Author has written 21 stories for Harry Potter, X-Men: The Movie, StarTrek: The Original Series, House, M.D., National Treasure, NCIS, Star Trek: 2009, Transformers/Beast Wars, and StarTrek: Deep Space Nine. Quotes: "In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first invent the universe." - Carl Sagan, Astronomer “The shortest distance between two points is science.” – Gil Grissom, CSI: “It’s not that I don’t like change, it’s just that I don’t like to be there when it happens.” – Adrian Monk, Monk Hi guys and gals! I'm Sarah. I'm a nerd, plain and simple. I love Doctor Who, Torchwood, Sherlock, Star Trek, Psych, White Collar, The Big Bang Theory, and many other things. I Ship: Tv Shows: Nine/Rose (Doctor Who) Ten/Rose (Doctor Who) Nine/Rose/Jack (Doctor Who) Ten/Rose/Jack (Doctor Who) Eleven/River (Doctor Who) Doctor/Rory (Doctor Who) Jack/Ianto (Torchwood) Sherlock/John (Sherlock) Mycroft/Lestrade (Sherlock) Neal/Peter (White Collar) Neal/Peter/El (White Collar) Shawn/Lassiter (Psych) Shawn/Juliet (Psych) House/Wilson (House) Spock/McCoy (Star Trek: TOS) Kirk/McCoy (Star Trek: TOS/Star Trek XI) McCoy/OC (Star Trek: TOS) Riker/Troi (Star Trek: TNG) Dax/Bashir (Star Trek: DS9) O'Brien/Bashier (Star Trek: DS9) Prowl/Jazz (Transformers: G1) Ratchet/Wheeljack (Transformers: G1) Ratchet/Twins (Transformers: G1) Hound/Mirage (Transformers: G1) Dean/Cas (Supernatural) Books: Harry/Ginny (Harry Potter) Lily/James (Harry Potter) Ron/Hermione (Harry Potter) Remus/Tonks (Harry Potter) Movies: Ben/Riley (National Treasure) Riley/OC (National Treasure) Buttercup/Westley (Princess Bride) Rogue/Logan (X-Men) Rogue/Scott (X-Men) Robert/Giselle (Enchanted) Edward/Nancy (Enchanted) Bumblebee/Sam (Transformers) Feel free to add me as a friend or drop me an email - I'm a very friendly person. I'll try and update my stories as much as possible, but college takes precendence. Also, if you read my stories, please leave a review. I thrive on them - they're like food to a starving person. No flames, but constructive criticism is okay. Happy Reading! |