Chapter 15

One Week Later

"You sure Carter's ok to leave Doc?" Jack asked worriedly eyeing the slowly moving
major putting on her shoes across the room. She was already dressed in loose pants
and a sleeveless top. Over the top Sam wore a lightweight sweater.

"Positive Sir." Janet said a little confused. "But weren't you the one who.."

"Ack!" Jack said holding up a hand to stop Janet from going any further. "None of that!
The walls have ears you know."

"The walls have ears Jack?" Daniel said behind him.

Jack shook his head with an amused grunt. "Ambulatory archaeologists have ears as
well." He looked Daniel up and down and was pleased to note that his friend seemed to
be healing nicely himself. He had scared everyone for a bit there with his infection, but
that was quickly brought under control. Daniel now looked well rested and content
leaning against the doorway holding a steaming cup of what was most likely coffee.

"You eating all your vegetables and laying off the caffeine Dr. Jackson?" Jack asked
with a twinkle in his eye.

"Jack, I never lay off the caffeine." Daniel answered completely shocked that Jack would
even suggest such a thing. Belatedly he realized that Janet, his doctor Janet, was
standing right beside him. He gave her his best puppy dog look and tried to backpedal
his way out of it. "Unless of courses I've been told that my life depends on abstention."
He paused considering something. "Threats of multiple sponge baths usually work as
well." Daniel recalled with a shudder.

"I'll remember that Dr. Jackson." Janet said with a smile as she went to check on Sam.

"Way to get me in trouble Jack!" Daniel grumbled as he took a sip of his coffee. He
sighed happily as the freshly ground Sumatran beans instantly obliterated any thought of
future infirmary visits. God he loved coffee! Janet had only released him the day before
and this was the first really good coffee he'd had in nearly 2 weeks. Still, maybe he
could have met Jack and Sam in his lab...

"Hey! You're the one who insists on going against Fraiser's orders." Jack insisted.

"Right!" Daniel scoffed. "I might drink a little illegal coffee every now and then.."

"Constantly." Jack amended with a knowing nod.

"But you are the one who actually escapes the infirmary against medical advice."

Jack was about to open his mouth and respond when a soft voice stopped him in mid-
thought. "I'm all ready Sir."

"Great to see you up Sam." .

"What? You didn't like playing chess with me in bed?"

"Excuse me?" Jack asked looking first from his 2IC then to his best friend. "Is there
something I need to know here?"

"Infirmary Jack." Daniel explained patiently. "Up until yesterday both of us were in the
infirmary, remember?"

"Ah. Right. I knew that." Sam ducked her head slightly and smiled. She had missed

"So Sir," Sam began as they made their way to the elevators. "Are you going to tell me
what this is all about now?"

"Nope." Jack said as he ushered his friends into the elevator.

"Well, it can't be a party." Sam surmised aloud.

"And why is that?" Jack asked curiously giving her a quick glance to make sure she was
still steady on her feet.

"Because I happen to know that Teal'c is still away on a mission with SG-3 and you
wouldn't have planned a party without him." Sam replied self-assuredly.

"Yeah- a party just isn't a party without 'T." Jack said nodding his head in agreement.

"I'm going to tell Teal'c you said that Sir." Sam said with a chuckle. They exited the
elevator and after signing out at the front desk, walked to Jack's truck.

"Carter, you have to take the middle seat- Daniel tends to fidget when he sits there."

"Jack, you drive a stick!" Daniel protested. He still hadn't forgotten the way Jack had
shifted the truck into fourth while he had the middle seat and Teal'c sat on the far right.
Another couple of inches and...

"Your fault Daniel for straddling the damn thing instead of keeping both legs to the
RIGHT!" Sam laughed as Jack opened the passenger door and helped Sam get into her
seat. Gratefully Daniel took the seat next to her as Jack walked around and opened the
driver's side.

Jack put his keys in the ignition and was just about to start the car when he noticed Sam
staring into the rear view mirror- staring into the mirror and frowning.

"Carter?" Jack asked turning to look at her. "You ok?"

"Fine Sir." Sam said pulling her eyes away from the mirror. "I just haven't really seen
myself up close in a couple of weeks and it took me by surprise a bit." Self-consciously
she adjusted the silk scarf wrapped around her head. Sam knew it was only hair and it
would grow back to a decent enough length in 6 months or so, but for the moment, she
was still pretty much bald.

"You look great Sam." Daniel said sincerely from her right.

"You look alive Carter." Jack added seriously. "And I bet you $20 bucks that if you went
out tonight, some poor schmuck would try and pick you up."

"What? Are you crazy Sir?" Sam said scrunching up her face. "I look like a woman

"Sam," Jack said gently adjusting the mirror so it was out of Sam's line of sight. "You
look great." And he meant it too.


"You know you'll have to tell me sometime Sir." Sam said after they had been driving
for several minutes.

"Gee Carter, if I didn't know any better, I would say you're impatient." Jack said shooting
his Major a glance.

"Maybe a little," Sam admitted. "Don't get me wrong Sir, it's great to be out of the
infirmary-I just like to know where I'm going- what to expect."

"So says the woman who walks through worm holes on a weekly basis." Jack scoffed.

"Well, at least I know where I'm going Sir."

"Ah- but you never quite know what to expect, right?" Jack countered.

Sam sighed. "No. I guess I don't."

"Ah, come on Sam," Daniel cajoled. "You're just like me- you love finding new things
through the Stargate."

"But that's work Daniel." Sam said attempting to explain. "I like my home life to be a
little more organized and structured."

"Funny you should mention home life Carter." Jack said smiling as he pulled the car to a
stop outside of a very familiar looking house.

"Sir..?" Sam was completely and utterly confused. "Isn't this the house I looked at with
you and Daniel two weeks ago?"

"Yep." Jack said helping her out of the car.

"But.." The front door of the house opened and Evan stepped out.

"Good to see you back on your feet Dr. Carter!" Evan said warmly as he walked up and
shook her hand. "I'll be around back if you need me." He said to Jack before
disappearing around the side of the house.

"I am completely confused." Sam said unnecessarily as Jack and Daniel led her inside.
All of the previous tenant's furniture had been removed, only a small card table and two
folding chair remained.

"Sir..?" Sam asked turning towards her CO.

"It's yours Sam." Jack said simply leading her towards the table and chairs. "The
inspection was two days ago and everything checked out. If you still want to buy this
house, it's yours."

Sam's eyes filled with tears as she looked down at the documents on the table. "But

"It was pretty much a team effort Carter." Jack said smiling as he watched Sam pick up
the deed to the house with shaking hands.

"Don't let him fool you Sam- Jack pretty much decided you wanted this house and made
sure it happened." Daniel explained taking a seat beside Sam.

"It's really mine?" Sam whispered looking around the empty room. "This house is really

"All you need to do is sign on the dotted line Carter." Jack explained. "Well lines really."
Jack said flexing his fingers. "There's a lot of paperwork involved in all of this."

"After you sign the papers, Evan will do the rest. With luck Carter, you'll have the keys
to this place by the end of the month." Sam could only nod as she desperately tried to
keep her emotions at bay. A house! She was going to own a house!

"So, Carter," Jack said slightly nervous. "You still interested?" What if he had made the
wrong call? What if Sam really didn't want this house and it was just the damn head
injury talking?

"Absolutely Sir." Sam said through watery eyes, giving him a 1000-watt smile.

"Congratulations Sam." Daniel said warmly, standing up and giving her a small kiss on
the cheek. "I'll go get Evan."

Sam remained sitting for several long moments staring at the papers in front of her.

"This is real?" She asked herself not realizing she was speaking aloud.

"It's real Carter." Jack answered gently taking a seat next to her.

Sam turned to look at her commanding officer. She knew without a shadow of doubt
that he was the one responsible for seeing this through. "Thank you Sir." Sam said

"Anytime, Carter. Anytime."


Completed Januray 4th, 2004.
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