How to Speak Ratchet

Congratulations on purchasing Cybertron's newest and most popular data file! We are so glad that you've decided to show an interest in learning the fine art of communicating, CMO style. Challenge that eager processor of yours with this unique combination of Cybertronian wit and Earthling snark. Whether impressing the femmes at the local oil bar or putting pesky Lamborghinis in their place, we can guarantee that the skills you learn in this file will have you large and in charge leaving other bots shivering in their armor plating. Why, in no time you might even find yourself matched with your very own self combusting engineer companion! So without further delay, we invite you to start your journey with Chapter One. Enjoy and good luck!

Normal boring "politically correct" version.

Ratchet translation.

I think you could use more training.

You don't know what the frag you're doing, do you?!

That femme is an aggressive go-getter.

She's a fraggin' bitch!

Perhaps I can work late.

And when the frag do you expect me to do this?!

I'm certain that isn't feasible.

No. Fraggin'. Way.


You've got to be shitting me!

Perhaps you should check with…

Tell someone who gives a shit.

That's interesting.

What the frag?

I'm not sure this can be implemented.

This slag won't work!

I'll try to schedule that.

Why the frag didn't you tell me sooner you dumbaft?!

He's not familiar with the issues…

He's got his helm up his aft.

Excuse me, sir?

Eat slag and die.

So you weren't happy with it?

Kiss my aft!

I'm a bit overloaded at the moment.

Well frag. First Aid! Handle this!

I don't think you understand.

Shove it up your tailpipe.

I love a challenge.

Primus hates me.

You want me to take care of that?

Who the frag died and made you Prime?

He's somewhat insensitive.

What a prick; I like him already.