Title - To Consort With the Devil 14/14

Rating - PG-13/T

Disclaimer - I own none of this, it all belongs to Rowling

Spoilers - None I can think of, way AU from OotP

Warnings - Mild violence

Summary - Revenge

A/N - Many thanks again to everyone who has read, reviewed and favorited!

To Consort with the Devil


In an alleyway between two buildings in a small, but cosy and well-kept village in northern Transylvania, deep in the shadows stood a man. This man had been standing there for a better part of the evening, eyes firmly fixed on the inn across the street. He stood as still as a statue, not even twitching as an alley cat dashed by, not even as a light rain began to fall, not even as various guests entered and exited the inn and blocked his view. He was covered from head to toe in a black cloak and the encroaching darkness and no one would have even noticed his presence, unless one happened to look up into his face and see the glow of a magic blue eye.

Across modern metropolitan cities and tiny hamlets surrounded by nature this man hunted his prey. He had used every spell, potion and spy network known to his kind to find the one man he desired to find in all the world but his prey was always two steps ahead. He could only follow rumors and bodies drained of life blood. Every week that went by empty-handed he returned to whatever tiny room he was renting and drink his sorrows and anger away. He spent a miserable, hungover weekend in Prague until an owl had pecked on his window and delivered a small bag. Inside the bag was a lock of black, greasy hair, a note with a spell written on the back, and a vial filled with blood.

Came across this spell in my research. It's intended to help a vampire find its lost maker but I've tweaked it to point you in the right direction. Follow the instructions exactly. Good luck.


He had followed the directions to the letter and the results had brought him here to this unassuming village where his quarry was currently enjoying a bottle of wine while waiting for the rain to pass. Finally sometime after midnight his prey settled his tab, put on his coat and strolled out into the night without a care. The man waited a moment then silently followed, charm cast to muffle the sounds of a peg leg.

Through the empty streets the hunted and hunter walked, collars damp and breath twisting in the cool air. Finally the man being followed stopped and without turning around spoke,

"I know you're there. I can hear your heart beating. Don't be shy, I don't bite. Hard."

There was no response or movement so the prey sighed and turned around only to be confronted with a knife to his throat and a wickedly sharp wooden stake pressed to his heart. A scarred face and a brilliant blue eye peered at him from under a hood as the hunter growled and pressed forward.

"This is for my girls you bastard!"

Alastor Moody thrust the stake into the heart of the vampire before drawing his knife across the throat. The vampire wheeled back, hands clutching the stake in his chest, mouth opening and closing in shock. He fell to his knees before Moody, eyes wide as a hand crept up to the wound in his neck. Moody watched impassively as the vampire crumpled to the ground, skin turning gray as black blood pooled around him. When his prey was still and no more blood came from it Moody knelt down and removed the vampire's head from its body, ensuring its demise.

Moody threw the head into a nearby ditch where local wildlife would surely pick it clean and wiped his knife clean on the vampire's coat. Rising stiffly on one leg, Moody spat on the corpse below and said,

"Rot in Hell Vladimir Strix!"

The wizard vanished a second later, leaving the street empty and quiet.

The world became just a little bit safer and filled with life.

The End.