curtain of long lashes, Simon did get some ladies. He pushed up his glasses before saying, "This school is beyond huge. I couldn't find any of my classes." She laughed before giving him a tight hug. His eyes widened. "I can't believe you're here Simon! You saved my life." She whispered.

Pulling away, Clary asked seriously. "How? I thou-" He cut her off, wagging his finger at her. "You thought Fray. I practically begged my mom to come here and she finally agreed. You are simply lucky you have me."

Despite his words, she found herself smiling. "You wouldn't believe how awkward it was." Simon nodded but added, "Eric and the guys will probably miss me though." Simon's band never really made much music. Instead, they argued on band names and logos. "We might have even come up with a name you know?"

Clary rolled her eyes before puling him into the large cafeteria. "Oh, yeah?"

"Yup. It's Explosive Diapers. Makes sense right?"

She laughed before nodding. "It sure does."

"Where are the lunch lines?" Clary asked, scanning the area of students.

"Pretty sure they're there Fray. It looks like everybody else got their lunches too." She noticed he was right. Kids were laughing and yelling with eachother, some even running around. "Let's go then." She muttered, walking to the line on the right of them. Clary searched what the choices were and smiled noticing speghetti that didn't look like a bunch of worms.

The lunch lady appeared, a deep frown set on her wrinkled skin. "What would you like?" She asked lazily. Clary heard Simon stifle a laugh beside her. "Speghetti and peas please." About a moment later, the woman slid her tray over in carelessness before asking Simon the same question.

Clary studied the kids as they ate and talked. Fortunately, she found a table beside a window away from the many students and smiled. Simon walked beside her and grinned. "That lunch lady's pretty cool. Maybe she can be my girlfriend." Clary choked suddenly in surprise and made a face at her best friend. He only shrugged and placed their trays on the table.

"She is beautiful. Her voice is simply divine." Simon added watching as the girl stuck her tongue out at him in disgust. "You need help, my dear friend."

Simon laughed before asking, "Remember the time I dressed as a toe for halloween? That just pooped into my mind somehow." Clary giggled in amusement. She recalled that day well. Simon frowned, watching as she laughed. This only caused the bright haired girl to giggle harder, holding her sides as they began to hurt.

"You're in our seats." Said an annoyed female voice across from them. Clary was too busy containing herself but didnlt quite know why she was laughing this hard. She heard Simon stutter and quickly looked up, meeting a golden gaze. Clary's eyes widened at his appearance. He was probably around her age with dark goldish hair and long lashes. Yet, his golden eyes were narrowed and only stared at her with no apparent expression.

Clary turned her head to the girl's voice and could understand why Simon couldn't speak in sentences. The girl was tall with long dark hair and black eyes. Her makeup was done perfectly and she wore a long dress that seemed to make others glance at her as she walked by. The last boy looked alot like her with messy black hair and blue eyes as if he didn't try to look good.

Hmph, Clary thought, they all have good looks.

Clary pulled Simon up. His face was flushedred, mouth slightly open. She rolled her green eyes and watched as the black haired girl glared at her. "Chill will you? We're leaving."

Practically yanking Simon behind her, Clary saw the fair haired boy whisper something to the girl. Talking a calm breath, she plopped herself on a table beside Simon. "How annoying..." She muttered but heard no response. Turning, Clary saw the direction he was staring at and grimaced. Of course he would be looking at her, she was beautiful.

Clearing her thoughts, Clary ate a bit of her speghetti but threw her tray out, suddenly not in the mood to eat anymore. She took a quick glance at Simon and was about to ask if he wanted to go outside with her but doubted it. Clary had heard students say they were gonna eat outside and was delighted at the idea. Tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear, she stood up and walked out of the cafeteria.

Clary was surprised to see that it was sunny outside. The grass looked fresh and was a bright green. She glanced around and saw boys her age playing football on the large field. They were laughing and tackling eachother in enjoyment. Yet one particular guy grabbed her attention. He was pale and tall. His hair was a silvery white that shocked her and his eyes were black, dancing with energy. Suddenly, as if noticing her gaze on him, he turned and after a moment smiled before turning back to his friends.

Clary was too surprised to smile back but sat down beside a tree under the shade. Sighing, she zipped open her backpack and rummaged around for her sketchbook. Finally, after a moment, she found her utensils and began to draw. Clary decided she would draw the silver haired boy since he looked so carefree and full of life.

She knew there was about fifteen minutes till lunch was over but took her time as she drew. It was like she was in her own little world, where nobody could disturb or harm her. "It's quite rude to stalk me, eh?" Clary hastily looked up and met a black gaze. Her cheeks flushed but she managed to reply, "Sorry I-"

But she was cut off by his laugh. "It's alright. I was only kidding." Clary smiled softly and watched as he plopped down beside her as if they were already friends. "Sebastian Verlac." He said, giving her a polite smirk. "Clary Fray."

"Oh, you must be a newbie." Sebastian said as he ripped grass out in handfuls absentmindedly. Clary nodded and he smiled. "You'll like it here, don't worry."

"I don't know..." She muttered, placing her pencils back into her case. Clary felt him pull the sketchbook from her and she immediately tried to grab it from him but he stood up, laughing. "Give it to me, please." She pleaded, yet her lips curved into a small smile.

He shook his head, hair getting into his eyes, before replying, "You're so short Clary." Clary glared at him before jumping up, only touching his forearm. She finally gave up and he brought the book down to study it. "You're really good, you know?" Sebastian replied, as he flipped through the pages.

"Thank you but can I get it back now?" Clary whined as he chuckled but tossed it to her. She caught it and grinned, placing it into her backpack in relief. Sebastian studied her for a moment before smiling. "Till next time Clary." He said watching as she gave him a shy wave in response.

Clary sighed but smiled none the less. Sebastian was nice and seemed really fun. Shaking her head, the red haired girl shouldered her backpack and opened the door to the school. She walked in and searched the many student faces for Simon but couldn't find him. Clary felt something fall to the floor and glanced down, realizing her backpack zipper was slightly open.

She grabbed the case and checked to see if anything else had fallen as she walked down the busy hallway. Abruptly, Clary bumped into somebody and watched as her case fell yet again. She inwardly sighed before gazing up apologetically. Her green eyes widened in surprise. It was the golden eyed boy again. "Daydreaming in the middle of the hallway, quite dangerous huh?" She heard him sayd, a hint of amusement in his voice. Clary stood up and narrowed her eyes. "Sorry about that." She said, walking away from the smirking boy. Two more classes yet Clary already felt tired from all the walking. Double checking her schedule, she grinned at her next class. Finally, something she felt confident in.

Clary hoped to see Simon soon. She felt alone as she sat on an empty table and heard kids in front of her laugh with their friends. She felt a tap on her shoulder and quickly turned around hoping it was her four eyed best friend. Her eyes widened as she realized who it was. Sebastian. He grinned at her and placed a hand on his heart in mock hurt. "Seems like you expected someone else." Clary blushed before replying.

"No, I was just looking for someone." He nodded and sat beside her. The bright haired girl noticed many surprised gazes on her and Sebastian. The black eyed boy simply ignored them and continued to talk to her. "So how's your first day going?" He asked and she noticed how dark his eyes really were. They were obsidian, black as night.

"Um, okay I guess." Clary answered, feeling pretty awkward at their conversation. Before Sebastian could answer, they heard a few claps from the front of the classroom. A small, petite woman stood beside the white board. She had a frown set on her face, blue eyes with no expression. Clary guessed the woman would be in her early thirties. "Silence now." Her voice was stern yet calm and the students immediately halted their talking.

"My name is Mrs. Waters and I'm your art teacher. I hope we'll have a great year today." She began to announce the rules one after another and Clary grew bored of listening. She heard a choked laugh beside her and turned to notice Sebastian grinning in amusement. She knit her eyebrows in confusion before realizing he was holding a straw and a few small crumbled up pieces of paper.

Clary looked at the rest of the class and noticed that they were smiling or laughing. Sebastian turned his gaze on her. "Dare me to hit Mrs. Waters?" He asked in a hushed voice. Her eyes quickly widened and she quickly shook her head. Yet, she didn't stop him either. Sebastian mouthed 'watch' to her and Clary braced herself.

Suddenly, Mrs. Waters' yell caused the class to erupt in laughter. Clary stifled a giggle. He had hit her neck. She felt guilty as the teacher held a look of disgust on her face. "Who did that?" She asked, eyes blazing in anger. The class was dead silent and Clary wished she wasn't still laughing. Mrs. Waters' face quickly snapped onto hers. "You did it, didn't you? I shall have you sent to the principle's office."

The freckle faced girl flushed but heard Sebastian pipe up. "It wasn't her. It was-" His voice was cut off by the teachers'.

"Be quiet Verlac." Sebastian stood up and continued to protest. "It wasn't her!" Clary simply watched, hoping the teacher would believe him but she didn't. "Both of you, go to the principle's office right now."

Taking a deep breath, Clary stood up and grabbed her backpack in embarrassment. She heard Sebastian mutter a few colorful profanities under his breath.

She walked out of the room clearly enraged and heard hurried footsteps after her. "I'm sorry Clary. The principle won't do anything to you." Clary continued to walk forward oblivious to his excuses. She felt him pull her arm and turned to face him. His black eyes were tinted with guilt and Clary was surprised. He barely knew her.

"I told you I'm sorry. I'll tell Mr. Hansel-" She broke him off with a smile.

"It's fine, I'm not mad." Clary said, shaking her head at his confused expression. She could now slowly point out his personality. He was playful and clearly on the rebel side yet Sebastian was still caring. Maybe that was why the students adored him. Not just becasue of his looks but for his inner self.

"You aren't?" He asked, hesitently. She nodded giving him the tiniest of grins. Clary heard him let out a breath before he walked beside her. Sebastian nudged her with his shoulder. "You did think it was funny." He replied, wiggling his eyebrows. She felt a twinge of jealousy at his action. Clary didn't respond and she heard him chuckle. "I knew it, shortcake."

Her eyes widened and she turned to look at him. "Shortcake?" Clary took a moment to study Sebastian. His silvery white hair was messy acrross his forehead as if he hadn't bothered to brush it. A red scarf was tied loosely around his neck and he wore a black striped sweater. Sebastian wasn't exactly muscular but he was tall and lean. Her head would merely touch his chest.

"Shortcake since you're short." He said watching as her eyes narrowed. They finally reached the office where the principle stood. As if sensing their presence, Mr. Hansel turned and smiled at the both of them in greeting. He started towards them and asked in slight confusion. "Anything I can help you with Verlac? You wouldn't get in trouble on the first day of school, would you?"

Sebastian brought his hand up and rubbed the back of his neck while Clary turned, trying to hide the smile on her face. "Well you see..-" Mr. Hansel sighed as if he was used to Sebastian's antics.

"Mind I ask why Fray is with you?" He asked, a hint of playfulness in his voice. Clary could tell Sebastian usually got into trouble many times. "Mrs. Waters blamed her for what I did." He answered, watching the man's expression.

Instead Mr. Hansel sighed and glanced down at the trouble maker. "Only this time, you're off the hook. And this is only because of Fray. Got it, Sebastian?" The boy's eyes widened as his lips broke into a wide grin. "Sir, yes sir!" He said with a mock solute.

The obsidian eyed boy grabbed the emerald eyed girl's hand and pulled her out of the office. Clary's cheeks brightened at the contact but didn't stop him. Almost instantly, they collided into something hard, at least that's what it felt like to Clary.

"You have an awful habit of bumping into me shortie."

Review if you like. The more, the better. Love you guys!