Reviews for How to Speak Ratchet
Rumbling Frenzy chapter 1 . 5/16/2015
The last one! XD This has cracked me up!
TriplechangerSpeedster1 chapter 3 . 5/4/2015
Child of Jon Snow chapter 3 . 10/19/2014
my smile is hurting me fanfiction should not be able to hurt readers so i'm getting the frag outa here.
Love it what the frag i like the course not as a lover thought you have tout (is that spelt right) me well
Fangthehedgewolf chapter 3 . 8/19/2013
Heh, funny.
electro moonlight chapter 3 . 5/19/2013
hahahaha win
electro moonlight chapter 2 . 5/19/2013
poor ratchet
PrincesLeahPrime chapter 3 . 4/8/2013
My initial reaction: XDDDDDDDDDDDDD
After reading it twice: I wonder if I would pass and become a CMO...
After watching some transformers and reading this a third time: OMP nvm I'll become a scout or something. Ratchet can stick to being Ratchet and I'll just have to put up with it...

zrexheartz chapter 3 . 2/18/2013
Dudette I seriously love your writing! Lol
beiber4evaaahhhh chapter 3 . 1/20/2013
Too fuckin funny!
DuskWolfAtDawn chapter 3 . 12/15/2012
DuskWolfAtDawn chapter 2 . 12/15/2012
I'm really wondering right now where you get these ideas. And yes, I LOOOOVVEE But I still have one remaining, lingering question; what verse is this in?
DuskWolfAtDawn chapter 1 . 12/15/2012
XDDDDD QUITE accurate, if they let him curse in the show. Just about snorted orange juice through my nose, LOL
Kkqt7 chapter 1 . 2/8/2012
LOL love it with a passionate passion!
Darkeyes17 chapter 2 . 10/12/2011
Oh my god lol!
vanillathunder215 chapter 3 . 10/9/2011
oh god oh god...I was laughing so hard my neighbors actually knocked on my door to make sure I was ok. pure Ratchet epic. Just awesome. *goes back to laughing enough to make neighbors nervous again*
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