Reviews for So Strange, What Cuts us Together and Apart
Aster Knight Sapphire chapter 1 . 3/16/2017
I loved this so much asdfghjklasdfghjkl
narrizan chapter 1 . 2/13/2017
Kanda will always be his friend. This much I believe. (the fangirl in me just fans on Kanda/Lavi because that's just the inner me)

I actually also think that Lavi will take on the mantle of Bookmanhood quite spectacularly well. But since he may be the last, he might also have words to say on how things might be done for future Bookman.

He has as yet (or who knows what Hoshino-sensei will give us) as hard a path to walk as Allen. (or even Kanda for that matter)

I love how all the Lavi-writers paint/picture him a certain way that is similar that is uncanny. He is such a beautiful complex character. What's not to love.

- Zan
Jamaica chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
OK you are officially the most awesome person who write the most awesome sad stories involving Lavi. He's so tragic, in general, which I think comes through in canon but few fan authors try to capture that complexity. It's fucking beautiful. And this fic, it's friendship but the understanding is hotter than most of the yaois I've read about them. Kudos.
Athena Keating-Thomas chapter 1 . 10/30/2011
Wow. This story is many levels of sad and thoughtful. It's well written, and I can tell that you put a lot of time into it, either in thought around the concept or in writing. I'd actually love to see where it can go from here. Does Lavi's new persona go to find Bookman? Does he strike out on his own without the banner of Bookman or Exorcist? Does he decide to make a home somewhere?

Well done!
TheSeventhLie chapter 1 . 3/30/2010
- sigh. That was a sad ending. Not a bad one ... but a sad one. I wish Lavi had left a tad bit happier, y'know, with everyone but Kanda not hating him.

That was amazing, best friendship KandaLavi fanfic I've ever read, amazing job. ;)
Silneki chapter 1 . 3/15/2009
Wow, that was one of the best Lavi/Kanda friendship fics I read. It's really goes in-dept about their relationship.

The ending is realistic but still sad T_T
TheRealMapleSyrup chapter 1 . 1/17/2009
oh my god, that made my eyes watery.

It's a really good story, and really, I think Lavi wouldn't like not being a bookman and an exorcist at the same time,

Really cute story
Daft Punker chapter 1 . 1/5/2009
Oh god.



I've never read a KandaLavi friendship fic before this.

It was just beautiful. ;-;

I think I might like them more friendship-y now.
nashinashi chapter 1 . 12/30/2008
Woah, this was really well written, very touching, and the characterization is just so believable. I love how you tackled the unhappy side of being a member of the Order; actually didn't see too much of that form what I've read in other fics so far. I really like your characterization of Kanda, too. It seemed very honest and real. Lots of fics have Kanda being too friendly or open or sensitive, moreso than I think he should have been portrayed, but I think you found the perfect balance here.

Great stuff!
Owl At The End chapter 1 . 12/29/2008
But-but-but-but... D:

Kanda no! Break out of character and go with Lavi! YOU TWO CAN BE A FAMILY ;_;

Very well written though, and interesting concept.


Though you did slip from past to present tense a few times)
Kuro49 chapter 1 . 12/27/2008
Rabi really can't do well without his Bookman-stuff. And seeing him like this is devastating but sort of enjoyable too, (I am so not sadistic...) and Kanda being that, being such a comfort is refreshing, its like learning about something totally foreign from the supposedly dumbest guy in the class (not saying Kanda is dumb at all :P). And the scene of Rabi crying and getting so violent is great, all just a way to figure himself out. I loved it~

Eloar Dragoon chapter 1 . 12/26/2008
That was absolutely amazing and I'd probably be saying one praise after the other if words didn't fail me to explain how good this reading was. Your writing style is very beautiful, simple to read and yet forming a beautiful image, it described the uneasiness of emotions that Lavi turned into and all the little details building the person that he had become very well. And I must say, as anti-canon as it might be, Lavi not liking his not-Bookman life is a perfect theme that I love very much. This deserves a favorite and I'm going to stalk you now :D

By the way, can't help but agree with Lavi as an angsty sod, all four of them are very easy to write as one, but I think he's the most fun of them to do it.
Fortunate Misfortunes chapter 1 . 12/25/2008

You have such an amazing writing style! Your metaphors and similies are outstanding!

Keep writing!

I look forward to reading more of your work some time.