Reviews for Dead Roses
strwalker chapter 38 . 4/9
I really enjoyed this! Well written with an interesting and peculiar conflict. Even with no Harry Potter, you were able to make an interesting story about the Hogwarts professors while remaining within the HP world. The relationship between Snape and Lupin is especially interesting.
Selena92 chapter 38 . 10/1/2019

I love the friendship between Severus und Remus and how it developed.

Voldemort and Lucius were less pleasant parts in the story and of course, Voldemort is a character I hate. But you wrote both of them well. Lucius not being completely evil had me pray each time he appeared that this time, he'd be going to help. I wanted to pummel him though for attempting to force Remus to kill in his werewolf form- so glad Severus got there in time.

Also delighted that Severus managed to save Draco at least for another year- I'm certain if canon Severus had had the opportunity he would have done that too.

Osiris and Isis were interesting and I love Isis for stepping in and saving Severus, convincing Osiris to send him back "unchanged". That visible change though was sort of terrifying (not because of the looks but because it was clearly visible)...I liked older Sev, though I am very glad young Severus is back. Older Sev sassing Lucius was awesome!

Brilliant way to leave us guessing whether the gpds had really been stupid enough to believe that Severus suddenly looking old would not be noticed. What did they take though? Severus' fear of making bonds?

If Severus is a dead rose that hasn't been protected and treated right, then Remus is the tonic that revives it.

Thank you so much for this story!
JG chapter 38 . 6/4/2018
AMAZING. I am such a fan of the could-be friendship between Snape and Lupin and you have written it better than any I have seen to date. There was a stunningly perfect blend of drama, humor and mystery, and everyone was flawlessly in-character! I don't know how you managed to pull it off, but you did. You are a spectacular writer.
JG chapter 7 . 6/1/2018
Sev's reaction to the Blow Pops had me cracking up! You write him so well in character!
Guest chapter 38 . 5/12/2017
Love this story, original and unique plot. Well written, very imaginative, and detailed beautifully. I am very happy to have come across this story and it deserves more reviews. I also liked the subtle humor sprinkled in just right and not over done. I love how you were not afraid to sugar coat or hurt characters to tell your story properly. A round of applause from this corner. Great job and hope to see more. Your writing is brilliant and recommend this story for all read. Thanks for sharing.
Guest chapter 37 . 5/12/2017
Oh my god, oh my god!
Guest chapter 35 . 5/12/2017
Aww, love Mac Lir's wolf story.
Guest chapter 28 . 5/11/2017
That is one crazy twist... Poor Severus :(. Well my guess was off but I understand what was taken.
Guest chapter 22 . 5/11/2017
Oh evil twist. I love it!
Guest chapter 8 . 5/10/2017
Love the suspense so far, great job!
Guest chapter 1 . 5/10/2017
Great opening chapter! Excited
scgaraycochea chapter 38 . 5/30/2015
I loved this fic! Thanks a lot for share it!
GregoryWilson chapter 38 . 4/24/2015
THis was pretty neat. I liked it.
whitehound chapter 38 . 2/10/2015
Hum. It's a very good read but I'm not sure that an outcome in which Severus murders a teenager is any better than one in which Remus does, especially as in the books it's Remus who's a stone-cold killer (he rolled up his sleeves as he prepared to execute Peter in cold blood in front of children), and Snape who has witnessed killings but with no suggestion he himself has ever killed anyone.
whitehound chapter 18 . 2/10/2015
Very nice bit of business with the portrait of Mac Lir.

A Potions master is a male schoolteacher (aka a schoolmaster) who teaches Potions.
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