Sorry if this resembles anyone else's work. There's not too much to play with here.
All reviews are appreciated so, let's hope I get at least one!
I do not know/own anyone associated with National Treasure.
This story is complete and utter bullcrap :)
Meaning it didn't happen.
Thank You.
Luvz from the Crypt!
Hello... Bill?
"Thanks for coming down Sam." Abigail said, handing over the envelope of money to me. I took it with a smile. We were in her office at the National Archives building in D.C. It was quite roomy without being too big. Her desk took most of the space up. Copies of historical documents and artifacts were what she called decoration. Once upon a time I would have been psyched to be amongst such things, but those times had passed. I was sixteen now, and much too grown up for that.
"It's no problem. I like coming here, really. Reminds me of the old days." I said, looking around. I was Abigail's babysitter. Well, the babysitter of Abigail's sister's kids. At the moment, Abigail was taking care of them since her sister was unable to. Rebbecca Chase was momentarily in the slammer for multiple DUIs and resisting arrest. Or, at least that's all the offenses that I was aware of. Over the time that I had been watching the kids, Abigail and I had become what you could call girlfriends. She was like a older version of me but much more snobby. And I truly hated to say that about Abi, I love her to death. She was like, the bigger sister that I had never had.
As I was looking over the dozens of artifacts in her office, I caught sight of myself in the reflection. My red hair was pulled up loosely in a hair clip but still managed to look alright. My outfit could have been better picked. Today, I had on tight fading blue jeans and a white wife beater. Now that I thought about it, I should have rethought the black bra. My cheeks flushed slightly as I noticed how well you could see it. I moved a little to the side, checking it out. I did like how it shaped me though.. And on a better note, my make up looked pretty good. Try that for being in a rush!
"You can barely notice it." Abigail said, sitting back in her chair. I looked away from my reflection at her. My cheeks flushed a bit more from being caught checking my chest out. She laughed, shaking her head. "It's okay. I do it all the time." Just then, her secretary came in. I moved away from the cabinet and sat against the couch in the back corner of her office.
"Ms. Chase?" She said, halfway in the door. Abigail leaned forward on her desk.
"Call me Abigail?" She said for the millionth time.
"Abigail.." her secretary said shyly. Her eyes drifted to the waiting room behind her.
"Yes?" Abigail said with a sweet smile.
"There's a Mr. Brown here to speak with you. He says it's important." She looked back out in the waiting room before waiting for Abigail's reply. I looked at Abi. She seemed to be racking her brain for a Mr. Brown. She "hmm'd" before shaking her head.
"I don't know a Mr. Brown... but send him in," Abigail said. The phone to her left rang. "In like two minutes." The secretary nodded and disappeared. Abigail picked up the phone and started chattering away about business. I zoned out on her conversation and looked at an invite to the Gala. Two minutes ticked by as I sat on the couch, one leg over the other. My foot tapped the air in a waiting beat. The door opened and I could hear the secretary telling someone, Mr. Brown I assumed, that Dr. Chase could see him now. He thanked her in a deep muffled voice before I could hear him get up. Someone else got up too. I put the invite back on the table and looked at the doors.
A tall man with a residing hair line walked through the doors. He looked laid back in his white shirt and navy blue suit jacket. I think it was navy blue at least. It could have been black. Another man walked in with him. He was shorter and dressed in a greyish suit. A blue and grey spiraled tie was wrapped around his neck. They looked pretty professional except for the smaller man's tennish shoes. "Huh, being kept down by the man," I heard him say. He looked at Abigail and his mouth kind of dropped, "a very cute man." I snickered. He turned to look at me. It was my turn to drop my jaw. He was kind of cute. His eyes were a bluer grey. I shut my mouth and looked at Abigail who had gotten off the phone. I could feel my cheeks burn. He smiled and looked away.
"Good afternoon gentlemen." She said, walking toward them.
"Hi." The shorter guy said. She held out her hand to the taller man. He seemed to be the leader of the two.
"Abigail Chase." She introduced herself. He took her hand, "Paul Brown." They shook and then she turned to the shorter of the two.
"Nice to meet you..." He hesitated, his hand halfway to hers.
"Bill." He finally said and took her hand. Funny, he didn't look like a Bill to me. And usually, I'm good with names like that.
"Nice to meet you Bill. This is a friend of mine, Samantha." She said, motioning to me. I froze in the spotlight. Paul leaned over to shake my hand. I took his and said, "Sam." The so-called Bill also shook my hand, a bit of a smirk on his lips. I squinted my eyes at him. Why had he hesitated when telling Abi his name? It could have been because he was taken aback because he was cute but... Hell, maybe I was just too suspicious for my own good.
"Nice to meet you." They both said before turning back to Abigail. She was smoothing down her dress suit.
"How may I help you?" She asked with a polite smile. I settled back into the couch to watch.
"Your accent." Paul pointed out with a gleam in his eye. "Pennsylvania Dutch?" He pointed at her like he was pointing at her accent itself. She leaned forward with a flirty aura.
"Saxony German." She corrected him. "Ohh," he said before something caught his eye and moved toward it.
"You're not an American?" Bill asked, confused. Abigail moved toward her desk.
"Oh, I am an American. I just wasn't born here." Paul caught her gaze as he fiddled with her collection of George Washington's Campaign buttons. I held my breath waiting for her to explode. She was really protective of that. Once when I was in here, a man had taken a coin off and she nearly tore his head off. "Please don't touch that!" She said tensed. My eyes flashed from one to the other. Paul cringed back.
"Sorry. Neat collection. George Washinton's campaign buttons." A look flashed behind Abigail's eyes when Paul knew what exactly they were. "You're missing the 1789 inaugural, though." He pointed out. Abigail nodded her head, anxiously waiting for him to move away from her precious buttons. "I found one once." He said, looking over the collection again. Abigail leaned against her desk.
"That's very fortunate of you." A tinge of jealousy was hidden under her tone. I wasn't sure if the men noticed it but I did. I guess I was able to hear it since I spent a lot of time around her. "Now, you told my assistant this was an urgent matter?" She said, antsy to sit down. Bill walked farther into the room and sat down in one of the chairs in front of Abigail's desk. He looked over his shoulder like he was looking around the room. Once he saw I was looking at him, an eyebrow raised, he flashed his gaze somewhere else, shifting in his seat. These guys were up to something... I smiled to myself.
"Ah, yes ma'am." Paul took the seat next to Bill. "Well, I'm going to get straight to the point," he sighed. Abigail sat and waited for the story to begin. "Some one is going to steal the Declaration of Independence." He said in one tired breath. Her mouth fell open slightly. She closed it and looked to Bill for some sign that what Paul had said was a joke. I looked from one from to the other. Abigail's eye caught mine and we shared a look of, "what?"
"It's true." Bill nodded his head.
"I think I better put you gentlemen in touch with the FBI." Abigail made a move for the phone.
"We've been to the FBI." Paul said in the middle of her sentence.
"And?" Abi asked.
"They assured us that the Declaration cannot be possibly stolen." Bill mocked an FBI agent. I listened intently to what was being said.
"They're right." Abigail tried not to laugh. I didn't blame her. This was hilarious. I had seen the type of security around that damn piece of paper before. There was no way someone could steal it.
"My friend and I are less certain. However, if we were given the privilege of examining the document..." Abigail cocked her head to this. "We would be able to tell you for certain if it were actually in any danger." He spoke with his hands alot, I noticed. Abigail sat back in her chair. I could tell when this was over, her and I were going to have a good laugh.
"What do you think you're going to find?" She asked. I gave her mucho brownie points for being able to keep that smirk from going to a full blown laugh.
"We believe, that there's an..." He hesitated. These guys hesitated alot. Bill shifted uneasily. "...encryption on the back."
"An ecryption, like a code?" I hoped the guys knew they weren't going to get very far with Abigail. She so didn't believe them at all and they had only just started their story. I, however, leaned forward on the couch to hear better.
"Yes ma'am." Paul nodded.
"Of what?" Abigail wanted to know. Paul gave a nervous twitch of his head.
"Of .. a cartograph."
"A map?" Abigail and I said at the same time. Bill and Paul looked back at me before Paul looked forward again. "Yes ma'am." He said. Bill shook his head at me, a small smile on his face before he too turned foreward again. "A map of what?" Abigail pushed for more information.
"The location of..." Paul cleared his throat. "Of hidden items of historic and intrinsic value."
"A treasure map?" Abigail said. If anything else hadn't made her not believe them, this did. Bill sighed.
"And that's where we lost the FBI."