There was beautiful, young woman who freely entered a village. Her long ponytail swayed behind her as she walked with her head looking around in awe.
It had been quite a while since she had come into a village at all because of the extensive traveling she had always been doing. She could never stay anywhere for too long, and nor could she go into many villages.
From a distant hill over looking thatched roofs and other dwellings, she had wondered what was happening in every town she passed by. Though she was a human herself, she was not considered one since she was far removed from the human territory…

The young woman was like a half ling,
Belonging nowhere…

Belonging nowhere
By miyamoto yui

Part 1 – I just can't tell you.

Rin had always wondered what would have happened if she came back to her village. The mute girl who had suddenly disappeared so many years ago was finally back.
She looked back at the entrance for a moment and imagined herself as a little child looking up at Sesshomaru…

With eyes that she couldn't read, Sesshomaru had said, "You'll have to go back. You do not belong with me."
Jaken, who was quite fond of her by then, nodded approvingly and tried to urge her on. "We are sorry to do this."
Her troubled face looked up to the moonlight as the sleeping village's silence didn't help in her defense. She began to cry as she shook her head.
Even at that moment, Sesshomaru's attitude was aloof and she wondered if he cared for her at all? After all that they had gone through?
She was a little girl to him…

Had she always been a burden to him because of what and who she was? It was a question that always bothered her in the back of her mind…

Jaken began to turn around and so he and Sesshomaru began to walk away as Rin became very upset not wanting to part with either of them. She looked at the village that had been rebuilt after the wolves had attacked it. Then, she looked back at Sesshomaru at that moment.
Rin wanted to run and cry saying that it was too cruel to leave her. That she didn't want to be all alone again.
That they were now her family, even if this arrangement was strange to everyone else's eyes.
"I want to go with Sesshomaru-sama…" she mumbled quietly as her tears began to fall faster and faster down her cheeks. She rubbed them away with her palms trying to be as strong as Sesshomaru and Jaken had taught her to be.
But she couldn't help it.
"I want to go with Sesshomaru-sama…" Rin mumbled again, with a voice slightly higher than the last time.
With her hands in fists, as she was going to run back to Sesshomaru, the great Sesshomaru, who would have not turned around even if he was being attacked, turned his head slightly to look back at Rin.
"I want to be with you," she said as she found herself running towards him.
At that moment, Jaken was taken aback as Sesshomaru, for the first time, waited for Rin to come to him. Not until she stood beside him and held his sleeve between her small fingers did he resume his journey…
Jaken just kept his comments to himself.

Looking around, Rin's knapsack was beside her as she went around trying to find the vegetables she would need to cook that night for dinner. It had been very hard to convince Sesshomaru that stealing was not an option even if he was a great, powerful youkai. The fact still remained was that he would have to steal food again for her.
And he did it personally now…
She remembered when she had done the same for him many years ago. By the river, she had smiled at him and given him food and water. Now, she realized that all that was useless, but he had kindly accepted it. By now, she also knew that he would have accepted it from no one else.
Of course, no one recognized her from this place. Since the village was rebuilt and everyone had died when the wolves came, they were curious. Not many people came, but a young woman traveling by herself? And at the old age of seventeen? This was unheard of.
Rin bought some vegetables as one of the women asked, "Do you need a place to rest?"
With a smile, Rin shook her head. "Thank you very much, but I am fine."
As she was leaving, there were several young men who were staring at her with lust in their eyes. She was very charming and pretty indeed, but there was something interesting about her that they couldn't understand. It attracted them all the same.
Rin didn't pay attention to them as she left the village.
Three boys followed her closely behind as she went into the woods trying to make her way back to Sesshomaru and Jaken.
The three boys encircled her and she stood in her place with slits for eyes. The smile she had became a thin line filled with anger. "What do you want?"
There was no answer. The boys from the villages walked out and tried to block her from going any further.
What she couldn't understand was what would they want from her as they gave her looks trying to make plans of their own.
"What do you want?" she fiercely asked once more.

Rustle, rustle.

A branch was pushed out of the way and as the boys looked at who was standing before them, they became scared for their lives.
"And what was it you wanted with her?" Sesshomaru asked calmly as he reached out quickly for the neck of the boy that was closest to him. With his chin up, he asked, "If you touched even a thread of her hair, I'll kill all of you."
"Sesshomaru-sama!" Rin shouted, frustrated at the fact that she wanted to take care of herself, but glad that he came at the time that he did.
Throwing the boy to the ground, Sesshomaru eyed them and gave a warning of, "If I ever see you again, I won't think twice of running my hand through your chest."
The boys ran away, but Rin pouted at Sesshomaru with an annoyed voice saying, "You always treat me like a child. I could have taken care of them."
She continued as she walked in front of him, "I haven't traveled with you and Jaken not to know anything."
Sesshomaru didn't say anything as he watched her carefully. He was used to her chatter.
No matter what she said, he didn't really care for it. The simple fact was that she was in trouble, and he instinctively knew it. He had to find her and ease his own worry whenever she left him.
"It isn't a matter of trust," he answered as they made it to the spot they had decided to settle upon, which was near the river and almost at the place where they had met years ago.
He wouldn't ever admit that he got worried, and found himself attached to this girl who had followed him when she was a kid. And now, he couldn't imagine it otherwise.
Rin took out a little kettle and boiled water in it. Silently, she looked at Sesshomaru knowing her words were at a loss with him.
"What's wrong?" Jaken asked in Sesshomaru's place as he walked up to them. He sat by Rin as Rin tilted her head and smiled. It was a reflex that she couldn't control when she felt really depressed. And she didn't want to worry him either.
"Nothing," she answered as she put more branches for the fire beneath the kettle. She sighed as she tried to avoid looking at Sesshomaru.
"Did you guys get into a fight again?" Jaken asked as he slammed his staff to the ground. He shook his head and closed his eyes in frustration.
Silence once more.
"Why doesn't anyone ever tell me anything?"
Known for being too honest, Rin blurted out, "I went to the village…"
"Yes, to get vegetables," Jaken nodded knowingly.
Rin looked at Jaken. "I wanted to see what it was like again."
Sesshomaru turned his head away. "I knew we should not have come here."
"Don't worry about him. He's just in one of his moods because-OW!" Jaken started to say as Sesshomaru hit him on the head to make him stop talking and not reveal something that he didn't want to acknowledge at that moment.

That night, while Rin slept, the fire crackled and Jaken was going to make his rounds for the night. Before he did so, he looked at his master, wanting to have a talk with him, but didn't know how to approach the subject.
Sesshomaru, who was looking at the moon, finally said, "If you have something, just say it. I hate it when people stare at me with nothing to say."
"You sure are more irritable than usual, my Lord," Jaken commented almost expecting to be hit. Ever since that girl had come, he wasn't as much because Rin always felt bad for Jaken.
"What was it that you wanted to ask me, Jaken?" Sesshomaru questioned with a scathing quality to his impatient tone.
"She's growing up," Jaken said as she sighed. "You can't keep her with you forever."
"I didn't keep her. She chose to be with us." Sesshomaru looked at Jaken as he said, "You saw with your own eyes."
Jaken tried to push, "There was nowhere else to go, she had no real choice."
"She could have gone back to her village," Sesshomaru simply replied.
"Even if she did, you would have found some way to get her back." Jaken gave a hard look to his master trying to get a reaction.
"You sound so sure of that, Jaken." Sesshomaru commented as he sarcastically countered, "I'm surprised."
"Because it's true."

The wind blew and Rin squirmed.
"I still feel sorry for her. She is neither a human, yet she is not a youkai." Jaken again sighed as he stood up. "Where does she belong, Sesshomaru-sama?"
Jaken looked at the sleeping Rin as Sesshomaru did his best not to turn his head to look at her.
"She belongs nowhere," Sesshomaru answered bluntly.
"She's at that age. In fact, she's an old maid already." Jaken then turned around almost ready to leave. "You have to let her go back now. Do you really think she can live the way she has without more consequences the longer she stays with us?"
"She chose this of her own accord." Sesshomaru then turned his eyes towards the fire blazing before him.
Jaken shrugged his shoulders and bowed to his master before leaving.

When Jaken was out of sight, Sesshomaru stole a glance at Rin. He looked around as he got his cloak and put it over her body. Then, he sat back in his place and his eyes couldn't stop from looking at Rin, who was smiling at that moment.
Sesshomaru seriously whispered to himself, "Yes, you chose to stay, but…"

He finished, "I am unable to tell you otherwise."

Author's notes: I wanted to make this fic for a long time…