Author has written 19 stories for Kingdom Hearts, Mega Man, Legend of Zelda, Kirby, Azure Striker Gunvolt, BlazBlue, Kid Icarus, RWBY, and Misc. Games.
EDIT 7/27/2019: Clear Skies has been posted and is now updating at my usual sluggish pace.
Personal stuff about me that you could probably use to deduce my identity if you cared that much:
Age: 25
Place: Somewhere in Virginia, USA
Gender: The author previously known as Mysterious GUY.
Favorite games: I have written fics for many of them. Beyond the ones on my story list, I also enjoyed inFAMOUS, the Elder Scrolls series (on consoles), some of the Mario games, Jak (with or without Daxter), Ratchet and Clank 1-3, everything in the Metroid and Metroid Prime series, and some old N64 gems like Banjo-Kazooie and Jet Force Gemini.
I like Undertale, but I've only watched my family play it. Of the various humans mentioned in that game, I identify most with the purple SOUL; glasses, talent for reading/writing, and defined by Perseverance. My favorite color is green, though.
I'm actually really good at 3D Sonic the Hedgehog games; my favorites among those are equally Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog '06, which apparently makes me an abomination among gamers. This list might make you think I've played a whole lot of games, but I'm actually pretty limited in my knowledge of any work of fiction not specifically listed here.
Favorite anime: I prefer explosions and/or cool swords to magical girls and/or romance. But because anime can get ridiculously extreme, sometimes there can be magical girls CAUSING explosions WITH cool swords WHILE having romance on the side, and that's awesome. I prefer English dubs, and dislike subbed anime and Japanese voice acting in general, although I do watch subbed anime sometimes if there's no dub available. All the villains from every anime sound the same in Japanese! If RWBY counted as 100% anime despite being made in America, it would be my favorite anime ever.
Favorite foods: Chocolate, peanut butter, pizza, ice cream...I love junk food.
Family on the site: Three siblings, but only The Mighty Gyarapie (previously known as FierceDeityMask) and Aysu have stories of their own that I've read. On that note, check them out when you can!
Greatest weakness: Lack of confidence. I sometimes feel like my only real talent is taking tests in school. In a real work environment, I get overwhelmed and fall apart. I hope being a "quiz whiz" is a marketable skill... I'm not even really good at video games or speed-eating, which are my main passions outside fanfiction. The rest of my family are practically world-class game masters, which makes me feel inferior even though strangers online or in the neighborhood can rarely match me in Smash Bros, for example. Another of my weaknesses is procrastination. I'm sorry, followers.
Secret mutant superpowers: There are some things about me that I can't really explain. I rarely catch diseases or sunburns, but my most impressive superpower is the ability to never have my scripts play out properly. It's a superpower and a curse, because if I plan how to deal with likely trouble, I'll never get in trouble, but nothing good will happen to me if I can predict it word-for-word. It's like reality swerves around my scripts to never present the context in which I could use them. I'd call my evil overlord identity the Unplanner. I can't be beaten by any resistance I can predict, but I can never achieve my evil plans, either. The only way I can win is by being more creative than the heroes, but not creative enough to cut off any unexpected boons. This actually affects my fanfiction plots, too; the Time Break Saga has already veered far off-course from how I first thought it would go. EDIT: Never mind the part about not getting sunburns; I usually only get them at the beach, but when I do get them, they're horrible.
"Your meager souls cannot sate my hunger...your thin blood cannot slake my thirst...but come at me with all your legions regardless! You may yet satisfy me through quantity alone!" --Generic Battle-Hungry Warlord #591,018 preparing to feast on his enemies.
"Your death brings me great honor...but little satisfaction." --The feels when the local ruler's idea of a tough enemy is just another Tuesday to the mystery man passing through town.
"Life sucks and then you die...but I will survive!"--My personal mantra, the motto of a SOUL driven by Perseverance.
"Power, yet skill.
Courage, yet caution.
Wisdom, yet experience.
These three virtues, tempered by constant trials, form the core of the Hero's unbreakable soul.
As darkness falls, the Blade of Evil's Bane awaits such a Master to carry on the Hero's duty.
You who stand before the Pedestal of Time, present the three proofs of your virtue.
Raise the Master Sword skyward, and claim your place among legends!"
--To be inscribed on the Pedestal of Time in some non-canon Legend of Zelda AU. To anyone reading this profile: feel free to use this for your own work if you want!