Author has written 9 stories for Inuyasha, Harry Potter, and Stargate: SG-1. updated 2-22-05 I'm 25 years old living with friends somewhere in the midwest(USA). i have gotten the divorce from the husband who decided my love was a contest and I was a possesion to be won at the state fair. i have been a single woman for one year now(Whoo HOO). My balance has returned to me. Writing has helped me quite a bit though i fell away from it for a while. I'm a geek/freak. I love reading, writing and learning. I enjoy shows like Babylon 5, Stargate SG1, Buffy Angel, Andromeda you get the idea. I adore anime. I love role playing. My first RPG was Vampire the Masquarade and the world of darkness that came with it. It was a minor obsession of mine for about two years. I work that way, becoming obsessed with something for a while and then simply loving it once the obsession ends. When I was a kid it was science fiction and fantasy literature, About seven years ago it was role playing. Just last year it was Inuyasha (actually Sesshoumaru, I mean who wouldn't love that hunk of a youkai, any fangirl would have to be crazy or blind not to feel like drooling at the sight of him) which meant I breathed, dreamed, fantasized and had the dog demon on my mind constantly. I'm no longer obsessed with him(part of the reason I haven't written more on "I Didn't Know I was Waiting for you" My new obsession has been Harry Potter(because a friend let me borrow the books) and has some great fanfiction. That obsession has mostly passed, but I am still writing in that genre. I have finished year one of the Dark Heirs universe and am working on year two. I have also been convinced by one of my roomates to write a crossover fic with him. I'm still planning on finishing I Didn't Know I Was Waiting For You, but that muse comes and goes in odd moments. I'd like to thank all of my reviewers as well as my muses... Draco Malfoy, Harry Potter, Sesshoumaru, Seth(as in the Egyptian Storm God; father of Anubis), Ma'at(Egypiam goddess of Justice), Shina de la Schatten(my favorite ever WoD RPG character), Ozzy Osbourne and my King Tut death mask(including the guardian spirit) that hangs on my wall for helping me to regain my balance and center in this swirling universe know as my 'soap opera life' as my best friend used to call it. If you've read all this you have a stronger stomach than I and I hope you enjoy my fic(s). To find my fic that isn't here or to read my lemon which has been removed from here, use the following adress... and it will take you right to my stories on media miner Update to my Profile as of 7-19-05 All of the above is still true. I have had a real bad case of writers block recently which seems mostly due to RL getting me down. As of yet I have not read Half Blood Prince, after I do I probably still won't be using stuff from it, but if I do, I'll let every one know. Update Schedual: I Didn't Know I Was Waiting For You- Chapter 19 up 8-3-04, i also reloaded all the other chapters because I noticed the formating had changed slightly-- I have appoximately two pages on chapter 20 written, but the rest of the chapter is lodged behind a collosal block, I hope to get through it and complete this story as soon as humanly possible. Right Here Waiting-completed-REMOVED BY ON 1-27-06 BECAUSE IT WAS A SONG-FIC! What I Truly Want-completed Learning Love(on mediaminer)-chapter 3 uploaded on 7-30-04-- this is another fic whose next chapter is started and the rest is behind a block of whatever. Of Magic(Harry Potter; post OoTP)- Chapter 4 out 8-25-04... chapter 5 out 7-19-05(good god it's been eleven months!)...if I post by July I'll be happy... I;m not happy...but I hope to come back to this soon(11/11/06) Stargate HP-1 - HP-Stargate x-over written joinly with WraithXIII. ch-3 posted 4-7-05... Spoilers- HP books 1-5 all Stargate seasons-- this fic is on hold indefinately due to wraith having a life and me not knowing the stargate universe as well as him... If I complete this on my own I may be scrapping what's here and rewriting it, but I'm not sure what I'm going to do Dark Heirs(Dark Harry AU)- Magical Theory By Mrs. Riddle posted 2-18-05 The Protector(Harry Potter/ Post OotP)-- chapter 1 released 7-19-05...ch3 posted 1-10-06 Auf wiedersehen/ Ja ne/ Bye-bye |
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