AN: I have been writing so much this winter break! I'm not going to jinx myself by saying that I'll have another chapter out soon, but I'll try. I think this chapter seems rushed but I'm really bad at writing fight scenes and really just want to get back to normal high school life Roxy and Kurt. Grrrr. Also, I really want some pie.

Disclaimer: I do not own X-men Evolutions, or any of the characters. I do in fact own Roxy.

Warning: Contains cursing, violence, mild to moderate sexual situations, and the occasional reference to homosexuality.

Belle Fleur

Chapter twelve- Green Goo

"Forget love... I'd rather fall in chocolate." -Unknown Author

"Mr. McCoy!" I screamed as loudly as I could repeatedly until said blue man walked into the room. I wish it could be the other blue man. You know the cute and tiny one who isn't talking to me because I'm such a major bitch.

"What is it Roxy?" He asked with an annoyed tone in his voice as if I had been bugging him all day. Which I have been.

"Can I go home?" I asked in a sugary sweet voice while making a sad pouty face.

"I've told you at least five times now that we need to keep you here until your powers return fully to make sure that Rogue didn't cause any permanent damage." He explained for the sixth time now.

"Yeah I know you keep saying that. But look, I'm fine! My powers work fine-" At that I tried making an orb out of the shadows of the room but just ended up making the shadows do a weird kind of twitchy dance, "Well okay, I'll admit that my powers aren't at 100% just I'll be fine and if I'm not then I'll come right back. How does that sound?"

"The Professor is going to kill me." McCoy said in a very frustrated voice before pointing to a closet in the corner of the room, "Your clothes are in there, you are free to go."


"Kurt! Please just let me talk to you!" I called out as I chased after him.

"Vhat else could you possibly have to zay to me?" He asked while whipping around to finally face me.

"A lot actually." I said in a quiet voice while looking down at the ground, "Look, I know what I did was completely wrong and I have no right to ask you to forgive me, but could you at least just listen to me?"

"I told you right from the start that she was lying to us." Jean said in a condescending tone as she strolled down the hallway.

"Shut up, I'm trying to talk to Kurt." I practically growled, trying my hardest not to punch her.

"I'm just saying-"

"Nobody cares what you are saying Jane." I shot beck quickly while balling my hands up into fists at my side.

"My name's not Ja-"

"I said nobody cares!" I finally screamed before turning back to Kurt with my innocent look back on.

"Ve should go talk in my room." He stuttered out before guiding me there, "So vhat did you vant to tell me?"

"Okay this whole 'me lying about whom I really am' thing was never really my idea. And I never thought it could blow up in my face like this." I started to explain while pacing the room, Kurt just sat on his bed and watched me, "Like at first I was just doing to so I could have a place to stay, but then I met you and everybody and I really liked it here. And I really like you, like a lot. Like more than I have ever liked anyone. And I couldn't tell you who I really was because then you'd never talk to me. Kind of like what you're doing now."

"I really like you too Roxy, I do." Kurt finally said as he stood up and took a single step closer to me. But that still left a good ten feet between us, "but I really just need some time to think about all of zhis."

And then, in a huge cloud of smoke he was gone. And I was left alone.


I was going to ask him to teleport me home.

That shit's like a good hour walk.



"You all are assholes, I hope you realize." I called out to the brotherhood as soon as I walked into the house. Pietro and Fred were playing cards, Lance was just sitting on the couch, and Toad was flipping through the channels. Did they even notice I was gone?

"Hey Roxy, where have you been?" Lance asked, looking up at me as if I've been here the whole time.

"Well during our little battle, Rogue knocked me out and brought me back to the mansion where I have been trapped for two days. Oh and everybody knows who I am!" I screamed angrily while kicking Toad off of his seat, "But thanks for the concern."

"Sorry Rox, we just thought you were out partying yo." Toad said as he attempted to take his seat back from me which only ended with me teleporting him outside. Well that's what I tried doing. He really just ended up two feet away from me.

"And now my powers are like fucking shot! God fucking damn it!" I screamed. "And why the fuck would you ever think I would leave mid battle to go partying for two days strait?"

"That's not important right now," Lance said as he stood up very suddenly, "Right now we have to go to the Xavier Mansion."

"You guys are literally the worst friends ever."


"Aw come on sweets, you should be happy." Pietro grinned at me, "You're finally going to be on the same side as your lover boy."

"Yeah now if only lover boy was talking to me.." I trailed off as we entered into an elevator that would take us to the lower more secret levels of the mansion, "And what is up with you guys and the epic entrances?"

"Mystique likes them, so we just go along with it, yo." Toad shrugged lazily. And then the elevator doors opened and we were faced with at least twenty people who hated us.

"I'd like you to say hello to your new teammates." Professor Xavier said to the Xmen while wheeling around to face us.

"You vant us to work with them?"

"No way!"

"Not a chance!"

"Professor, you can't be serious! After what they did to us?" Kitty came out of the angry crowd to complain.

"Hey we won, you loss." Pietro said as he zipped behind Kitty to pat her on the shoulder then zipped back before she could swat him, "Get over it."

"I know this will be difficult for some of you" Insert pointed looks at Scott and Lance, "But despite your person feelings we face tremendous odds going against Magneto and we will be a much stronger team with their help."

"Why are you guys even volunteering for this?" Evan asked with an angry look on his face "You don't like us any more than we like you."

"We have our reasons." Pietro shot back.

"Yeah maybe it's 'be kind to losers week'." Toad chipped in with a small hop.

"And from what I've seen, you losers need a new team leader." Lance said as he strutted (yes, he struts) up to Scott and pointed in his face.

"Yeah? Well guess what shake down?" Is that really what Scott thinks his name is? That's a stupid name, "You can have the job. I'm done with this."

"You suck as team captain." I shot out to Lance while leaning back against a wall and trying to ignore Kurt glaring at me.

"Do you want the job then?" Lance asked with a smirk, knowing I was kidding.

"No, I'm just saying." I shrugged and tried not to smile.

"We must get back to training, and focus."


Okay, so we're in this like old abandoned work yard where this Magneto guy is supposed to be. We've been looking around for him for like a good twenty minutes and all we've found were these giant silver orbs that look like pacman. This whole time while we're working hard Pietro is just relaxing and not helping at all. Cos he's a dick like that. And Wanda's looking around all suspicious and glaring at Pietro and walls like Magneto is just going to fall out of thin air. I think this is the single weirdest family I have ever seen.

"It's a trap!" Wanda screeched out just shortly after shit started blowing up and everything started floating. Looking back I saw that Pietro was nowhere in sight. Ignoring his disappearing act I turned back to where the explosions were coming from. And standing there (also in dramatic entrance pose) were four of the oddest looking men ever. They also appeared to be surrounded by fire.

Almost immediately they all started attacking us. Not all that expectantly I stuck by Toad and made sure he didn't die while trying to entice a giant man made of metal. That ended quickly once a flaming barrel was thrown at my head. Looking around I saw that it was thrown by the guy making all the fire. And he was smirking right at me.

Smirking back I turned to him and threw as big of a ball of shadows as I could, which was about the size of a bowling ball. But at least my powers were working again!

But so was this guy's. Currently he was making a Tiger. Out of fire.

"That is so fucking cool fire guy!" I yelled excitedly while dodging away from said fire Tiger.

"Thanks, but the name's Pyro!" He called in a distinctly Australian voice.

"Ha, I see what you did there." I giggled while throwing more little balls of shadows at him, "That's very clever!"

"Glad you appreciate it-"

"It's Magneto!" Someone called out just before the ground began shaking and we all fell to the ground.

Correction: we all fell into the ground. Which really hurts.

"Nobody move." Storm instructed us all, probably due to the large amount of guns that were being pointed at us. Where the hell are we?

"Now what?" Evan groaned at the sound of... some large banging. Not really sure what it is. But it made all the guys with guns run away.

"It sounds like footsteps." Kurt said with a terrified look on his face when right on queue, a giant robot came stomping at us. This thing had to be at least fifty feet tall.

At the feeling of all of us, including the robot, rising out of the hole in the ground, all I could think to do was scream, "What the fuck is happening?" Which seemed to be the general thought of the whole group.

Especially when the robot thing started shooting lasers at us. Nothing we were doing was working. Fred was throwing cars, Storm was electrocuting it, Evan was throwing chunks of wood at it, I was thowing shadow balls at it, and Lance was trying to shake it to the ground.

It always managed to come right back at us with more lasers. Worst part of all of this was that there were like five helicopters circling above us and cop cars starting to surround the whole scene.

Actually I lied. The worst part was when the robot threw this green goo at us which slowly hardened into what seemed to be a rock. Speaking from personal experience, it's really weird to be frozen in place inside a giant green rock and still be able to see all your friends fighting around you.

Thank you for reading, please review!