So here it is, the final chapter~

I don't own tsubasa


Kurogane couldn't remember feeling so awful for a long time… at first the thought it must have been a hangover from hell, but he couldn't remember why he would have gotten drunk when Fai so obviously needed him.


Where was his mage right now? It was strange not to feel the soft blonde locks tickling at his skin, and his elegant fingers tangled in the front of his cloths after so many days of sharing a bed.

The ninja slowly peeled his heavy eyes open to stare at a familiar ceiling. But it defiantly wasn't the ceiling it was supposed to be. Why was he in his bedroom in Nihon if—

Pain from his shoulder suddenly washed over him and he growled loudly, scrunching his eyes closed again.

How could he have been so goddamn careless?

"I am pleased to see that you are finally awake Kurogane." A soft, familiar voice caught the ninja's attention and he willed his eyes to open and his head to turn to the side. Tomoyo-hime. "You gave us all quite the scare. It's not like you to sleep for so long, but I suppose you have never been injured so badly before." She had the same tranquil expression on her face as usual, but he could tell that she had actually been quite concerned by the way she was fidgeting with the hem on her decorative kimono

"Where's that damn mage?" Kurogane thought that his voice sounded unusually horse, and tried to swallow a few times to get some moisture back into his mouth.

"I take it you're referring to Fai-kun?" Tomoyo frowned when Kurogane tried to push himself up and she almost reached out to stop him before remembering that she was dealing with Kurogane. Her stubborn ninja would do what he wanted to no matter what she said. (Hence why she had to boot his butt out of Nihon for being a naughty ninja)

"Yeah. The fuck is he?" Kurogane pointedly looked outside the door so he didn't have to see his injury. He wasn't quite ready to deal with it yet.

"Sakura-chan and he are walking in the cherry garden. I think she's trying to cheer him up… she practically had to drag him out of the room to get him to leave your side. He made me promise that I would stay with you until he got back."

"Send Sohma or someone to get him."

Tomoyo chuckled before doing so. He didn't know what he thought was so god damn funny. He just needed to know that his mage was ok because the dumbass would tell everyone he was fine and they would believe that perfect smile of his. "How long was I out for?"

"Nearly a week. Your injuries were very serious and you lost a lot of blood. You could have died you know." Her tone took on the same one she used to use when they were kids and she would use when they were kids and Kurogane would do something extremely dangerous.

"I know that. It's not like I planned on it." Kurogane could sense someone moving up the hall fast.

"recovery is going to take some time… but your mage contacted the dimensional witch and hopefully she has something that will help you but I don't know what kind of deal they ma—"

Their eyes snapped up when Fai flung open the door. Blue met red and both Fai and Kurogane just stared at each other for a while before the blonde walked across the room and slapped the ninja causing his head to snap to the side, tears were pooling in the corner of his eyes as Tomoyo was practically dragged out of the room by Sohma.

"What would I have done if you died? You promised me that you weren't going to leave me… and then—then you go and—and—HOW FUCKING COULD YOU!"

Kurogane slowly brought a hand up to his now red cheek before turning his head back to look to his quivering mage. He had not expected this, but hell, he kind of deserved it. He would beat the shit out of Fai if he almost died again. "What did you want me to do? Let him stab you to death—"

"SHUT THE HELL UP! DON'T YOU SEE THAT IM NOT WORTH IT!" Fai started to sob. He covered his eyes with his hands. "Kuro-sama… I—I'm just trash and I bring bad luck to everyone I love and i—if I wasn't there then you wouldn't have gotten hurt! You wouldn't have me needing you blood! You would be so much better of—off!"

The ninja smirked from where he was sitting. "So… you love me hm?"

"This isn't a game! I'm being serious right now! Literally everyone I love ends up dyeing and it's my f—fault…"

"Dammit Fai. Look, I know you grew up weird but what you call bad luck is just life. Good people die, shit happens and you have no control over it." his mage shook his head back and forth almost violently.

"I don't want to hurt you… I—I can't take it… and—and I'm not worth it…"

"Who the hell are you to tell me what is and isn't worth my life? Love hurts, because life isn't perfect and people get hurt but I would gladly give my life to save you. Ya know why?" it hurt like a bitch but Kurogane balanced himself without the support of his arm and pulled his dumb ass mage so that the blonde fell into his lap. Gripping the front of his cloths Kurogane pressed their lips together with too much force to be a real kiss.

"Because I fucking love you and that's what makes it worth it. Quit your fucking crying and accept that I'm not letting you run away from me so deal with it." This part was whispered and their lips were only centimeters apart. A choked sob escaped Fai's lips and his mage curled as close to him as he possibly could, causing them both to tumble back onto the futon.

"I don't deserve you… I—I don't—" Kurogane cut his idiot off again with a more gentle kiss this time. Tangling his hand in Fai's hair so that he wouldn't be able to run away easily.

Damn he wished he could use his other arm to wrap around his mages hips and hold him properly…

Fai was hesitant at first but moved his lips meekly against Kurogane's, letting the ninja nip at his bottom lip and slip his tongue in to his mouth. His heart was beating fast and his stomach was fluttering and he wasn't sure what he was doing, but the blonde closed his eyes and relaxed against Kurogane's chest turning his head so that the angle wasn't so awkward for them.

If it wasn't for the delighted squeal from the doorway they probably would have stayed like that for hours. Kurogane growled loudly before looking at Tomoyo who was standing in the doorway practically jumping up and down with excitement while Sohma was standing behind her having the decency to al least look embarrassed about intruding on such a personal moment.

"What the hell do you two want!"

"you guys got really quite so I thought that you might have killed each other so I thought I would check on you… but seeing as you two are obviously getting along splendidly, I'll leave you be!" Princess Tomoyo slid the door closed and Kurogane grumbled something about his princess knowing exactly what she was doing.

They lapsed into a silence after that, the ninja drawing his fingers lazily though his mages hair until they both drifted off into a light sleep.


"Are you sure Kuro-tan?" Fai watched as the ninja tried to stand up, reluctantly he helped him climb to his feet. "You really should stay in bed…"

"I want a real bath. That was the first thing I was going to so when I got back here…" Kurogane didn't mind leaning on Fai when he needed it but if he was going to be fit for travel any time soon he was going to have to start doing things for himself.

Like washing himself.

"Besides, I'm sore as hell from lying in bed all day." The hot water was defiantly going to do wonders for his stiff muscles… massages from Fai could only help so much. It took them a while to make it to the outdoor hot spring that was connected to the Shirsagi castle, but he had insisted on walking by himself (after all he had just lost his arm, his damn legs were fine.) and muscle atrophy was slowing him down.

Fai had watched with a frown on his face as Kurogane struggled to get out of his yukata before washing up. He understood better than most the need for independence after a serious injure so let Kurogane struggle with the soap bottles and wash cloths by himself. Wordlessly he washed up as well and silently hoped that the ninja would ask for help from him.

When they were both finished Kurogane let Fai help him into the hot spring itself and they sat next to each other, close enough that there thighs were touching. Kurogane had been awake for nearly a week and they had yet to kiss again, which was fine. He doubted that Fai was really ready for any sort of physical relationship, and he had probably jumped the gun by kissing him earlier but it had seemed like a good idea at the time. And his mage had responded positively to him. But it seemed like that was all Fai could handle then he would be patient.

Their lives were still crazy as hell right now any ways so he settled for things staying as they were now.


The mechanical arm was a god sent. Not perfect, but a hell of a lot better than not having one at all, and though he still needed to hone his coordination with it, he could now easily do things like get dressed and go to the bathroom.

Now that he had this he was ready to leave Nihon and hunt down that bastard wizard that had fucked with his loved ones.

Pulling on his cape and tying it, Kurogane looked over his shoulder to see Fai gazing out the window looking at the cherry trees. He was dressed in one of the sets of cloths that Tomoyo had given him, a light blue furisode, with a white obi. It suited him well… though the ninja doubted he knew what that article of clothing implied, but he doubted Fai cared.

Kurogane walked across the room and warped his organic arm around his mages waist and kissed his cheek lightly causing them both to blush. "You ready to get going?"

"Yeah…" Fai turned and his now permanently gold eye closed as he leaned against Kurogane.


So my laptop screen is busted so I won't be posting anything until it's fixed in a week—week and a half.

Please please please tell me what you think about his story! A few of you have expressed that you want me to write a sequel and I am considering it but I don't really know what it would be about so if you have any suggestions let me know!