Author has written 16 stories for NCIS. Recently enabled Private Messaging again--I had entirely forgotten it was ever off, so if you've been trying to get a hold of me, I apologize. It should work now! If you'll look at the story dates, you'll notice that I kept popping in and out of fandom for a while, so there are a lot of stories from particular periods. I think it breaks down like this, in terms of finding things you might be interested in. Certain stories are on my livejournal only--some of these are for a particular reason (I thought that there might not be much interest in them, or there seemed to be something that didn't quite work right about them) and others are there and there only completely by accident, but it's since become strange to post them, since they're now completely out of their timeline. The more general interest ones are probably Five Slices of Cake and Choose Life, but everyone's obviously more than welcome to read all of them or none of them, as you like. Rest assured, I am still working on the sequel to Gentlemen of Last Resort, but everyone interested in the Victorian 'verse should direct their attention to Richefic's wonderful (and now completely posted) Fair Exchange, also set in this universe, which is absolutely brilliant. In the meantime, I'll keep working on my own sequel, and hopefully have a few more short Victorian (and otherwise) fics up to share. |