Poll: I'm going to put up this question for a short time since I want to make a decision on this soon. I fell out of writing Innocence and Experience partially due to RL and other reasons, but also because my style has changed drastically and I hope, improved! Vote Now!
Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. At long last, I've taken the steps to join in and write rather than merely read and review anonymously. I must take this opportunity to thank the many authors who have provided me with so many stories to enjoy. Innocence and Experience. It's most definitely not the first I've written, but it's the first I've shared in this manner. Reviews are of course appreciated. A Question of Form: My first short story here. I intended it to be purely a brief bit of humor, but it developed and turned into a slightly longer bit of thoughtful amusement. A Shifting of Perspective. A one-shot that I wrote for the HPSS GenFest, located in Yahoo Groups: http:///group/HPSS_Gen_Fest/ My story is also currently archived at Jedi Buttercup's Worldbuilding Archive, and wonderfully formatted, too! http:/// June 2011: If you're interested in leaving feedback/communicating with me privately (rather than by review) feel free to use the message sending feature at the top of this page. I thank everyone, especially those of you still with me despite my long delay since my last chapter, and those who have left me reviews to show that I'm not forgotten. I promise that I /am/ working on the ending chapters of I and E, but as is true for most, RL is keeping me busy. I hope that all of my readers are doing well. It's far too long since I've posted, I know. I'm sorry. But I've added a poll which can affect the future of the fic! I've reorganized my favorites /again/ as well as adding more stories and authors to my lists; highly recommended reading. If a story has multiple parts, I recommend all of them. If an author is listed, they've got multiple storylines that I enjoy. Please note that while I'm not up to writing slash or adult at the moment, some of my favorites do. Please read responsibly - thanks! 2011 update: Yes, still alive. I'm glad to see that people are still reading (and hopefully enjoying) my stories. I do remember I and E and haven't given up on it yet. |