Author has written 23 stories for Fire Emblem, and Hetalia - Axis Powers. What To Expect From My Wiritng: If I'm writing Hetalia, expect me to back it up with some sort of research on whatever I'm doing, unless I specifically stated that it's not research based. I'm very, very tired of people in this particular fandom deciding that historical accuracy takes the back seat to "KAWAII DESU."(Or however you spell that.) I do my damnedest to stay in-character as best I can, as that's my other pet peeve. Most of my stuff is not pairing oriented, this being for many reasons, though the main one is that I don't trust myself to write a good romance. Trivia: Ah, the trivia. I add trivia questions at the end of many of my Hetalia chapters, asking people to answer the questions via review and or notes. I publicly show the winners, but not the answers, as it lets as many people answer as they want without having the answer spoiled. If you want to see the answer, but can't guess, please just ask in a note or review. I'll be happy to answer your questions. The Winners: Afraid The States A - Z Chapter II Changed I've started a group dedicated to creating the 50 States in Hetalia Style, along with several Nations, many Territories, and few others. With lots of help from some artists that wanted to work on the project with me, we're filling up the western hemisphere, one step at a time. If you'd like to see a better explanation, please go here, http:// to see the group that has been dedicated to the project. And that's all you need to know about me. I hope you enjoy my stuff! To see the current stories from the Stateverse, please look at the list below. Fair warning, the lower down you get on the list, the worse the quality gets. Stateverse Stories |
deleted24956 (0) Inverarity (6) | Liete (16) Quantum Witch (24) | White Mizerable (15) |