Reviews for Dead of Night
Guest chapter 1 . 6/4/2018
c'est trop long je ne peux pas le lire mais j aime bien l idee hy uhtd c sfdgtjvhiuylvumob!i nbaye poto tg
Propertyofthereaper chapter 39 . 3/10/2013
A few weeks ago I found this amazing web comic called Hanna is Not a Boys Name. I loved it, read it all in one sitting. Then I noticed that the last update was over 2 yeas ago. It broke my heart. But that’s ok I still have fanfiction. So I find your story and its amazing, epic, everything I missed about Hanna and more. The best fanfiction I have read in a very long time. Until I looked at the date of the last update.
Right now I honestly don’t know if I love you for writing something so good, or hate you for making me fall in love with something that probably will never have an ending the same way Tessa did. Really though this is amazing I would like for you to know that.
mabpanda chapter 39 . 2/20/2013
Okay, so have I ever told you that I love this story? I'm sure I have. I MUST have. Because holy crap, this story is so amazingly written and thought out, and beautiful and-gaaaaaah it's too much! Whenever I have a bad day, or I'm just bored I come and read it. Beginning to end. First chapter to last update. I have never read any fanfiction so many times, or felt such and attachment like this before. It's amazing.
But you know what my favorite chapters are? You knooow? No you don't Demyrie, so I'll tell you. I love love lovedy LOVE the Cas and Finas chapters. Oh good lord, do I love them! Their so heartfelt and sweet and desperate and urgent and ooooooooh I adore them! I love them so much, you know what would make me happy? like disturbingly happy? If by some grace, you would make some drabbles or something of their many adventures! Oh think of the angst! The Fluffiness! Oh my gaaaahd, my heart! She flutters just thinking about it! But even if you don't do it...maybe...I shall take up the challenge? I'll think about it.
But anyway, Thank you so much for this wonderous story and all the feels you give us, and for putting Hanna is Not a Boys Name in a new light! Fabulous! Just Fabulous! Don't forget about this story! And I hope to see an update soon! Good luck!

gbye chapter 39 . 8/14/2012
This story is nothing but fantastic! I'm sad to look at the most recent update date and see that, quite like the comic itself, this has dropped off the face of the earth without a single warning, even with encouraging "updates soon!" notes, just like it! It's simply uncanny!
Well, anyway, I read as much as I could before my eyes grew heavy every night, and managed to finish it in about a week. Would have been less, but I had friends over for two nights straight, and as much as I wanted to ignore them and just READ, that would have been incredibly rude, and incredibly awkward.
Even if this story has accumulated a layer of dust, I still must thank you for it; under that dust lies quite a shiny gem! I hope it doesn't lie forgotten- even if it does, it was worth it- and in that case I must simply leave the rest up to my imagination, however much justice that would deprive it of.
Wow that was rambly.
Have a good life, you beautiful, beautiful creature you.
Project Zombie Shitstorm chapter 22 . 2/9/2012
Did... did I sense a Fatal Frame shout out here? With the Himuro mansion and the black cat?
powerofthecrazy chapter 10 . 12/9/2011
Ok, so I'm kind of late to the game here, but I don't care. After reading this chapter, I had to comment. This. Story. Is. Amazing. I love the interactions between Hanna and Detective, and now that Hanna is back to his old self personality wise, it will be fun to see how they act together. And not to mention the whole thing with Conrad and Worth. The whole chapter with the oxycontin? So amazing. I am loving this story to death here, you've done some amazing work. Can't wait to read the rest.
Bri chapter 39 . 11/28/2011
HNGGGGHHHHHHH MOAR PLZ. MOAR MOAR MOAR. Omg. I really do need more. This is perfect. Soooo perfect. I love the hints of fin/cas and the plethora of conworth. Just please feed my addiction and give moar ; w ; ever since Tessa went missing(?) This has been my source for HINaBN goodness. I truly love the plot and how you've twisted each character around to fit the storyline without really deviating from Tessas design. You are amazing. I can't wait to read the conclusion but at the same tine I want this to go on forever.
LoliPear the WaltzQueen chapter 39 . 11/27/2011
i can't wait for the next chapter.
tabby-chan chapter 39 . 10/28/2011
lita dragoon chapter 21 . 10/26/2011
omg i love this story so much! what is your Ygal accout iwould love to read the uncensored version of this story pleaze and thanks
Katkit97 chapter 39 . 10/15/2011
I love this story, I can't wait until your next update, hope you get a lot of positive reviews!
BasilMacVae chapter 1 . 9/24/2011
phfft, been meaning to do this, LAWL
RainKrystal chapter 39 . 9/20/2011
Oh jeez, so much love for this chapter. CHARACTERIZATION EXPANSION FOR THE WIN!

And then the ending which was kind of ! Just ! !

Sorry, I'm flailing in awe over here.
victorionious chapter 39 . 9/19/2011
Hmm... Yep. Story alert. Undoubtedly. This is pure AWESOME, by the way. I love the parts with the Detective and Hanna most, I have to say. So... he was murdered by Veser's mom, eh? That sucks. And is painful. But what's going on here? Really? I really must know. So don't pull a Tessa on us, okay? ;)

Also, loving vampire!Worth. I find it very... suitable. Although random freaking out vampire!Conrad is starting to get missed... :( I'll have to go reread some of the comic soon.

And can I say major on the suckiness with Worth not being able to rip Hanna's murderer limb from limb? Unless it was just a really crappy flash back and he WASN'T actually murdered by her, and it was just a manifestation of the fact that he was possessed by her, which could make sense too... Then again, she was clearly hired by someone to kill him, so I suppose Worth could unleash his claws upon the hirer... Hmm.

Nonetheless - very interesting! Looking forward to more!
jam-tea chapter 38 . 9/1/2011
Gorgeous imagery. I can't quite wait for more.
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