Tekken – The Rebellion of Fury

Authors Word:

Hello everyone, MiNdZeRo here, starting up my tekken story. The Story is a tweaked version of the Namco's Bloodline Rebellion, seen this time from Bryan Fury's eyes. And yes, he is my favorite character, and WTF is up with all the yaoi stories out there with bryan? There is like, what, 2 stories out there NOT yaoi? Is this ok? I say NO! I am putting my foot down, its time for a straight story, straight lemons and straight romance. You will read it, and you WILL like it! *Insert evil laughter* But seriously though, it is a lot.

Leave a comment, bla bla, u know, the usual. I am a very fresh author here on and would very much appreciate it if u could take just one minute of your time to give some critic, k? So anyways, here is the prologue of my Tekken – The Rebellion of Fury, enjoy!

(Disclaimer: I don't own anything. All rights respectfully to Namco, and all that shit. Don't steal my story. And yes, this goes for the rest of the coming chapter too, you nitwit.)


It was time. It was finally time. Those were the only thoughts that ran through Jin Kazama's head. Sitting in his office, he kept is eyes on the monitors, watching his assets mobilize. Soldiers. In the thousands. All just bricks in a chess game. As his anticipation of the coming war grew, his devil blood made itself know. Anger welled up, but he quickly quenched it, rubbing his temples from the headache he received.

"My blood…", Jin's words rang through the empty office. The hollowness seemed to mock him. Laughter in the dark. Grunting angrily, he slammed his fist down at the desk, crushing it brutally to the floor. He could no longer make out the thoughts that differed himself from the devil. The line between him and his evil had diminished to a weak gray. He knew it. His devil knew it. It would only be a matter of time. A careful knock came from the door behind him.

"Enter." His voice was quiet, yet it still held a malevolence that were not present a year ago. The door opened and a beautiful blonde woman leaned against the door frame. She was wearing a red dress shirt and white jeans, her hair pulled back in a ponytail.

"Jin.", the woman greeted.

"Nina.", he greeted back, minor annoyance slipping his voice.

"Broadcasting is ready in five minutes. You should go and get set." Without a reply, he stood up and followed Nina out. The corridor was dark, the only lighting from the city lights outside the building. The halls seemed tall, dark and ominous, matching his grim mood. Reaching a door, he gripped the handle, only to find Nina's hand gripping his. "You really shouldn't do this." He turned his head a fraction towards her and met her eyes. The dark did not betray any feelings from her face, but Jin could hear the concern in her voice.

"Remove your arm.", he said coldly, his eyes tinting with a bit of red. Meeting his gaze for a short moment, Nina let go of his hand. Shoving the door open, nearly breaking it of its hinges, he walked in. It was time. The cameras were set. The world watched. Standing regal in front of the camera, the countdown began.

3… His thoughts went to the young Xiaoyu.

2… Was she okay?

1… Would she be harmed?

He quickly pushed such thoughts away as the lights went green. It no longer mattered anyway.

The world watched as the young Kazama declared independence and war against the rest of the world. People stood in shock, as time seemed to stand still. At the end of his speech, Kazama hid his eyes behind his dark locks. With his final words, "With overwhelming power at hand, ill bring and end to it all.", the screen went dark. The Mishima Zaibatsu swiftly attacked the world's strongest military powers, relentlessly crushing all opposition. Word of the Zaibatsu's brutality and civilian casualty reached the ears of many.

As history dictates, justified actions turns cruel. Loyalty turns to doubt.

All went according to plan. The prodigy soldier Lars Alexanderson broke away from the Zaibatsu. As predicted. With him, the Tekken Force left as well. As predicted. The world burned under young Kazama's Zaibatsu. All seemed to go according as planned.

Little did he expect, a snake was about to creep into his plan. Not as predicted.

Months later

It was a warm night, the stars twinkling in the sky. A peaceful silence in the night, only disturbed by a Hercules airplane that slowly crept into view among the skies. The plane was filled with 2 armoured vehicles, and inside them were a team of the Tekken Force's 1'st Special Force Operational Group. The vehicles were lighted by a small red lamp and the glow from the visored helms still glowing. Huddled together, there was no chatter among the crew. It was supposed to be an easy job. Breach and retrieve.

"Drop-off in 5!", the pilots voice rang over the speakers. The team leader who sat closest to the vehicle hatch gave a short nod to his team.

"Buckle up." Clips were loaded and guns were readied. "We are to breach and secure, don't touch anything that does not need to be destroyed. Alpha leader will be responsible of the pick-up. We ready?", he yelled in question.

"Ready!", men replied. Small chatter filled the vehicles as the seconds dragged by.

"This is alpha leader.", the voice of Lars crackled over the radio. "All teams ready?"

"Alpha two here on standby!", the leader voiced.

"Alpha three on standby."

"Omega Ground team 1 in position and on standby."

"Omega Ground team 2 and 3 in position and on standby."

"This is the big hit people. No more waiting. Hit em where it hurts!", Lars yelled over the radio.

"Yes Captain!" The large hatch on the Hercules opened with a groan as the plane was en route over the road towards the Zaibatsu facility. As the pilot counted down, the soldiers prepared themselves for the imminent fall.

"Drop-off!", the pilot yelled as the vehicle was yanked out the hatch into free fall.

So…yeah. Prologue. Whop-de-fucking-do, RR and let me know what you think, k? Il get the next chapter up soon I hope…most likely I wont -.- Bryan will appear in the next chapter, so for those of you that care, chill, its all coming in its own time.

Anyways, see ya around. Or not. MiNdZeRo here, signing out.