Author has written 60 stories for StarTrek: The Original Series, Stargate: SG-1, Starsky and Hutch, Andromeda, Supernatural, Stargate: Atlantis, Tsubasa Chronicle, Tactics, and Legend of the Legendary Heroes/伝説の勇者の伝説. xxxxx After ffn's numerous reformatting exercises on existing stories, I see that the formatting of some of my older fics is somewhat messed up. I'm probably never going to correct them on this site. So if you'd like to see where the chapter breaks are in some of those old stories, please visit my personal website or my AO3 page. Everything I've got here is also available on at least one of those sites, with the added advantage that the formatting and content are correct and unlikely to be messed with by anyone else. Also, there are stories on my personal web site that I've never posted anywhere but private email lists. Thanks. Personal web page: home (dot) comcast (dot) net (slash) (tilde) tiffanypark AO3 page: archiveofourown (dot) org (slash) users (slash) Tiffany_Park or archiveofourown (dot) org (slash) users (slash) Tiffany_Park (slash) pseuds (slash) Tiffany_Park Be sure to remove spaces and translate the dots, slashes, and tilde to punctuation in order to generate regular web page URLs. I really wish the editor didn't eat tilde's and URLs. xxxxx If I could block that cursed Fan History Wiki bot, I would. xxxxx Be warned, I never met a cliche I didn't like. |