Author has written 4 stories for Jurassic Park, Twilight, and Harry Potter. My favorite stories on fanfiction are Harry Potter Twilight The last airbender And a little bit of divergent, but not that much Jurassic Park/World Random facts about me My best friends are twins (don't ask me who is my favorite) my other best friend is my home schooled neighbor I have two older sisters Fanfiction is my addiction I read it pratically every chance I get I have so many ideas i do not know where to Start and writing my thoughts down can be hard for me (oooo well we cant all be perfect -sigh- My oldest sister made me read Harry Potter by force which she probably regrets it everyday because I am now a Harry Potter geek Twilight saga Team Jacob in the books Team Edward in the movies I suck at dancing, but I love it I once read 3 Harry Potter books in 4 days (yeah I had a problem) I love dark pairing a lot of the time |