Reviews for Her Everything
Guest chapter 5 . 6/24
OMG great writing but I’m literally cringing for the characters
GatorGoChompChomp chapter 10 . 6/3
More chapters!? Please!? Pleassseeeeeeeeee.
janzen222 chapter 10 . 5/31
finally, I've found a tangled story that belongs on my follow list! I'm going to be doing a lot of searching for more but you are the first for tangled. Now what this means is you have an excellent story that I will be eagerly waiting for the next chapter because by God it's amazing!
CoolColorOfPink chapter 10 . 5/26
Loving this story. Can’t wait for more
Guest chapter 10 . 3/8
I know it has been about 7 maybe 8 years since you wrote this but... please end the story it’s really good and I need to know the end please️
Aiedail En Galad chapter 10 . 3/3
I love your ability to portray Rapunzel as very intelligent, and yet at the same time are able to show her struggles with what she doesn’t know. One of the best docs I’ve read. I really hope you haven’t given up on this story, because you are an amazing writer and whatever you come out with will be loved.
Amber chapter 10 . 12/5/2019
This fic is SO well written, you're truly talented.
Karen 28 chapter 10 . 11/24/2019
Your story is going great, all of the characters are pretty acurate to the original story and you managed to keep the story interesting without me king it look like it is one problem afther another and building the context of the kingdom's situation whit realistic problemas and the "always reliable" problem of succession to the throne, that you have been aproaching smoothly, is now clearly on the table, you have good material to work with so please finish the story, right now you could take some ideas from the "tangled" serie if necesary but please give us New chapter if you can, you are pretty good at this.
NekosOnlyFiction chapter 10 . 11/20/2019
Is this the end? It looks like it's been a while since you added to this story, and I just want to say it's been some of the most fun I've had reading a fic in years. Please write more!
Dana chapter 10 . 10/17/2019
Hello it's me, I left a comment on Freudian. This is the first story of yours I read and i do so want you to update it but... I want you to update Freudian more. So I'm sorry if you hate requests like this, but please, please, please, keep updating Freudian? I couldn't bear it if you discontinued it. It's been my favorite fan fiction EVER.
urra94 chapter 10 . 9/29/2019
wheres the next chapter
Caver Floyd chapter 10 . 8/1/2019
Good story.

Flynn should have killed the Stabbingtons in their cell when he met with them. They were obviously getting information from outside help. Outside help is one of the most important things to have when orchestrating a prison break. Flynn could have explained what they said to the king to justify the cold blood murder.
RedWingedAngel002 chapter 10 . 4/1/2019
I remember reading this story a number of years back, and have fell hard back into the Tangled fandom, thanks to the series. I have really enjoyed your writing style and relationship made between Eugene and Rapunzel, and all the other characters and histories of that world. I do hope you are able to update this story sometime. I look forward to checking out your others as well!
Kate chapter 10 . 1/29/2019
I was rewatching Tangled last night and remembered reading this incredible story some years ago, so I found it and just finished reading it again.
Eugene and Rapunzel are so in character and you address their issues really well. Not to mention the way you write has a way of flowing naturally. Just a really lovely fic all around.
I'm so sad it's been abandoned, I know it's difficult to get back into writing something after a long time but if you ever do I'm sure there will be a lot of very happy readers (including me). I hope you're okay since I noticed you haven't updated anything in quite a few years :)
Lives for Fantasy chapter 10 . 1/6/2019
I love this story, and I am so sad to have discovered it when it’s been silent for 6 years! Oh well, if you ever happen to update this, I’ll be excited to get the email. thanks for the read!
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