"Boy!" screamed Vernon Dursley, spit flying from his mouth, his skin an ugly shade of purple. "your Freaks of parents are here to see you!"

Said boy was lying on his bed in the cuboard under the stairs, headphones plugged in to his walkman that he'd been... Given by someone in his class. His eyes were glued to the ceiling and he determinatly ignored the Dursley. His cubord door banged open, revealing an angry looking fat man.

"boy." he snarled, Harry Potter glanced at him then shook his head, pointing at the headphones

"I can't hear you." he mouthed, the walrus lke man lunged forwards hands reaching for the chords of the headphones, but before he could the boy's headphones were out.

"what!" Harry snapped, Vernon froze mid lunge.

"your parents are here to see you." he said before stomping out of the cuboard, Harry rolled his eyes, clambering off his bed and running a hand through his messy hair,

"not more bonding sessions..." he grumbled irritably, slamming the cuboard door behind him. He stepped into the Dursleys pristine kitchen and saw his 'family' Lilly Potter sat nevrously, clutching her husband, James Potter's hand, on Lily's other side was a boy with neat dark hair and a sharp featured face, he looked a lot like Harry but his eyes were a warm hazel, twinkling kindly, Harry narrowed his dark green eyes at them, running his hand through his wild hair again.

"Harry." Lily Potter smiled, James Potter mirrored her action. Damian Potter scowled slightly, nodding at Harry. Harry slumped opposite them not bothering to smile back.

"how have you been." said Lily Potter, Harry continued to stare at her coldly

"we're here about your Hogwarts letter." said James Potter, "lets hope you get into Griffindore, eh?" Harry blinked,

"No." he frowned, "couldn't Hogwarts of sent someone else, someone competent." James Potter scowled,

"Harry Potter." Harry winced at the surname, "we are your family, like it or not."

"not." harry said unblinkingly, "some family." Lily Potter's eyes glistened,

"Harry..." she implored, "you know we didn't want to leave you here but-"

"but you did." Harry cut in, "for the greater good, yada yada. I get it, But for the greater good of whom exactly?"

"for the greater good of the wizarding world!" growled James Potter, "learn some respect."

"for you?" Harry said incredulously, "why would I respect you? You've done nothing to earn it!"

"shut up!" said Damian Potter, "I want to meet the Weasleys already, we're gonna be late!"

"lets go." said Lily, grabbing Harry's wrist and pulling him outside. The opened the door and gestured for him to get in. For once, the boy complied, and they drove to the Leaky Cauldren in stoney silence.

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Ginny Weasley sat sullenly next to her mother, Her twin brother, Ronald Weasley was meeting up with Damian Potter, originally she had been awed by his boy-who lived status, but she was quickly awakened to the fact he was an arrongant toerag who let his fame get to his head. Her brother Ron had promptly told her to keep out of his and Damian's way, an action with which she was all too happy to comply, but she had given him a swift kick to the shins anyway, for being rude.

As the door to the Leaky Cauldren swung open she saw the tell tale long red hair of Lily Potter, next to her was Damian, head high the boy walked confidently over to Ron, greeting Mrs Weasley, and ignoring her, behind Lily was James Potter, the normally smiling man was dragging a boy with wild hair end dark green eyes along behind him. When Mr Potter caught up with everyone else Ginny got a good look at the boy, she almost gasped, he looked nearly identicle to Damian.

"who's this?" asked Mrs Weasley, and Ginny could almost feel her mothers maternal instincts reaching out to the boy,

"this is Harry," said Mr Potter, "Damians twin, while Damian was being trained we sent Harry to stay with his Aunt and Uncle, but he's going to Hogwarts this year!" Mr Potter smiled an obviously forced smile and Ginny looked at Harry, the boy was glaring resentfully at Mr Potter, he tugged himself free of the mans grip and smiled at Mrs Weasley,

"pleasure to meet you Mrs..." he paused,

"Mrs Weasley dear, but call me Molly." said the woman, Harry smiled at her and Ginny noticed his smile was very different to Damians, while Damians smile was arrongant, Harry's smile was more genuine.

Mrs Weasley and Mr Potter went to sit down and talk,

"hi." Ginny said to Harry, the boy looked at her suspiciously,

"are you friends with Damian?" he said, ignoring her greeting

"definatly not." she said, wrinkling her nose in disgust, he smiled again, and Ginny felt herself smiling back,

"then, nice to meet you, what's your name?"

"Ginny Weasley." she held out her hand, and the boy reached out and shook it.

"I think this is gonna be a great fiendship, Ginny Weasley..."

Ok, so basically, Ginny and Ron are twins, as are Harry and Damian. Harry is not evil. But when he's older, he will have no problems using the unforgivables on his enimies, whether in the order of the Phoenix or a Death Eater. One thing is definate, he definatly won't support Voldemort's beliefs on mughle borns.