Jasper walks me and Cynthia back to Auntie Lilly's house and I fumble for my key in my back pocket while Cynthia hops from one foot to the other in excitement. "Now remember," I start, putting the key into the lock, "Not a word to Auntie Lilly, okay? We went on holiday, went to the seaside and you had a lovely time."

Cynthia nods and darts through the door before I even open it fully, happy to finally be home. I hear her yelling Auntie Lilly's name and I hear Auntie Lilly's cries of happiness. I smile at Jasper. "I'll be over later. I'd better get in there. You know how little girls are like; no filter." He bends down and kisses my cheek, brushing a hair behind my ear.

"I'll see you later, Alice," he smiles. "I already miss you." I roll my eyes at him but smile like an idiot as I turn and go through the door. I rush in and hug Auntie Lilly tightly, not realizing how much I had missed her until I see her smiling face, always ready to welcome me.

"Alice, my sweetheart, I missed you," she smiles, wrapping her arms around me. She pulls away and strokes my forehead, something I remember my mother doing with a fond memory. "How was your holiday?" I glance at Cynthia, a sheepish smile on my face.

"It was interesting. Italians have some fascinating culture. We saw a castle, didn't we, Cynthia?" Cynthia nods enthusiastically. "But I'm glad to be home."

Auntie Lilly smiles brightly. "Well, I'm so happy you're home, too."

At around two, Jasper texts me and asks me to meet him in the forest outside of his house. I tell Auntie Lilly where I'm going and then start the walk to the forest, wondering why he wants to meet me there. Probably for some privacy. I love his family, but they can be overwhelming sometimes, and they can hear everything you say and do.

Jasper's already waiting for me when I get there, just next to the waterfall that I loved from the very first time I saw it. I smile at him. "You know I love it here. The waterfall is beautiful."

"I never notice it," Jasper remarks, shrugging his shoulders. "It's hard to see the beauty in a waterfall when you're standing next to it, outshining everything that surrounds you."

I smile and hit his arm. "Smooth." He smiles back at me and gestures to the floor, where he's laid out a blanket for us to sit on. He takes my hand as I sit down next to him and rest my head on his shoulder. "Do you think the Volturi will leave us alone now?" I ask him. Jasper considers for a moment.

"Well, it took them years and years to find a talent that they didn't have in you. They have Joshua now. I'm sure they'll be back, at some point – but for now, no, I don't think they'll bother us. Aro will be playing with his new toys and too busy to check in on us. We just have to hope that by the time they do decide to catch up with us, that Cynthia is grown up and so is Renesmee."

"Being grown up doesn't make it less scary," I whisper. I shake my head. "It's over now."

"It is over," Jasper confirms, turning and taking both of my hands in his own. "And now we have a new beginning."

"Where shall we start?" I laugh, smiling at him. His face is serious now, and I frown, wondering what's wrong. Before I get the chance to ask, he reaches into his pocket and produces a little black box. "Oh, Jasper.."

"No, Alice, listen to me, even if you still say no afterwards. I know I've asked you before, with the wrong intentions. But I want you to know that even with the wrong intentions, all I wanted to do was to keep you safe. That's all I want. You have brought such happiness to my life, like my own personal little ball of sunshine. Even when you're mad at me, you radiate a happiness that I've never seen before in any human or vampire. I don't know what I'd do if I loss you, if any part of you was hurt or you left me. There's been so many times in my life when I've felt hopeless…" he trails off, shaking his head, and I brush my thumb over his cheek, pressing our foreheads together. He composes himself and starts again, "I don't want to feel that way again, ever. With you, I feel hope. Life before you was bearable because I didn't think I could feel this way about anyone, and I didn't think happiness was something I'd ever truly achieve. But life without you now? That would be…nothing. You are my oxygen and now you're in my life, I need you just to exist. I don't want to be drowning anymore." He helps me to my feet and then gets on one knee, staring up at me and opening the box. It's a new ring from the last time, a new beginning, like he said.

"Mary Alice Brandon, will you marry me?"

Tears well up in my eyes and I stare at him, not knowing what to say. All of what he says is the same for me. I don't know how I'd survive without him. But at the same time, I don't know if I can let him be devoted to me when I know that I'm not going to be here forever. For now, I decide to be selfish, and nod my head. "Yes. Yes! Yes, I'll marry you, Jasper. I can't be any happier than I am when I'm with you." Sliding the ring on my finger, he jumps to his feet and picks me up, spinning me around. I don't even get a moment to admire how it looks on my finger as I'm spinning around so fast. My head is spinning, too, and I'm feeling deliriously happy despite my doubts.

I don't even realize I had a silent, stealthy audience until I hear cheering. His whole family come rushing towards us with their congratulations, even Rosalie, despite her own misgivings about our relationship. Esme is snapping away with her camera, and I smile at her as she takes countless photographs. "I wouldn't want to forget this moment!" She grins, biting back emotional sobs.

"Congratulations, Alice," Bella says to me, Renesmee hanging off of her hand. "I know you're going to make Jasper so happy." Jasper smiles and pulls me closer to him, so my head rests against his chest.

"She already has." He tells them. I smile up at him, and then bite my lip. "What?"

"I have to tell Auntie Lilly."

"Oh," Jasper says, clearly wrapped up in the moment. "Do you want to go together?" I smile at him and nod, taking his hand with the hand my ring sits on, a reminder that we will be together forever from this moment.

"Together," I say.

And...that's it!

I really hope you liked the last chapter and have enjoyed reading as much as I enjoyed writing it. :) Also, (a bit of self promotion here!) if you liked this, why don't you check out my other story, We're All Mad Here?

We're All Mad Here

What if, at her time in the asylum, Alice met some familiar faces? it would be here that she'd meet the people who she was destined to spend forever with, even if any home they'd make together would be just another madhouse. AU/AH, Jalice, other canon couples too.

Tell me if you'd be interested in seeing this story continue in a Jalice New Moon. :)

And please review, for one last time. :)