Author has written 28 stories for Stargate: Atlantis. Once upon a time, there was a young woman who introduced her oldest and dearest friend to a wonderful show called the X-Files. Soon after, she introduced this same friend to a highly addictive form of entertainment called fan fiction. It was not long before the two friends were happily reading fan fiction and sharing links to some of their favorites stories. Then, the day came when the oldest and dearest friend was visited by a seemingly innocent bunny and decided to try her own hand at writing fan fiction. The young woman became her dear friend's Beta (although at the time neither knew that was the term). After gaining assistance with grammar, plot points and characterization, the dear friend did something sneaky. She told the young woman that she didn’t know what to do next in her story. The young woman, always wanting to help, suggested the next section should be written from Mulder’s point of view. “But I could never write from Mulder’s point of view. I only feel comfortable writing from Scully’s point of view,” she stated innocently. “Oh, well, I can write Mulder,” the young woman offered. “Once you understand that he’s a repressive asshole with enough boyish charm and a sense of humor to make the angst endearing instead of suicidal, it’s easy,” Never once did she sense the trap. And so it came to pass after many long months, and longer chapters, and e-mails, and cross country trips (as the friend lived in Tennessee and the young woman lived in Nevada) that the first team written fan fiction by the two old friends came to pass. And it was good (and very, very long) and posted happily on Gossamer where it was read by many fan fiction fans and sits to this day. The friends were happy and wished to continue writing fan fiction, and were even visited by several new and different bunnies with new stories to write. But then, real life reared its ugly yet wonderful head. And soon there were new jobs and husbands, and children, and divorce and new husbands, and more children, so that even though the bunnies were hopping frantically; there was no time to tend to them. It was also during this time of real life chaos that the unthinkable happened. Mulder and Scully became their final X-File, running for their lives and awaiting the inevitable arrival of the year 2012, Buffy watched the hell mouth collapse in on itself, John and Aeryn were reduced to small pellets floating on a boat, and even Must See TV’s shinning star dimmed out of existence. Years past and the bunnies were silent. Although this was a dark time, there were a few bright spots. Sci-Fi picked up Stargate SG1, giving it a permanent home so that the young woman did not have to search for it on syndication and hope that it would not be preempted by some random sporting event. She discovered the guilty pleasure of watching Teen Titans and Megas XLR on Cartoon Network with her children. Then SG1 came out on DVD and the young woman was fortunate enough to buy Season 1-6 on sale for half-price, thus enabling her to make her mortgage payment and continue to feed and clothe her children while still enjoying the warm feeling of snuggling with her hubby while watching Jack and Daniel interact anytime her little heart desired (that is as long as the kids were in bed, but you take what you can get). She also discovered a little web site called that provided a much needed fix and consequently inspiration to write her own original fiction (although that also had a lot to do with her son wanting to listen to the Devo’s Greatest Hits CD every time they were in the truck and spending way too much time contemplating the dysfunctionality of the father-son relationship between Batman and Robin, but that is another story entirely). So the young woman was content, raising her family, watching her DVDs, writing her original fiction, and biding her time reading fan fiction. It was then that two very important events happened. First, Sci-Fi launched the biggest night of sci-fi, EVER! And there was much rejoicing across the land as Friday regained its sense of hope that it had lost years before when Fox moved X-Files to Sunday night. Second, the young woman finally figured out how to operate her VCR in conjunction with her Digital Cable. The synchronicity of these two events resulted in a chain reaction of sort. First, the young woman could now watch Stargate Atlantis, to which she quickly became addicted. She amazed even herself at how the once despised Dr. Rodney McKay, arch nemesis to Sam Carter, suddenly became her favorite character, in spite of (and probably because of) his continued obnoxious behavior, especially when interacting with the equally smart mouthed Major John Sheppard. Second, something the young woman had not ever expected to happen, well, happened. The bunnies awoke. At first she ignored them, figuring they would go away. After all, she barely had time for her real life, much less original fiction and fan fiction. But the bunnies are persistent and almost as sneaky as her oldest and dearest friend. At first they convinced her, just write down the story, get it out of your system. When she had done that, they continued to taunt her. Open an account on and just post it. When she had done that, they taunted her one final time. Now write your history under your bio page. And so she has and so she waits, she waits for reviews, she waits for feedback and she waits for the next bunny. Right now they are silent, but you never know with the bunnies. They are crafty, they are sneaky, and they are major pains in the ass. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I've had several readers ask about the order to read my stories,considering I have two different series going. So, seeing as I aim to please, here you go: Point of View Series: (Season One) Tokens; Sentry Duty; Games; Casting Stones; Bugs in the System; Fall From Grace; (Season Two) Name, Rank, and Cereal Boxes; Infans Cursus Semper Fidelias; The Warrior of Oz; The Wait of Water; (Season Three) One On One; Vicious Circle; Death and The Astrophysicist; The Last Gate Dictionary Series: Redux; Subterfuge; Triptych; Steady State; Imbroglio; White Lie; Asylum; Frequency; Tomb; The Confidence Game Stand Alone Fics: The Cassandra Effect; The Ghost of Christmas Could Have Been; Gravy These stories are all gen, however, for those of you interested in slash, Koschka and I have co-written several fics (The Geek's and Goon's Guides) that grow out of the Dictionary Series and Koschka's Geeks and Goons series. They can be found here on under the penname likethekoschka. The link is here: We also have a livejournal set up here: http:/// I've been meaning to post this for a while and just never get around to it... I've actually stopped posting new fics here for a variety of reasons but have been posting new fics over on my LJ since March 2007. Those can be found here: http:/// . |