![]() Author has written 15 stories for Batman Beyond, Justice League, Adventure Time with Finn and Jake, Toy Story, Durarara!!/デュラララ!!, Naruto, and Attack on Titan/進撃の巨人. "There's a big difference between honesty and being a bitch. Honest people tell you the true whether it's bad or good, meanwhile bitches will try to hurt your feelings and make you feel bad. Many people seem to confuse the two, please don't be one of those people." - Me I have removed a few of my fics, either because they made me cringe (therefore I wouldn't complete them) or because I just didn't have the inspiration to continue them. Yes, I know I could have at least left them up for the people who did enjoy them. But, I didn't want to leave up stories I did not like anymore. Like... I really really didn't like them. Plus, looking at them just sitting there was just a constant reminder that they would never be finished. I sincerely apologize to anyone who read them, but hopefully you prefer the other things I still have up. Current Status: Writing / Taking a break / College Hiatus / Writer's Block / Planning / Editing I'm actually dealing with a lot of stressful stuff right now. I thought I could push through it but I need a break. I don't know when I'll be back, but I need a breather. Pairings That I SasukexHinata This never has (and never will) made any freaking sense to me. This is one of those "what the fuck?" pairings that, in my mind, would never work, even if they were locked in a room together. Sasuke and Hinata have never once interacted in canon before, ever, and if they did Sasuke wouldn't just begin to like her that way. Who cares if she wasn't a fangirl towards him? That means he'll just fall in love with her like that? No, he won't. He'll respect her, sure, but he won't love her. The only potential love interests Sasuke has are Sakura and Karin (not even gonna count Ino, since she doesn't know him on the same personal level as those two. Plus she's all boy crazy over Sai now anyway.), maybe even Naruto (hell he's the only person Sasuke ever kissed!) if Kishimoto decided to go that direction with it. And even then it may never happen with any of them, so why Hinata? I can't picture Hinata liking him that way either anyway, especially if she never did in the first place. Hinata barely ever acknowledged his presence. She's always been (a little obsessively if I may add) in love with Naruto. As far as the manga has shown and is still showing, he's the only guy that she wants. But maybe I'm being biased, I have no problem with KibaHina or ShinoHina. But that's more than likely because they're her teammates; and it's a lot more likely for her to start liking one of them rather than Sasuke. I honestly don't even think anything about Sasuke in general would be romantically appealing to her ... like at all. In my opinion, this is the second most unrealistic pairing in the fandom. But a little more than half that blame goes straight to the shitty Naruto/Hinata/Sasuke love triangle fics I've read, ugh! (Canon has been sealed, so you better go read chapter 700!) DeidaraxSakura This is definitely the first, just ... why? Deidara doesn't fully know who Sakura is and vice versa; another example of two characters that never interacted. Let's also not forget that Deidara is a crazy, explosive obsessed mofo. So I can't see that working, or with anyone else from the Akatsuki. But, weirdly enough, I don't mind SasoSaku, maybe because they're at least aware of who the other is and have actually interacted. Even though their "interaction" was a fight to the death ... Even so, I don't dislike this one as much as the first. I could probably read this pairing, but the first just creases me. IchigoxOrihime I don't dislike Orihime at all, I actually like her character a lot ... I just don't like her with Ichigo, I personally think it's really stupid. Just saying. For one thing, judging from the way he acts around her, he does care a lot about her, but in a strictly platonic sort of way. Just cause Orihime is in love with Ichigo doesn't mean he's obligated to love her back. Besides, there's been a lot more development with Rukia and Ichigo's relationship than his relationship with Orihime. I could just be saying this because I'm an IchiRuki shipper, but if he has any romantic feelings for any of the girls he knows then it's most likely Rukia. She's the girl that he's closest to (from what I can see at least). ErenxMikasa I'm sorry, so so sorry, but I just don't like the idea of them together at all. It just gets on my nerves. I feel like Eren is one of those protagonists that just does not need a love interest at all, much less Mikasa. And it's not even because she's his adopted sister, I hate how she clings to him all the time and is obsessed with being his protector (it even gets on Eren's nerves sometimes). She acts like Eren is some baby who can't defend himself, I get wanting to protect him (considering all he's done for her) but it's almost like she doesn't believe he can save his own neck. She thinks she's the only one who can protect him, she tries to get involved in almost everything he does to try and protect him, etc. I get it, he saved her from kidnappers, he changed her for the better, he became the family that replaced the one that she lost, and she's completely in love with him. Okay, fine. But her "everything I eat, sleep, and breath is Eren" attitude that she shows sometimes is seriously just really obnoxious and annoyingly over the top. Mikasa is one of my favorite female characters in that show (number one actually), but come on. If Mikasa learned how to majorly tone all of that down, I would probably consider this pairing. But until then, I don't like the idea and still stand by what I said. And I still think Eren doesn't need a love interest. If ErenxMikasa does end up happening I probably wouldn't care all that much anyway (when I think about it), but I still won't like the pairing. People can write and like whatever they want, it could be AkamaruxOrochimaru for all I care. Just giving my two cents on certain ones is all. A little tip from me: Don't be picky about reviews. So what if someone decided to say "More please!" or "Update soon!!!1!!1" instead of giving you the positive feedback (or even some critique, whatever you look for in a review) you wanted on your chapter? Be happy someone decided to leave you anything at all. And this is only to the people who whine about it, not the one's who kindly ask not to do that. If it doesn't say "Discontinued" in the summary then it's not abandoned. If anything, it's just been on hold. |