Tekken - Rebellion of Fury


Bryan's feet dangled off the edge of the pier, lazily swinging about as he enjoyed the morning silence.

He'd learned to enjoy the silence again. Despite everything, he'd actually missed it, but it was beginning to grow stale in its amusement. He laid with his back on the ground, an empty bottle of whiskey playfully dangling from his fingers above his head.

He had been doing nothing the last couple of days, as Lee had told him he had no need for him.

Thinking about Lee made Bryan frown in thought. The man had been surprisingly pleasant and actually not one for small talk. The only thing he'd made Bryan do were bodyguard duty for himself or minor errands, something which he was even paid for.

It made no sense. He literally had his life in his hands, even after Bryan threatened his life, and still.

Bryan just couldn't figure him out. What was his angle?

Bryan closed his eyes and threw the bottle away into the sea. He couldn't even remember how he'd gone on like this. He'd actually grown used to going to work in those offices and following Lee around like a comfortable lapdog. He was paid well so he wasn't complaining, but it was starting to grow extremely repetitive.

"So, this is where you find yourself in your in your down time."

Bryan frowned and opened his eyes, immediately recognizing the familiar voice of his boss, Lee Chaolan. As always, he was dressed in a tuxedo without a hair out of place. A small smile played on his lips as he walked up towards Bryan, coming to a stop a yard away from him.

Lee took a deep breath as he looked out towards the sea.

"Thought you didn't need me today."

Lee chuckled at Bryan's suspicious words.

"I don't. I merely came to check up on you." Bryan cocked a brow at him, making Lee grin further. "You do not strike me as someone who just sits around enjoying the smell of the sea, no matter how relaxing it is."

Bryan scoffed.

"I did have a whiskey bottle when i came here."

"Ah.", Lee grinned, nodding in understanding. "In any case, i just came to inform you of a couple of new developments."

"Alright...", Bryan frowned, sitting up with his interest peaked.

Reaching into his jacket, Lee suddenly pulled out a small cylinder.

...Bryan recognized it as the 'Deadman' trigger to his generator and widened his eyes in shock.

"Well, we do not need this anymore.", Lee daintily waved his arms before shocking Bryan further by immediately pushing the button before throwing the cylinder out into the sea.

Heart hammering in his chest, Bryan jumped to his feet, gritting his teeth as he waited for the pain to come.

...But after several seconds, the pain never came.

At his mixed expression of horror and confusion, Lee began to laugh, drawing an angry scowl upon Bryan's face.

"Lee...!", Bryan hissed with clenched fists. "What the fuck is going on here!?"

Lee seemed unperturbed by his volatile mood, merely wiping his eye as his laughter began evaporating.

"Is it not obvious?", Lee chuckled with a shake of his head. "There was no 'Deadman Switch' to begin with. It was a ruse."

"Y-You tricked me? All this time?", Bryan muttered wide eyes in shock, suspicion still creeping at the edges with fear of his chest blowing up at any moment.

"Yes, well...", Lee shrugged with a smirk. "Considering you tried to kill me after i helped you, forgive me for not feeling too bad."

The sardonic smirk Lee gave him annoyed him to no end, but as the adrenaline from the scare ran out of his body, Bryan couldn't find it in himself to be angry about it.

Only irritated.

"...Cocksucker...", Bryan growled and shook his head. "...Nearly gave me a fucking heart attack..." After several moments of silence between them, Bryan frowned and glanced over at Lee. "Why didn't you though?"

"Why didn't i control you with a 'Deadman Switch', like i lied about?", Lee drawled, sounding like he already expected the question. "I was adopted into the Mishima family by Heihachi himself, in order to fuel his own ambitions. I know what it is like to be abused and controlled by someone. It is not a fate i wish upon anyone else."

"Then...", Bryan narrowed his eyes at him. "...Then why did you fucking lie about it at all?"

"Because you have a reputation.", Lee nodded at him with a solemn stare. "An incredibly bad one, true, but a reputation as a fierce, dangerous fighter. I suspected you would try to kill me after i had aided you. From a psychological perspective considering your experiences, its not odd to see why you would find that the safest option."

Bryan frowned at being so clinically dissected, but conceded his point.

"And sending me after Jin?"

"Well, i never said i was a saint, did i?", Lee smirked and shook his head. "You can make up your own reasons for all i care. If anything, take it as my way of having you repay me for saving your life to begin with."

"...So then...", Bryan scowled. "...What are you gonna have eventually have Alisa do to pay you back, if you ever bring her back?"

"You have already been doing so these last months.", Lee shook his head with amusement. Before Bryan could respond, Lee turned and began to walk towards his car that waited for him at the beginning of the pier. "That reminds me, your services are no longer required, Bryan Fury."

Bryan frowned in confusion.

Just as he opened his mouth to ask Lee what he meant, Bryan suddenly hesitated as realization dawned on him.

"Do you mean...?"

"Yup.", Lee grinned at him over his shoulder. "You can ride along with me, if you want to."

The door hissed as it hermetically sealed him inside the room.

The room looked like a mixture between and workshop and a hospital, with its white, sterile tiles and equipment.

Lee had ushered all of the scientist out, giving Bryan a moment alone before she woke up.

They had assured him that Alisa would wake up in just a moment.

It felt like years since he'd seen her last. But here and now, as he stood over her as she laid on the table with a serene expression of her face, the same appearance as on that day out in the dessert, it felt like it had been just moments ago.

It was bizarre and unreal. He had been waiting for this moment, but never really prepared for it to actually happen.

Really unlike him, now that he thought about it.

Moments passed in silence and Bryan reached out to touch her. She seemed so incredibly frail, yet he knew she was anything but that.

Just as his fingers hovered over her hand, Alisa's eyes suddenly fluttered.

They fluttered once, twice and a couple of times more, before her eyes froze upon the tiled ceiling. Her mouth was partway open, as if disbelieving as to what she was seeing.

The sight brought a condescending smirk to Bryan's lips and he slowly stepped closer so he was within her sight.

Alisa's eyes snapped towards his as he moved. A sharp breath was sucked in between her lips as she obviously recognized him.

His grin grew wider as she opened her mouth, only to shut it again. She did this several times before clicking it shut fully.

"...Eloquent as always, aren't you?", Bryan chuckled with a rumble.

Hearing his voice, Alisa gave a small shudder, before slowly smiling up at him from her position.

"...'Eloquent'...Fancy word for an idiot like yourself..."

Bryan felt a tingle run down his back upon finally, after all this time,hearing her voice again.

"Been spending time with fancy folk, waiting for you to wake the fuck up."

They both gave a low laugh, not removing their eyes from each other. Their expressions eventually stilled before Alisa finally made to rise.

She let her legs fall from the table, placing them between herself and Bryan who stood close.

She remained seated for a moment, where she looked up at him with a tilted head as she pursed her lips.

"...You brought me back..."

"It seems you've mastered the obvious.", Bryan drawled without amusement, but Alisa merely smiled fondly at him for it.

"Where are we?"

Bryan frowned. He thought she would have been able to figure that out herself.

"Violet Syst-"

"No.", Alisa interrupted with a shake of her head. "I know our location. But... Where, are we...?"

Bryan sucked a sharp breath between his teeth at her question. The meaning behind her weighted words were easy to understand.

Again, he thought it would be obvious.

"I already told you.", Bryan smiled sardonically at the much smaller frame of his lover.

He lifted his hand to rest upon her cheek. Almost immediately, Alisa nuzzled into his hand with a soft smile.

"We're right here."