This was a request that I decided to poste. The first few chapters are already done and I'll continue it if people like it~

I do not own Tsubasa


"Ow ow owww." Fai whined as he held a warm cloth to his eye. It was infected, not that he was ready to admit that.

The blonde was more than a little pissed off at Kurogane still and wasn't going to ask him for help, it was his fault that he was still alive to feel this right now anyways. What had started out as a bit of tenderness three days ago was now a swollen, festering mess.

It was kind of embarrassing…

The ninja had yet to see Fai without his eye patch since he had lost his eye… it was embarrassing. He didn't want anyone to see it, even if it felt like that side of his face had its own heartbeat.

Cleaning it as best he could, Fai bandaged his eye with clean wrappings. He washed the black cloth Clone Syaron had given him in hot water and anti-bacterial soap and hung it up to dry before heading into his room.

Instead of bunking with Kurogane and letting the kids share the other room, Fai and Sakura had started to stay together. It let the mage keep an eye on the princess and stay away from the ninja.

She wasn't in there, she was out at her job, everyone was… it was the middle of the afternoon.

Kurogane made Fai stay home because he still hadn't figured out the depth perception issue, he didn't want him 'hurting himself' by slamming into things or getting ran over by a car. The blonde wasn't helpless… but he had smashed in to things and dropped half of their dishes on the floor.

All he really had to do was cook, clean, and sit around. This world, like all the others, had books. Fai couldn't read any of them though. All he could really do was sit in the windowsill since everything was spotless, and dinner was slow cooking on the stove.

A few hours passes and all Fai did was watch the empty street below and trace raindrops as they slid down the very cold window until the door opened and Kurogane stepped in with Mokono on his shoulder.

"Fai!" the little white creature bonded across the room to crawl into the mages lap and snuggle his stomach. "Are you alright?"

"Of course I am silly little mokona." He smile. Since he had become a vampire he hadn't been pretending like he used to, but it was still enough to placate the little white ball of fluff.

Kurogane didn't say anything as he shluffed out of his warm coat and toed off his boots. He hadn't even tried to talk to the blonde in two days.

"How come your eye is bandaged then?"

"Well, I washed my eye patch because it smelled funny. Nothing to worry about." Fai got up from the window sill and carried mokono with him into the kitchen. "Want to help me taste and see if dinner needs sault?"


The mage carefully pulled out the baking dish from the oven. When Sakura had brought home elk from the market, Fai had gotten more than a little excited. Tonight he had prepared a delicacy from his home world.

He had been slow roasting the meat for nearly 12 hours, after it had marinated for six. Fai made fresh Celesian style bread to go with it, along with roasted potatoes and carrots, and an onion soup. For dessert thay were going to have an apple caramel tart. Everything had been made from scratch, and was going to taste just like home.

Not that anyone would know that last bit…

"It smells really good Fai!" Mokono jumped on the counter and went over to sniff the tart that was still cooling.

"It does. I hope everyone really likes it." the blonde set the dish on top of the stove and pulled out the bread and vegetables, walking them over to the counter. Pulling out a serving platter Fai carefully cut along the edge of the tart before flipping it over. He would wait until the kids got home before he actually opened the backing pans. They were better when they rested for a while anyways.

"Mage?" Kurogane called from the back bedroom sounding none too pleased.

"What is it Kurogane?"

"Come here." He sounded closer, like he was standing in the doorway now.

Fai smiled at mokono one more time before leaving the kitchen and heading down the hall. He may be mad at Kurogane, but he wasn't going to be nasty in front of the group's magical little companion. "What do you need? I'm getting dinner ready."

"Kids won't be home for 15 minutes. They stopped by the library." The ninja was sitting on his bed holding his sword. "We have time."

"What do you want?" Fai's tone was harsher and he didn't even bother to hide his displeasure.

"You to drink. You look like shit." He pulled his sword across his wrist so that blood started to pool.

"Thank you but I'm—" as soon as the scent hit his nose Fai's eye changed color and his stomach started to burn. Which was off since he had just feed a week ago…

Kurogane held out his other hand after he set his weapon down and gripped the mages wrist to pull him closer. He was a bit surprised when Fai kneeled down and gripped his wrist, moving so that it was in his own lap before lightly pressing his lips to it.

Fai rested his head in Kurogane's lap while he slowly sucked on the ninja's vein. Much more intimate than any other feeding had been.

It wasn't like the blonde meant too…. He was just very hungry and when he moved to kneel down, he got dizzy. Fai would admit that it felt really good though, kind of like when he was still a child and he would snuggle in Ashura-ou's lap at the breakfast table.

It was comforting.

Like always feeding didn't take very long, and soon enough Fai was lapping at the wound to help speed up the healing process. Being a little more thorough than usual so he could rest his head for a few moments. When he sat up Kurogane gripped his chin.

"Are you sick?"

"I don't know what you talking about Kurogane?" Fai remained on the floor looking up, even as he heard the kids push open the front door.

"You're hot. Like you have a fever."

Fai just remained silent. He wasn't going to admit anything.

"If you're fucking sick just tell me."

Fai still remained silent and when Kurogane was about to start yelling Sakura appeared at the door. "Oh… um sorry if I interrupted…"

"No your fine princess. Dinners done, why don't we all go eat." Fai turned around and slowly stood up. "I made something extra special for you all."

"It smells really good."

The mage looked over his shoulder at Kurogane once he was in the doorway. "Come on Kurogane, before it gets cold."


Ashura felt so very groggy… he wasn't sure what time it was, or even the date for that matter.

Slowly he opened his eyes, which seemed to take an incredible amount of effort, to stare at an odd sight. He was at the bottom of a body of water. Under the influence of a sleeping spell.

It was easy to recognize the strong magic that was woven around him.



Please review and tell me what you think!