Yes, I realize this is an AN. I'm sorry, but I really wanted to let people know about this.

I'm revising Forgotten Memories. I started it all over new and re-posted it. Check my profile purty please for the revised version.

I apologize to all you wonderful people for delaying this for so long. I really do love you all, and I promise to do my best to actually finish it and hopefully make it better for you this time around.

So spread the word, Tenshi no Yami is back in business!

And this little piece here is just so it's not a complete AN and a teeny little ficlet!


Sesshoumaru brushed his fingers lightly across Kagome's cheek. "You are very beautiful, Kagome. Do not listen to that ignorant hanyou. He is no judge of such things," he said softly.

Kagome shivered slightly at his touch and looked up at him. "Sometimes I don't feel very beautiful at all," she whispered in return.

"I have seen many women, Kagome. And few come near to you in physical beauty and none have come anywhere close to matching the beauty of your spirit." He placed a sweet, tender kiss on her forehead. Strangely enough, Kagome wanted to cry.

Kagome woke up slowly, blinking in the bright sunlight filtering through the curtains. She grimaced and shut her eyes against the offending radiance.

An arm snaked itself across her waist. "Good morning, love," a soft voice whispered in her ear. Kagome smiled and rolled over and hid her face in her mate's neck.

"Morning, Sesshou-chan," she said. "Thank you."

"For what?"

Kagome smiled up at him and gave him a quick kiss. "Just thank you."


Just a sweet little something I thought up.