As you've probably guessed it's been another one of those life over fic years...

Literally almost a year since I last updated and Im so sorry for it.

I'm going to still reply to your reviews (even if you now don't remember leaving them) but will try to keep the rest of my chatter to a minimum as I really want to upload ASAP!

So here goes...

~ HEY YOU! Sorry it's been such a long wait, (SO GLAD you like Angie and George. Confession: I half wrote a fic with them ages ago that I might revive once I'm done with this... eek!) I feel you completely! Want them together but then its coming to a close! Hoping to still do em justice tho!
P.S: thanks for the nudge
P.P.S: scroll down for update ;) x2
P.P.S.S: here it is! (soz again)

Guest 1~ Ahhh your review made my heart melt! Thank you so much! Sorry it's been a whole 41 chapters! I SWEAR, I did not intend for this to get so long but I think I got a little carried away. Hopefully not too many more before we get there!

iWishMyNameWasMarty~ V. much needed your nudge too 3

Guest2~ Still more to come I promise! I'm just the worst updater in the world! Let me know if you're still reading!

Guest3~ I'm so happy to hear you're back reading (and I hope still here to read this)! It's been great to get back to writing this recently so completely with you on the crazy life getting in the way, but (will try to take my own advice here) do keep giving yourself that escape!

Guest4~ More chapters up and coming!

Guest 5~ 100% not forgotten! But thank you so much for the reminder anyway, it's definitely a life thing but hopefully you'll get more soon!

Guest 6~ Sorry again it's taken me so long, hopefully you wont have to reread again for this one!


Chapter 42- The News, a Name and a Quidditch Game

Of all the days for Scorpius Bloody Hyperion Freaking Malfoy to miss breakfast of course it had to be that day.

Of course it was then.

A letter closed with a dark green Malfoy insignia landed directly in front of Lysander, next to where Scor would usually be. The owl, recognising Roxanne, nudged at her hand prompting small piece of toast in exchange for the letter it left behind.

"What's this then?" Ly asked, picking it up and looking at the front. "Oh it's Scor's" he said after turning the letter over in his hands.

"Why does all his bloody post look so official" Ly laughed, "You'd think everything was a matter of life and death with them"

"I'll take it" Roxanne said, too quickly, all but snatching it from his fingers.

She was worried that Ly was more right than he knew. She had no way of knowing what kind of update the letter could contain, it had been another two weeks since Roxanne had comforted a crying Scorpius about his nightmares and fears. Since then, Iridis had still been returning late, so, she figured Scor had still been up and not sleeping too. He'd kept her informed enough for her to know that there'd been no change in his mother's condition last week, and that the Healers still had no further clues about what might happen. But just that something should be happening soon. Aside from that, he hadn't wanted to talk, but she could feel the tension in him every time they were together. And now, the letter that had been held so obliviously by Lysander could either ease some of that tension or be the catalyst for a whole new level of pain for him.

Ly raised a brow at how eager she'd been.

She shrugged it off, "I've got a free now, and he's helping with Charms. Should probably get to that actually, see you" she directed at them before leaving as quickly as she could without prompting further suspicion.

Roxanne mentally cursed him for not being at breakfast again as she had to run into a stall in the toilets to get her map out to find him. And with the way her luck was playing out today, of course, the minute she had the map spread on her lap, Scorpius Malfoy was walking past the toilets she was in.

She made it out in enough time to spot his head disappearing around a corner, probably on the way to a class. She had to get to him before then. She had to get to him now. ~

She ran, it was a few minutes before class though so now the corridor was teaming, it wasn't easy but she kept her pace regardless.

She knocked someones book to the floor and barely threw an apology over her shoulder.

She wanted to shout at everyone to get out of her way.

She needed them out of her way.

She had to get to him more than they needed to get to class right now.

It had always seemed so important to be in class on time. But was it ever?

In her hands Roxanne had what she assumed to be news about his mum and potential siblings.

How important was being tardy when you compared it to that? Compared to the lives of three people and the rest of a family?

A horrible thought went through her, Ly words echoing, it was literally a matter of life or death. In her hands would be news of that. She assumed it was good news, else would Draco really write?

Or rather she hoped, with all her heart, because what Scor had said about how his father might react in the worst case, it could say anything. A letter might seem like a good idea to a broken, closed-off man who had just lost his world.

This letter could be Scor's worst nightmare yet. And she was going to be the one to bring it to him.

The end of Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy's world as he knew it, as brought to him by Roxanne Katherine Weasley.

Special delivery. ~

Scorpius was missing a meal again, he hadn't eaten much recently. Something about not sleeping was affecting his appetite. He'd actually lost a bit of weight, his muscle tone was down due to his underperformance at training and his skin was paler and duller than usual from the lack of outdoor time and proper nutrition.

But of course, to the outside world he was the image of health. He glamoured himself each morning, making sure to focus on the slight extra protrusion of his cheekbones and the pallor of his skin. He'd been avoiding Roxanne too, if anyone would look at him long enough to see through the weak glamours he managed it would be her.

The longer it went on, the worse he got.

At times he felt as if all his waiting was just prolonging the inevitable. He'd almost started to accept the possibility of the worst outcome imaginable. He'd started to attempt to mentally prepare himself for it too, but that was futile. He didn't know how, he couldn't fathom feeling worse than he did now. But he knew that if things went the way he so desperately prayed they wouldn't go, that he would feel so much worse than this. This would be a memory of a happier time in comparison. He honestly felt like it would break him, and not even Roxanne, who so carefully watched him now, would be able to help.

He trudged along, stomach not even growling at the lack of food, possibly too exhausted to notice.

His eyes stayed downcast, his head slumped. He knew what he must look like but he couldn't find it in himself to care.

The normal Scorpius, or old Scorpius (as he'd come to start thinking of the happier version of himself as), would walk through this crowd with his back straight and head up. He'd have an non-fussed expression, with a slight air of confidence about him. His hair would be perfectly tousled and his eyes would shine with mischief every so often when he caught the eye of a particularly attractive girl, she'd smile at him and he'd barely smirk back. People would move ever so slightly out of his way, he noticed, he was never sure if that was down to confidence or him being a Malfoy but the old Scorpius had always used it to his advantage.

Now, Scorpius blended depressingly into the crowd, so much so that he was bumped and nudged as he walked past others hurrying on their way. He let his legs lead him away again, something he'd been doing too much recently. He walked out of the building towards the lake, another of his few places of solace left. ~

Roxanne didn't know what was in that letter. But whatever it was, he needed to know as soon as possible. For Merlin's sake she really wished he hadn't skipped breakfast. She was still chasing him just after the first bell had gone, it was clear now he wasn't going to class but she'd yet to catch up.

It was funny, how little people cared. There was always some person running for some reason or another at Hogwarts.
And of course, of all the people to run in to, she ran into him.

Her boyfriend.

Not quite the tall, handsome, Quidditch player she was hoping for right now.

She knew she should greet him but then an overriding thought reminded her she needed to get to Scorpius, quickly.

She used her momentum to spin herself past Logan. All she managed was to say that she needed to go, again with no explanation.

She was now even more behind Scor than she had been.

The closer she got to him the more the ball of worry expanded. Should she open the letter and break the news to him personally?

Would that be for his own good or just selfish for her own fear?

"Scorpius!" She shouted after him now, just as he was about to disappear around the corner. She didnt have time to make a decision about the letter.

He turned to the noise and stopped walking, waiting for her to catch up. He had a confused look on his face, with a little amusement. Probably at her running, since she was much more coordinated in the air than she was on the ground.

His eyes fell on the letter in her hand and the amusement dropped.

She handed it to him before he could ask.

He had the Malfoy seal ripped off in seconds.

He paused, his fingers on the edge of the letter inside.

He looked around, most people were gone now, but she was still standing by him.

He shoved the envelope into the inside pocket of his robes and continued on his path.

"Thanks" he threw just slightly over his shoulder, seemingly as an afterthought.

He walked toward the grounds and out of the castle.

She followed him, for a little while and he stayed quiet.

Then on the hill on their way to the tree by the lake he stopped. ~

He couldn't look at her, she'd already seen him in his worst state. But he had no idea what the contents of the letter would say, and he didn't know if he wanted anyone to be around for that.

Maybe not even her.

"Don't you have a lesson to be in?"

"Aren't you going to open it?"

"You'll fall behind, Rox"

"I'll catch up"

"Your boyfriend might miss you"

"I'll see him at dinner"

"Just go Rox"

"But Scor-"


He sent her away again, more harshly than before. And he regretted it even more than he had the first time. He hoped she could see that. ~

She turned and he kept walking.

He didn't look back but she did.

He'd reached the tree by then, and was sitting with his eyes closed, his head against the bark.

But he wasn't calm; only trying to be.

As always, she could tell.

Roxanne doubled back once she was far away enough that he wouldn't see her looping around.

She made her way to the tree she eavesdropped on Scor and Florence from before, that felt like years ago. Careful not to make a sound, and thankful the trees didn't shed leaves or twigs, she walked over the soft mud till she could see him.

She waited. He unfolded the letter, his eyes drifted across the document scanning it quickly. A smile broke out. He held the page to his chest. He held it in front of him and read it again. His head fell backwards onto the tree with a satisfying thud.

"You can come out" he announced.

"Are you kidding?! I didn't make a single noise!"

"I knew what you were going to do before you did it, Rox" that was a lie, he hadn't known. Only hoped.

"So, everything's alright?" she asked, tentatively.

He nodded. A single tear glinted on his cheek. "More than alright"

"What are they?"

"You're looking at the big brother to two baby sisters"

"Oh Merlin Scorpius! " she didn't even have to say much more, he could see how happy she was. How much she shared in his current relief.

"My parents could only think of one name."

"Don't tell me it's as ridiculous as Scorpius" she teased, her heart swelling at the genuine smile he wore.

"It's not actually" he handed her the letter. She read it, only just slower than he had.

"Elara... I like it. Is that a constellation? "

"More of a moon I think" he said as she read further.

"They're letting you choose the second?"


"Anything come to mind?"

He paused as if in thought though in reality the name had come to him seconds after he read his parents' request. "The book you gave me, I liked a name from that, I remember hearing it in astronomy too, so it kind of fits. Ophelia"

She repeated it back to him, and he smiled.

"Ophelia and Elara." He said, trying them out together now.

"Fifi and Lala" she laughed, noticing now she also had tears in her eyes. She was so elated. For him, for his parents, for the baby girls that would change his life.

"No one will call them that. " he said almost very seriously.

"They will. I was 'wo' because Lily couldn't say Roxanne, Lily was just 'e', and Olivia was 'ibi'."

"Fifi and Lala are quite likely" she laughed.

"Ophelia and Elara. Elara and Ophelia..."

Roxanne laid with her head against her friend's shoulder.

Scorpius was sounding the names out on his tongue, adjusting himself to his role as big brother to not just one, but to two little baby girls. Roxanne couldn't help but smile, he said their names with such delicacy; such pure softness and love that her heart ached. He hadn't even met them yet and he already loved them. Which one might expect to be odd for a guy who was still just getting used to actually talking to his parents as if they were related.

Yet, Roxanne wasn't surprised. She knew Scorpius and she knew how large his heart was, how incredibly thoughtful and caring he could be when he wanted to. And she knew there was room in there for the two new arrivals and that they'd probably occupy most of it from now on. And honestly, that thought brightened her day immeasurably. She didn't even give a crap she was missing Potions. She had handed him the letter not knowing what it contained, and was prepared or rather, wildly unprepared to be there for him should it be the worst; but it wasn't and Roxanne was glad to be by his side still, while he revelled in the best. She didn't stop smiling as he whispered the names of his baby sisters to himself for the third time. ~

"Am I allowed to ask what was so important you ran into and then past me today? And where you were in Potions?" Logan asked with a cute pout, at least he hoped it was cute. He was trying hard not to be the 'overbearing boyfriend' type. He'd recently had a massive heart to heart with his friend Noah and his long term girlfriend Karina about his worries over his relationship with Rox. They'd been really helpful and they (though mostly Karina) had opened his eyes to a lot.

"Of course you are. It's not a secret or anything, Scor just wasn't at breakfast and I needed to get letter to him. Family stuff." He felt himself stiffen automatically at the mention of Scorpius Malfoy, but he controlled it.
"So running to Malfoy then huh?" He tried to cover his jealousy with humour. Karina had lectured him about being less jealous. So, he figured a joke would be a good step.

Roxanne exhaled deeply. "Logan-"

"I'm joking babe, just a joke" he smiled at her holding his hands up to prove his innocence. She rolled her eyes at him in response.

"You know, I'm not sure your own jealousy should be the subject of your own jokes"

"Well I've gotta keep you laughing somehow" he told her cheekily.

"Funny, I don't remember laughing"

"Laughing, eye rolling, same thing really" she rolled her eyes - that was a good sign from her.

"Sounds like hopeful thinking from you. Wishing you're funnier than you are?"

"Why are you still with me for then? If not my side splitting humour?" he cocked a confident brow.

"I'm just spying for my team" she shrugged with a small smirk.

"Funny, we're not in the final"

"Yeah but I couldn't very well date a Gryffindor could I? They're pretty much all related to me"

"One of them isn't? Or is it two?"

"One's been my brother's partner in crime forever so yeah he basically is and from the sound of it the other guy eats like a horse and lives for dumb decisions. He could be too"

"Yeah you're right, with so many rouge gingers someone's bound to have fathered an illegitimate."

"Oi, that's my family you just accused of infidelity" she laughed, playfully slapping him on the arm.

"Well you're the one who implied you only started to date me because you can't snog tactical information out of a brother or cousin"

"Okay, first off, ew. And second, you know I didn't mean that because let's be honest, beaters know fuck all about tactics. You just like to hit things with a big stick"

"Hey!" he complained, playfully wrestling her off the sofa onto the floor.

She laughed and squealed, getting back on the sofa before he could. He fought her to get back on and they lay cuddled up, both breathing a little heavily.

Merlin he was falling for her, despite everything.

"You never did say why you missed the entire lesson" he told her, factually.

"Well, it took me a while to get Scor his letter, then once I was out I pretty much stayed out. I figured Slughorn wouldn't miss me too much"

"I don't know who missed you more actually, me or ol' Sluggers" he said, trying very hard not to comment on the fact she'd obviously then spent the whole double lesson with Malfoy.

"Aww" she said, turning over so she was face to face with him. "You're cute" she kissed him.

"I really hope it's just me getting this reward for missing you" he smirked.

"Well I would go plant one on Slughorn but kind of difficult to do that to a ghost" she quipped.

"Lucky me then, to have you all to myself" she smiled back at him and he was hopeful. She really did look at him like she liked him. He just hoped it was only him. ~

A fortnight into big brotherhood and Scorpius was doing amazingly. He talked about his twin sisters almost constantly and his mother and father wrote him daily updates which he devoured. The boys had taken to zoning out most of the time, but all the girls listened in. Scarlett had even admitted seeing him so doting when he wasn't even with them had made her want to marry and have kids with him, Ari was just as broody. Roxanne had only laughed at her dorm mate, but couldn't disagree, there was something incredibly attractive about seeing him this way.

McGonagall had let him go home on the weekend to see his week old siblings and mother, given the circumstances.

Scorpius had actually hugged her, Lysander had wanted to jinx her.

It had been their last weekend to practice before the game, and now watching their Captain at breakfast Roxanne couldn't help but be amused by him. He was stressed, obviously, but she was so unbelievably confident that she didn't feel an ounce of nerves. Their last practice had been phenomenal. Ever since Scorpius had had the good news, he'd been on top form and naturally, he brought Cassie and Oliver up to cloud nine with him. His mood really did affect the whole team, and they'd been doing so much better. She'd even venture as far as saying they were at their best.

Roxanne knew Gryffindor had been training their hardest too, and that Fred would have a hell of a lot up his sleeve but Ly had been pushing the Ravenclaws just as much. He'd had them on new plays and drills all term, but it was only recently that they'd been working smoothly, which was obviously what was worrying Ly.

Roxanne put a gentle hand on his arm.

"It will be fine, we've got this" she whispered.

"We haven't had nearly enough practice"

"We have. We've just only recently gotten good at it- and now you know why" she reminded him. Once the news of his siblings was out, Scor had given them all the full story about how uncertain everything had been. Of course he hadn't gone to the full extent of things but it was enough for the team to understand why he'd been off, and for his friends to understand his absences and mood swings.

Ly put his head in his hands, "Yeah I know, and I don't blame the guy. I just really wanted this to be our year is all."

"And it will be"

"But I envisaged us going in like they are now. A well-oiled machine. Look at them, they're even eating in unison" he half joked, but as Roxanne looked up half of the Gryffindor team reached for more toast all at the same time, as if practised.

"Machines break Ly. They have faults, and that's where we'll get them. We'll work out the faults with the machine and then mess with the mechanics until it won't work. We've got this"

He sighed a little, and she continued, "Besides, even if they don't break, we are on top of our game too. It'll be tough but I think we can do it"

"You really do?"

"I do" she told him sincerely. No way was Lily getting the snitch over her.

"Thanks, Rox"

"Anytime, Cap. Merlin knows we need you of all of us to believe we can do this"

"You're right, how can I expect you all to play well if it seems like I don't think you will?" he sat up taller and more loudly addressed the rest of the team.

Other Ravenclaws nearby also listened in excitedly.

"Okay, it's going to be close. The Lions have been working their asses off this season, but you know what? So have we. We have the tactics, the skill and a bit more genetic variety" Roxanne snorted.

"You're a twin, bro" Lorcan told him.

"Hush, your Captain is speaking" Ly smirked.

"We're going to pull this off because that cup has our fucking names on it. Mel did not pull on a load of babies onto the team to have them screw it up when she left it. We've been working towards this since then and in the name of Merlin it's finally possible to win it all and it is our bloody time"

Scorpius and Lorcan whooped at their friend's words as he became more impassioned.

Ravenclaws cheered, some not even knowing why but it was game day and people were ready to cheer at almost anything.

The Gryffindors looked over, Roxanne caught Freddie's eye and he raised a brow. She slowly drew her finger across her neck and gave him a small shrug and sweet smile. He shrugged back and mouthed the words 'game on' at her.

Oh it so was.~

It was two hours in and the ref had called for a break while they fixed one of the stands, half of the roof for the staff and guest stand had been blown away by the storm. No one had been expecting the current weather, it had been forecast for sun all day- but the sky was now dark, the rain was soaking them; the wind battering them and the thunder and lightning was drowning out the crowd.

Roxanne and Liv took the time to go round and put spells on everyone's kit and faces. The girls had learned the spells used to combat the weather while playing Quidditch from as early as they had brooms and had practiced them from the moment they'd had wands. It was why they were both so used to all-weather playing. Of course everyone else on the team knew these by now, but the two daughters of Harpies were the best - unfortunately it meant their brothers and their competition were equally as good.

"Keep your face still" she told him as she pointed her wand at him. His blue-grey eyes latched onto hers and Roxanne found it difficult to focus on the spell she was supposed to be using to keep the rain off of his face and out of his eyes.

She was hit with a sudden rush of warmth and giggled when she realised he'd been pointing his wand at her too and had just whispered a heating charm as she'd performed her spell.

"Unnecessary, but thank you" she told him.

"You know me, love to make all the girls feel warm and fuzzy inside." He smirked and shot two further spells out, both hitting Cassie and Liv making them turn with odd expressions.

"What was that?" Cassie asked, confused but not unpleasantly so.

"What possessed you-?" Liv asked, having caught Scor's grin.

"Something about making you girls warm and fuzzy I think" Rox explained to them with an eye roll and they both laughed, turning back to sorting their kit.

"You've been playing well" he told her, as a little silence settled between them while they sat opposite each other, lacing back up.

"We all have" she corrected. Truly they had, the current score had them in the lead by 20, which wasn't much but it was a good position to be in. The points thus far in the season meant that they only needed a lead of 130 to win. So catching the snitch with them 30 up would bring home the trophy.

"That is true, Gryffindors included unfortunately" he said.

"Yeah, they've upped it… Especially Lily" she thought the last bit aloud. Fred must have spent a lot of time with Lily. She was much better at positioning and flew more elegantly now. Roxanne had a feeling she wouldn't be able to fool Lily with a feint this game as she had done before.

"Still not better than you though" he assured her.

"I don't know now" she admitted, no longer confident that she was the better seeker of the two. It had always been obvious that Roxanne's flying skill and positioning had made her the better player. It seemed Fred had been working on tactics with Lily though because now she seemed much better in the air, doing what Roxanne usually would that Lily would have failed to do in the past.

"She isn't. Roxanne, she's going through the motions of being a good seeker. You've actually had years of being a great seeker. She's doing well because she'd doing what Fred's told her to, but all his knowledge will come from the same places yours has, and from you"

Roxanne listened, "He'll have based it all on what you do and don't do, and she'll be thinking about that now. You don't have to think though, or second guess. So when you can, change it up. Confuse her. Do something you might not normally do and see-"

"How she reacts" Lysander finished, draping his arm and bodyweight over Roxanne's shoulder. "Exactly what I was going to say Malfoy, well done" their Captain said, genuinely looking proud of his friend. He ruffled Scor's already wind-blown hair and climbed onto the bench.

"Okay, so Scor had it with Lily, she's improved but it will be based on Roxanne, so Rox change it up where possible and watch her too. Liv, you're doing great, I've noticed a few new formations from their Chasers though so maybe watch out for some unexpected angles."

"Yeah, they've definitely worked with Scott after last time but I still think Wood is the key player in those formations, Albus is still second in command" Scorpius shared.

Lysander nodded in thanks, "Say we go for one of them next Ly?" Lorcan asked.

Olivia shrugged, not even bothered that they were talking about going for her brother. They'd all learned pretty early on family didn't mean much on this pitch.

Ly continued, "Chasers, I'm happy with it all so far. I think it's time to switch over though like we practiced"

"So I lead now?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah you do Charlie-boy"

"They've been after Malfoy all morning, if we switch to you as lead chaser then they won't know who to go for next. Cal-"

"Yeah?" she asked, looking him directly in the eye.

"Nothing. You're good. We'll switch to you when I say, or straight after I'm off if I get hit"

She smiled at him, "I'd expect more confidence from you, Cap"

"I'd rather be thorough" he replied and she looked a little impressed.

"Lorc, I think it's time we did a bit more than an injury don't you think?"

Lorcan grinned, "I think so too, bro. Who's on the list? Elliott, Albus-"

"You've never hit Fred before" Roxanne pointed out, not in defence of her brother but just because it was true. Generally beaters were the hardest players to knock out, and Fred was a really good beater, it had always been a waste to even try. His bat would mean a missed attempt gave them the bludger.

"Exactly. I can't even remember the last time we tried. It'll be completely unexpected"

"Okay, so Fred, Elliott, Albus?"

"If you knock Fred out you might not even need the other two, James will struggle alone" Liv added.

"Which would give us a huge chance to up make some proper gains" Cassie said.

"And then maybe once we're say…50 up-"

"I'll go for the snitch" Roxanne finished for Ly.

"Sounds like a plan, team"

"Maybe a slightly impossible one" Lorcan pointed out.

"Would there be any point otherwise?" Ly asked, grinning a little manically.~

James wondered briefly if it was possible to die from an overdose of adrenaline.

If so, he was sure that he could be nearing that fate right now, but hoped that years of evolution would have smoothed over a design flaw like that.

He was high in all senses of the word. He stopped still, hearing the blood rushing, wind screaming and crowd roaring behind him. He stared directly at the bludger barrelling towards him and ignored every natural instinct that made him want to jump out of its path. Everything in his body screamed self-preservation, everything except his heart which lived for Quidditch and shouted that he stay put and hit the speeding ball with all his might. He raised his bat, zeroed in on his target and swung with an incredible effort.

James grinned widely as the cheers from the Gryffindor stands rose in volume, his aim had rung true and he watched Scorpius Malfoy tumble off of his broom and plummet towards the ground.~

Scorpius clutched at his shoulder, cringing when he felt the uncharacteristic position of his scapula. Just as he diagnosed himself, he felt the force of a Healer's spell wrap around him. He was immobilised and pulled off the pitch and to the side where there was a trainee healer set up with a minor injuries treatment tent.

He closed his eyes, trying to ignore the searing pain as he moved his arm for assessment.

He opened them to an unexpected face.


"Excuse me sir, really we can't have parents down here. Please return to your seat" the trainee said, looking like he'd only just left Hogwarts for the training programme, shrinking back a little still in the face of a 'proper adult'.

"Just a second, please?" Draco asked politely. The student looked between the man and boy and seemed to recognise the former, his nervousness amplified and he bowed his head in a small nod and stepped aside.


"Hey, what are you doing here? Is-"
"No don't be silly. Mum's at home, Nat's there. But she wanted me to come and watch you"


"I mean, I wanted to come and watch you too of course"

"Well, sorry to disappoint." he shrugged, immediately reminded of his injury. He didn't let it show though, Malfoy pride and all.


"Son you're great. I'm sorry I've never been to one of these before."
"Yeah well you're a busy guy"

"Not too busy for this. Not anymore" he replied, certain.

Scorpius nodded at his father with a small smile and deeper respect than he'd had for him before, "Well not to be rude but could you go back to your seat so this guy can fix my shoulder and I can get back out there?"

"Yes, sir" he replied with a smirk and salute.

"Bye Dad" Scor smiled.

"Keep making me proud, son" ~

Lysander and Lorcan were like a force of nature right now, and Fred was reeling, trying hard to keep them off of himself and James, let alone still trying to focus on getting at Scorpius or any other Ravenclaw at all for that matter. They weren't even touching the Gryffindor chasers or keeper but instead were aiming at their opposing duo. It wasn't normal strategy at all, going for a Beater meant sending the bludger right to them and towards their own team in return- or at least that would be the assumption. But it wasn't quite working out that well for them, Fred and James weren't chasing the bludger for a hit like usual, it was coming toward them all the time now, and it meant they couldn't set up shots very well. There was no time to pick a target and then intercept the bludger at the right moment, the twins had them on the defensive and the chasers were pretty much all being left to themselves because of it. ~

Not being the target of a bludger for once was great, Albus thought as he threw the quaffle to a waiting Elliott. He received the ball, and in a swift movement threw it at the small hoop to his sister's left, she'd caught on to his movement only seconds too late and Albus felt for her a little as he saw the quaffle graze her fingertips and slip past her.


Albus couldn't help his grin, he high fived Elliott and then quickly agreed his next formation with David. ~


Fred grimaced. He'd just swung at the bludger but the opposing force on his elbow was almost too much to bear. Lysander had managed to hit him earlier, he'd just saved himself from being knocked out by shielding his head with his arm but his elbow had taken the brunt of the blow. And now, with that awfully aimed hit, he'd just shown the entire pitch that the Eagle beaters had managed to successfully injure the Gryffindor Captain. Fuck.


Fred had not planned to lose this game. And even in the eventuality of losing this game -this was not how he'd thought it might happen. He would not lose because he couldn't hit a ball accurately. He needed to get his elbow right, and he needed to do it now before the Eagles were any further in the lead. Once they hit 30 up he would need to be on the lookout for his little sister. And no family loyalty would stop him sending a bludger her way if she was on the snitch's tail. He decided his elbow wouldn't either. ~


Even flying slowly, James Potter found it hard to hear his cousin. He stopped and let Fred fly closer.

"What's the plan?" James was worried, with Freddie injured it would be hard to showcase his talent to all the scouts sitting in the stands. It was now or never for his career. Very rarely did any major team have a first string player that wasn't scouted at school, Fred did not like his prospects at trying to be one of the exceptions. Fred knew this too, they were both tensely watching the field as they paused.

"J, you're Captain from here on out. You call it when you see it, let everyone know okay?"

"Why? Where are you going?"

"I need this elbow fixed" he said, "We both know I can't play well enough with my left, not for this game"

"If you go out, they might keep you out" James worried. The general rule was that if a player came off for injury and the Healers decided it was too severe; they kept them off. That's why so many players tended to play on with broken bones.

"They can try. But they won't, I'll be back. But until then, you have the pitch Jamesie"

James nodded and flew off, their conversation had already taken too long. ~


Roxanne looked down, only barely hearing the commentator's latest announcement. Fred had indeed taken himself out of the match. She spared him only a moment and a single loving thought before casting her eyes back to Lily, apparently just in time, because her cousin was speeding toward something. ~

Lily didn't know what to do. The snitch was flitting around the pitch just past Roxanne, neither team was in a position to catch it but Lily knew the Ravenclaws only needed a 40 point lead before they could win the cup with the snitch, but since Fred was out of play now they could get those easily fairly quickly. If Roxanne saw the snitch now she might start the chase in anticipation of that and be able to claim a Ravenclaw victory within moments of the proper points lead.

Lily grimaced, she had no idea if this would work or just look embarrassing but she could not risk Roxanne seeing that snitch. She knew Roxanne wouldn't chase her, but if even the movement drew her gaze for a few seconds the snitch could be back out of sight again and maybe she would buy her team some time. ~

Roxanne's eyes flitted back across the pitch and zeroed in on her cousin. Lily had just sped off from her watch point, as if in pursuit of the snitch. Roxanne was about to follow, but stopped. Gryffindor needed a 50 point lead before they could catch the snitch. Lily knew that too, no way would she waste energy chasing it now.

Instead, Roxanne turned on her axis, convinced the snitch must be nearer her than she knew if Lily was attempting to draw her away. She spotted it, farther than she expected but also closer than Lily was. It was flitting by Hugo's head, looping in and out of the goal posts. She checked the scores, they were 20 up and Scorpius was speeding toward the goal now with a determined look.

She did it. She pushed forwards and flew toward the small golden ball, just as she reached the goals, a quaffle sailed past her and through a hoop. Hugo had been distracted by her flying at him and had let it slip.


Roxanne wondered if snitches had some kind of innate awareness on the importance of each game. This one was nothing like the snitches she used at training, perhaps it was some kind of response to the crowd she mused, noting their roars as she neared the followed the twists and turns of the golden ball just over the stands.

She glanced behind her quickly to assess how much room she had between herself and Lily- there wasn't much. Lily was only 10 meters behind and gaining fast. Roxanne leaned forward, practically sinking into her broom and pushed further still. The snitch still just out of reach.~

Fred felt only a momentary pause and pang of guilt about his actions before he carried them out. But it was overwhelmed by the intense desire to win, the need to win and the overwhelming sense that he had no other option.

He had just flown back on to the pitch, allowed by the ref but unnoticed by most since all eyes were on his little sister flying after the snitch, with his younger cousin pretty much pointlessly in pursuit. He thought he'd told Lily not to waste her energy following Roxanne if they couldn't win with the snitch.

That didn't matter though, since the one person he needed to notice him immediately had done. Fred was able to see James' beaming smile even over the distance between them.

He quickly nodded and flew towards the bludger, getting between it and Albus as he made his way toward the hoops with the quaffle in his arm. Fred positioned himself, moving on his axis as Roxanne lapped the pitch. Following her with his eyes, also keeping track of James.

The bludger, directed to him by James was on its way. Fred readied himself, hoping his newly fixed elbow could hold for this one swing. Then, the pause, not long enough to stop himself.

He aimed directly at his younger sister's side, knowing it would hit her exactly in the ribs, possibly breaking them, but also knowing a leg or arm hit might not stop her from winning.

Sorry Roxy.

He swung.

Her hand out in front of her was the only thing in focus, the rest of the pitch span intermingling with the dark, stormy sky. The crowd blurred through her tears, their cries joining her own pained shriek.

Hold on to your broom. Was all Roxanne could think as she fell, unfortunately it was also the thought she had immediately before her broom slipped from between her fingers.

"You've broken a few ribs" the trainee healer mumbled as she winced while he prodded at her side.

"That all?" she asked, relived. Broken ribs meant she could keep playing. As long as her legs arms and eyes worked she was good to go.

"Is that not enough? You're very likely to also be concussed, you fell from quite a height. You should rest, I need to do some further tests on you."

"Look, Todd is it?" she asked, squinting at his badge. She actually thought she recognised him.

"You were a Ravenclaw right?" she chanced, and he nodded.

"Then you know we haven't won this cup in years. And hate to sound like an ass but we really can't win it today if I don't get back on there. And we need to win this, so for your old house? Please let me back on?"

He sighed, probably mentally assessing how annoying she could be if she stayed versus how much trouble he might get in for letting her play when she needed further attention. Clearly though, her slightly out of character, but very to-the-point request had won him over.

"Fine. But before you leave I'll need to bind your chest to help prevent any further movement or injury. And you've got to drink this"

She tried not to gag, knowing the small grey vial he handed her was bone growth accelerator, in combination with a few spells she didn't fully understand, she knew well enough that her ribs would be healed in the next few days.

It was vile to drink but there was no way around it. She knocked the liquid back with a grimace, thankful it at least wasn't very viscous so slid down her throat quickly.

She tried to muster a smile, actually very grateful that Todd was letting her play and took off her kit while he got the bandages, ready to fix her up and get her back on.

Roxanne had timed it, the first thing she'd looked for in that tent had been a clock, and as she clambered back on to her broom she glanced back.

Seven and a half minutes. That was all she'd been out for, it didn't sound like very long, but in Quidditch, it could mean an eternity. ~

She kicked off and smiled to herself as she heard the volume of the Ravenclaw crowd behind her at her return. It propelled her forwards, knowing there were so many people who cared about this game (almost) as much as she did. Flying up and above the chasers she quickly took in the scoreboard. The lions were in the lead by 30 points, and considering they only needed a lead of 50, the game was in the balance. If Lily spotted the snitch now, Roxanne would not be above some rough tactics if it meant stopping her cousin catching that damned golden ball.

She caught Scor's eye from across the field, he'd just noticed she was back on and he actually pumped his fist in the air for a second in celebration, directing his attention quickly back to the youngest chaser he passed the quaffle easily, and sped forwards to find a helpful position. Within a matter of seconds, the Ravenclaws had scored again, with Callie now leading the trio.

Roxanne only kept a sliver of an eye on the game underneath her, it mattered that she knew the score but it wasn't worth enough attention that she should know who was scoring. She couldn't even hear the commentary from her position now, the game was so close that the crowd's cheers drowned everything but the wind in her ears out. She closed her eyes for a single second, which felt like an eternity on that pitch, and took a breath, she let it out slowly, drawing her focus back to the game and clearing her head. She took a look at her surroundings and flew upwards, taking a lap around the pitch at a higher height than before. Her head on a swivel.

Another rise in the noise of the crowd signalled the success of the goal she'd just spotted Oliver go for, Roxanne double checked the board unable to rely on her mental tally in a game like this. The Eagles were up by 20 now, she assumed due to the twins, since she saw one less scarlet uniform in the sky than should be, Gryffindor were missing a Chaser, and clearly struggling to keep a point gap as a result.

Roxanne spotted a bludger coming towards her with seconds to spare, throwing herself sideways she upturned her broom and only barely managed to right herself, she checked over her shoulder in case the bludger was making its return journey but Lorcan had already hit it way off to the other side of the pitch, narrowly missing Albus.

Roxanne looked to her brother who shrugged, and she swore at him playfully, all was fair game in Quidditch, she'd repay him by winning the game for her team.

Another 10 points up, another step closer to having to catch the snitch Roxanne thought, confused at the fact that neither her nor Lily (as far as it seemed anyway) had spotted it since she'd come back on, Roxanne decided to get higher, and a better look at what was going on. ~

Lily couldn't decide where to position herself. She was currently at the midpoint of the pitch, which felt like a good idea, and at the height of the shortest goal post, which also felt sensible. But she couldn't help thinking, Roxanne's higher position was a better bet, and wondered why she was moving higher still. Then again, Lily thought, if the snitch appeared near the pitch, she was a hell of a lot closer to the ground than Roxanne, so surely she wasn't making the wrong choice. She wondered where that damned little ball was, and why it hadn't appeared for so long. ~

Roxanne shook the smug thought from her head, Lily looked unsure and Roxanne could only assume she was questioning her position on the field. Lily never had been great at positioning. She failed to take into account that in 90% of cases, higher was better. Broomsticks could accelerate down in a flash, so Lily, being a slightly poorer flier than Roxanne, had no real advantage in being closer to the ground. Coming up however, would be harder and slower, so wasn't what you'd want in a final chase. Lily also hadn't looked at the weather, or at least hadn't recently. There had been a thick cloud cover all game which was not the best for visibility since there was no sun for the snitch to glint under. Looking now though, Roxanne saw gaps in the clouds that hadn't been there before, and by her estimations, in about ten minutes the sun would be shining in Lily's eyes and she'd be unable to see well above her. Roxanne silently acknowledged the benefit of Ly's all-weather practices, and thought she might just praise him in person later, once they'd won of course… ~

Fred wiped the sweat from his brow, it was pouring off his face so much that it was starting to get in his eyes. He whirled around, sensing something was flying toward him and only just managed to move out the way of his own chasers as they sped past him with the quaffle. He felt a flutter of hope as Albus and Scott neared the posts, but it was dashed as Scott's last minute pass to Albus last minute was intercepted by Ravenclaw's newbie Oliver something. He managed to get the ball to Scorpius above him who took it far from their posts in seconds. He and James really needed to even the teams out, being a chaser down in a game like this was showing. He flew to James and confirmed it with him, they'd both been thinking of the same target, and as the bludger flew unattended across the pitch, Fred moved into position to make it happen.~

Seconds. It took only seconds for Scorpius to make either the best or the worst decision of this game so far. He saw the Potter-Weasley boys target Oliver, and he saw Callie coming towards him, quaffle in hand. No amount of shouting would help Oliver right now, who was in position to receive the ball, and no amount of waving his hands would catch Callie's attention either. She hadn't noticed the bludger coming at Oliver so nothing stopped her from passing the quaffle right into his outstretched hands. Oliver span on the spot ready to make his way to Hugo and the hoops, coming face to face with the bludger, too late to react. ~

Oliver grimaced, bracing himself for impact. That was all his head could manage, no passing on of the quaffle, no avoiding the bludger, just a grimace, and a short little gasp. Except the gasp that left him wasn't followed by a larger outtake of breath as he expected when the bludger hit him square in the chest, in fact, nothing hit him in the chest. He did feel a less severe, but still painful impact from his side, pushing him about a meter to the right. He turned in shock processing what had happened, wanting to fly to help his teammate as he fell, Oliver quelled that instinct. Instead, he flew quicker than he had done before, knowing he had to make Scor's sacrifice worth it. ~

In the last few seconds before Scorpius was pulled off the pitch, he saw the sun push its way through the clouds, and he could swear some kind of angelic being flew across them.~

"Heard you pulled something really heroic out there" a girl whispered in Scorpius' ear as she slid on to the sofa beside him.

"You mean you didn't see it for yourself?" he drawled, not very interested in talking to her, despite the fact she was very beautiful and he would usually have jumped at the chance to get with a beautiful girl at the victory party. Right now, unfortunately, no one was as beautiful as the girl across the room, laughing in the arms of Logan Williams.

"I missed it, the sun was in my eyes" she said, shrugging. "It's a real shame, you'll have to show me some of your moves again sometime"

"You'll have to wait for next season then I'm afraid, we've just finished this one"

"And what a finish it was" she replied, not quite getting his disinterest.

"Yeah thanks" he stood, "I've gotta go and see my team mates for a sec"

"Do you want me to wai-" she began, but he'd walked out of earshot before she could finish.

"Fuck me this is difficult" Scor said to Ly, staring at Roxanne and Logan who were now dancing together drunkenly in the middle of the Ravenclaw tower floor space.

"Yeah I get you man" Ly answered, his eyes flitting over to Callie, who had just been joined by some douche-y looking fifth year on the sofa.

Scor's brows furrowed at that, it was unlike Ly to admit his interest in girls, especially a certain Callie Jones. He must be at least a little drunk.

He nudged his friend, "Hey man, you should go over there"

"For what? To embarrass myself?"

"No, to let her know how you feel before someone else comes along and it's too late"

"Nah, there's no point, she definitely doesn't feel the same"

"What makes you say that?"

"She didn't say anything after we kissed"

"Neither did you! Plus she hasn't shown any interest in anyone else since"

Ly hesitated.

"Go for it" Scor insisted, pushing his friend along and being pleasantly surprised when he actually moved towards Callie.

Scor smiled, he couldn't have Roxanne but at least he'd convinced Ly not to make the same mistake he had. ~

"Yo Malfoy, that was some brave stuff out there" Logan said as he clasped a hand on Scorpius' shoulder.

Scorpius tensed and gritted his teeth, "Thanks man, shame you guys didn't make it to the final"

Logan shrugged confidently, "There's always next year" he smiled before continuing, "besides, I got to watch this gorgeous girl play" he pulled Roxanne close to his side.

She rolled her eyes a little and stepped away slightly, loosening his hold.

"Yeah, it's a shame I missed your big moment Roxy" Scorpius nodded at Roxanne with a smile, ignoring Logan.

"Well, it was only made possible by yours Scor" she smiled back, he gave her a wry smirk.

"Oh I know"

"Don't get too cocky, the clouds and my excellent ability also were major factors"

"Yeah but they'd have been worthless without my heroic sacrifice to enable that final goal"

She laughed and punched him, "Whatever"

"Hey babe do you want a drink?" Logan interjected, clearly uncomfortable with their animated interaction.

"Sure I'll get them, Scor?"

"I'm sure he's capable of getting his own drink" Logan quipped.

"Oh Im sure he is," she answered, turning back to Scorpius, "do you want one?"

He smirked the tiniest smirk, barely keeping the smugness off his face, "Sure"

"Logan what do you want?"

"I'll have a mead please babe" Rox nodded and walked off with a smile.

Scor chuckled.

"What?" Logan asked.

"She did mention you hadnt gotten over the jealousy thing"

"Jealousy thing? You think I'm jealous of you?"

"I mean it's the only explanation for why you have such trouble us being near each other"

"I'm not jealous, I just know you're in to her and I don't trust you"

"Surely if you trust her, what I feel doesn't matter?" he raised a brow,"Or do you not trust her?"

"Whatever Malfoy, just don't touch my girlfriend"

"I mean we are pretty close Williams, I can't make any promises" Scor said, smirking fully well realising that his sentence had been unecessarily inflammatory but frankly, like Lysander, he was a little drunk too and past the point of caring.

In fact, he thought about what else he could say to piss Logan off, he'd love a testosterone fuelled fight right about now.

But before either boy could get their pent up aggression out in words or actions, Roxanne reappeared.

"One mead" she said, handing Logan his drink.

"And one firewhiskey on the rocks, Ogden's not Blishen's"

"Perfect as always" Scorpius smiled, "Anyway, I'll see you two around, he clasped Logan's shoulder in the same way Logan had done to him earlier and gave Roxanne a little nod and wink, which to his satisfaction made her roll her eyes at him and chuckle. ~

"Are you kidding? he just winked at you in front of me and you say he has no feelings for you?"

"Oh grow up Logan, Im so bored of this conversation. Scor winks at everyone, it's not a thing"

Logan huffed, "If you're going to behave like this I'm going to talk to Fred, come over and join me when you feel like acting like a sane person" Roxanne quipped, emboldened by the warming firewhiskey she was sipping on. Proud of herself for speaking her mind she walked over to her brother, who despite his loss was celebrating being scouted with James and Elliott.

"Yeah I mean I think I still want to go into Auror stuff but it is nice to have the option you know?"

Roxanne snorted into her cup and shook her head at James, he also laughed. Fred had left the three of them to try and talk Helena, his ex, back into bed with him. They'd managed to attach one end of an extendable ear to his robe and were listening in.

"Professional quidditch player? Hell of a backup right?" he re-iterated, she unfortunately looked even less impressed than before.

"Look Freddie, Im happy for you, I promise, but I've also moved on. Im with Henry now you know that."


"Yeah Fred, still."

"Where is he now? What kind of lameass neek doesn't come to the end of season after party"

Roxanne and Elliott flinched, Fred was slurring a little.

"We really shouldn't have let him go up there" Roxanne whispered to the boys.

"He needs to hear this though. He's gotta get over her"

"Oh but it's painful"

"Oh so painful" James chuckled, scrawling something down on a bit of parchment.

Roxanne laughed, "You're not logging this are you?"

"Only the best bits," He smiled, "I think lameass neek was a particularly inventive phrase."

Roxanne out right snorted before tuning back in, "Look, Freddie. I know you still care and I'll always care for you too, but we just didn't work okay? I couldn't keep up with you, I needed someone more settled"

"Less fun more like" Fred sniffed at her.

"Oh Merlin he's not gonna cry is he?"

"Abort" Elliot said. "Abort abort abort"

"Roxy you go, it'll look less suspicious"

"On it" she shot up and sashayed through the crowd to her heartbroken, drunken older brother.

"Freddie, I need your help with something" Fred pushed her to the side a little, "One sec, Rox."

"No, Freddie I need you now" she said, putting all her might and shitty acting skills to use to sound as sad as possible.

Just as she'd hoped his big brother protective instincts kicked in, forgetting his own upset he put an arm around his little sister and let her bring him away from Helena to a quieter part of the party.

Elliott and James gave her a thumbs up and she unclipped the ear from Fred's robes so they could wind it back in.~


SO, how was the grand resurrection? LET ME KNOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT!

Hope you all enjoyed, sorry again that it's been so long! Im aiming to get another chapter up in the next week so stay tuned!

Much Love,

Cookie xx