First Kaider guys, be nice and give me single words as prompts.


Ignoring her protests as he took off her gloves and boots, he turned her around to face the mirror and, while she stared at the sleeveless dress with a slit along the thigh, exposing her cyborg parts for all to see, whispered in her ear, "You're beautiful."


It was strange, to say the least, when Cinder's daughter found the corpse of her father wrapped around that of her mother, both having departed together on the night of their 60th wedding anniversary.


When Cinder had said, "We need to talk," Kai had expected many things; but the white device which smelled of urine and had a little '+' sign hadn't been one of them.

Cyborg Problems

Kai cursed Cinder's cyborgnetic inability to cry when the tears in her eyes, or the lack thereof, told him noting of what she was thinking; he was feeling like an idiot kneeling on one knee with a ring held out to a girl who just stood there with her jaw hanging.


He wouldn't, couldn't, believe that it had actually happened, she had already escaped one fire, another shouldn't be a problem; but all that remained of her were the charred, partially melted, titanium plated limbs: an arm and a leg.


She was bold, brave and much more humane than any of them would ever be; yet they spat on her because she was nearly 37% metal, 37% different.


She was in a silver dress and grease stained gloves and they were dancing in the middle of the ballroom with all eyes on them when he leaned down and said, "Can you believe that it's been 40 years already?"

Be nice and tell me what you think. Remember to drop a prompt while you're at it!