Hello! This will be a very short fic, about three to four chapters and, I'm warning you know, caould become incredibly cheesy! I'm sorry if it does, but I was in a mood when I wrote this (consequently right after watching 10 Things I hate About You) and came up with it. Hope you enjoy :)
Disclaimer: I do not own the Mortal Instruments Series.
She was so beautiful. From the glossy hair that cascaded down her back in raven black waves to the smooth, tanned curves of her legs, she was perfection.
Yes, she was Isabelle Lightwood. Best friend of five years. And completely oblivious to the intense feelings of affection that I, Jace Wayland, harboured.
Not that I could blame her of course. I was exceptionally good at hiding my feelings, and save for the occasional slip of control had never laid hint to my feelings for her.
Why? Honestly, I'd rather not say.
A voice nearby snapped me to attention and I realised I had been staring at her blankly. Isabelle smirked at me and punched my shoulder.
'You've really got to stop doing that, Wayland,' she said.
I smirked lazily at her, ignoring the spike of adrenalin the sound of her voice always caused.
'What can I say? It's like whenever I hear your voice, my brain immediately shuts off.'
Izzy narrowed her eyes at me, looking mischievous.
'You want a reason to go to your happy place, Jace? I'll give you a reason to go to your happy place.'
My smirk only widened and I raised my brows.
'Oh, I am so afraid,' I said mockingly.
'You should be,' Izzy agreed, flipping her hair over her shoulder and, grabbing my car keys from my unsuspecting hands, danced nimbly out of reach.
We were in the high school's parking lot. It was nearly deserted, with only two or three cars remaining.
I lurched after her but it was too late, Izzy had already opened the driver's door and leapt inside of the car. My car. The car that I had remade from the hunk of junk my dad had brought in one day. It was an old 1966 Mustang that I had brought back to life.
That car was a thing of beauty. It was my thing of beauty.
And now Isabelle goddamn Lightwood was going to drive it.
I ran to the car door and threw it open, ready to drag her out if need be, only to find she had already belted herself in.
'No,' I said, holding the door wide open.
Isabelle grinned at me and placed her hands firmly on the wheel.
'Yes,' she replied. I knelt on the bitumen beside her, arm braced on the door.
'Isabelle,' I said lowly, 'this car is like my child. If you hurt it, I will, without a second thought, kill you. And that will not make either of us happy. Well,' I added as an after thought, 'It actually probably would make me feel very happy, but I'm not sure you would be all together pleased.'
Izzy rolled her eyes and jerked her head in the direction of the passenger seat.
'Get in the car Jace, or I'll make you walk home.'
'It's my car!' I exclaimed standing up again. 'No way are you driving it!'
'Want to bet?' She grinned wickedly and stuck the keys in the ignition. My car rumbled to life and then she was reversing out if the parking space, pulling the door shut as she went.
'Get in the car, Jace!' She shouted from the window, still with that wicked grin. I had to admit, having her trying to drive away in my car was kind of hot.
I sighed quietly to myself and began to make my way grudgingly to the passenger's side when something small and compact smacked into the back of my head.
I spun around, scowling, to meet a pair of the greenest eyes I had ever seen. The eyes belonged to a familiar looking girl. She was short, with fair skin and brilliantly red hair that flew around her head in rebellious curls, refusing to be tamed by the half-hearted bun.
Right now, the girl was just a few feet from me, her hands covering her mouth. Her name danced at the edge of my memory, slipping just out of reach.
'Oh my gosh, I'm sorry. Are you ok?' I didn't get a chance to answer before she yelled over her shoulder to a boy with dorky looking glasses and a crappy band shirt. 'Simon, you idiot, what'd you do that for?'
She turned back to me, apology written across her features. I shrugged slightly and gave her my signature smirk that sent girls falling at my feet.
To my surprise, Clary didn't even react. Barely a blush graced her cheeks as she stared at me, then bent down, picking up the object that had whacked me in the head. Peering closer, I realized it was a wallet.
'It's all right. You're just lucky it didn't hit me in the face. You'd have a mob of angry girls chasing you if you messed up something this pretty.' I gestured at my face. The redhead narrowed her eyes at me, seemingly unimpressed. God, what was her name?
'Well, good to see the wallet didn't damage your ego any.'
I shrugged. 'When you're this amazing, a large ego is just part of the deal.'
The girl shook her head in disbelief. When I looked at her, all I saw was irritation. It was...intriguing. The only other girl that ever looked at me like that was Isabelle.
Just then, Izzy's voice sounded from the car behind us.
'Jace Wayland, stop arsing off to that poor girl and get in the goddamn car!'
The "poor girl" in question glanced behind me at Isabelle, smirked, then turned from me without another word, walking over to where the nerdy boy waited by a van that resembled a rotting banana.
I turned away, jogging to where Isabelle still waited. When I got in, she smirked knowingly.
'Got your happy place ready Jace?' She asked innocently before tearing out of the parking lot, the car fishtailing as she accelerated.
Yeah, she was right. I really did need that happy place right now.
'So,' Isabelle began casually, breaking into my happy place. I sat tense in my seat, one hand gripping the dashboard, the other gripping my seat belt.
'So?' I repeated, my hands tightening their grip as she sped through a yellow light.
'I swear to god if you get me a speeding ticket, Lightwood, I won't hesitate to replace every piece of your wardrobe with T-shirts and jeans,' I growled threateningly. Isabelle only laughed, but she did slow down a little.
'So,' Isabelle continued as if nothing had happened, 'The girl you were terrorizing before -'
'Me? She was the one who threw her wallet at me.'
'No, it was her friend. Simon, I believe. He's kind of cute...' she faded off as a thoughtful look rearranged her features. I felt the familiar tug in my chest. If there was one thing that never got better, it was having to watch her flit from boyfriend to boyfriend.
I covered my discomfort easily.
'Going after the nerd-boy, Iz?' I mocked her as we neared her house. An old church that her mother, Maryse had renovated. 'I didn't think they were your style.'
Isabelle flashed me a look, and ignoring my shout of "eyes on the road" said,
'He's nice. In my science class.'
I assumed a knowing look and patted her shoulder patronizingly.
'I see,' I said, 'Need someone to do your homework for you, Iz?'
'Shut up,' she yelled, letting go of the wheel with one hand to punch me blindly in the shoulder. I laughed. We both knew it wasn't true. Isabelle was highly intelligent.
'He looked like a rat,' I teased. 'Rat-boy. Fitting, I think.'
Isabelle smirked then, airtight flashing through her eyes.
'Jealous, Lightwood?' she asked mockingly but I was silent.
Yes, I wanted scream. I'm so jealous I could tear apart every guy that so much as looked at you!
'Listen, Izzy,' I began and then broke off as a thought emerged from my sentimental feelings. 'Who was that girl who threw the wallet at me?' I asked instead. Isabelle snorted.
'I knew it couldn't be too long before you're split with Kaelue got you hungry for more,' she teased, pulling up into her drive way. She killed the engine and turned to me.
'Getting lonely Jace?'
I rolled my eyes.
'Answer the question, Isabelle.'
She smirked. 'I'm surprised you didn't know her already. She's in your English class. Her name's Clarissa. Goes by Clary though.'
Clary. That was it. I did know her. I had noticed her sitting up the front of the class in the corner, she was quiet, always hanging with Rat-Boy.
Isabelle grinned at me and hopped from the car.
'Thanks for letting me drive, Wayland,' she called as she made her way back up to her house. I watched her go, a plan forming in my mind as she went.
Jealous. Isabelle didn't know how I felt about her but maybe, just maybe, I could make her jealous.
And Clarissa-goes-by-Clary was exactly the way to go about it.
My run in with the notorious Jace Wayland had left me in a bad mood. Simon grinned at my stormy expression as I stomped up to him, jumping into the passenger side of his rotting banana van, wincing as a stray spring that poked through the upholstery stabbed me in the butt. I wish I could complain but Simon's crappy van was a car. Something that I did not have, and therefore had to bum rides off of him in order to avoid the bus. Not because I'm a snob or anything, but because those things, or rather the people inside, were bloody terrifying.
Simon chuckled lowly and hopped into the driver's seat.
I immediately got into rant mode.
'That guy thinks he is freaking god's gift to women! How could somebody have a head that big and still succeed in getting through the school doors in the morning? The guy is infuriating.'
Simon laugh again, pulling out of the parking lot just as Jace's, admittedly, very nice Mustang fishtailed out of there.
'I know, I know. But he's got the entire female population eating from the palm of his hand. Some dudes too,' Simon added as an afterthought.
'Not the entire female population,' I corrected, gazing at my best friend of five years as he drove. Consequently the boy I had been in love with for about four years and 364 days. 'I wouldn't go out with him if he paid me.'
I know I should be working on my other fics but my laptop has cacked itself and so I have to wait until it is fixed to get all the documents and stuff off of it. I will (hopefully) update on my other stroies for now but, until then, bear with me :)
Review? Please?
Blue :)