Reviews for Bloodedge of Fairy Tail
Abyss Emperor chapter 10 . 7/23
Ya know I don't know if you'll see this or if this even matters. But I to say I really do enjoy how Ragna's AG wasn't working. Since it actually made sense lore wise and more importantly it gave this story a very unique twist I enjoyed.

After all I don't really know any other good quality story that Doesn't use the AG. Plus the mental imagine of a auron styled Ranga is pretty sweet.

So thanks for the great work dood this has been a blast to read.
EnderSoul1401 chapter 10 . 6/9
I'm an Enderman
Az-Bebere chapter 10 . 4/22
It's interesting to see someone from the Fairy Tail side take a good look at Ragna's...prostheses, for lack of a better term. And I don't know why, but I think Porlyusica might regret ever meeting Ragna: I mean, contrary to pretty much all of Fairy Tail's cast, he may be one to push the knife in when learning of the dragon civil war.
Vilostrike218 chapter 10 . 4/16
Wondering, since Ragna's arm is made out of seithr and he has pump this energy through his blood scythe, wouldn't that create a connection due to darkness clinging on to things? If so, could he theoretically combine his spatial storage and BlazBlue together to open up a portal to obtain his beloved weapon? I am wondering this because I have not seen an author create a situation about Ragna obtaining his cracked, but fully functional, weapon(Because to be honest, blood scythe is several thousand years old due to multiple time resets, not a new copy being made for every Ragna, and only a god could manage to crack it, not even break it.) and seeing Rachel's ribbon tied to the end of it. I think it would be a heart-warming moment you could create. Also, the weapon could beacon his arm to get it and maybe open an interdimensional portal because the Boundary is basically a realm made of infinite reserves of power. I hope this adds an idea to your list. Have a good day.
Darkbeast42 chapter 10 . 4/4
And here I thought Porlyusica might actually like Ragna since he's actually part vampire. At least I think he is. Blazblue never really clarified whether or not Rachel turned Ragna into a dhampir, but I choose to believe she did.

Sorry, that didn't really have anything to do with the story. I've just always been confused about Ragna's biology. Anyways, well done as always I hope to see more.
azrael09876 chapter 10 . 4/1
Good story. But I feel like 8 chapters in a row of filler is taking it a bit too far.
marconator360 chapter 10 . 4/1
Been a while and really happy to see this story updated can't wait for the next chapter! Also quick question, is the Soul Eater cross over is down or simply on a break? In any case, keep up the good work!
Condescenion chapter 10 . 3/31
This story is both funny and strangely satisfying. I enjoy reading it, but please update it more in the future. If you don't have stuff to deal with it, people used to be so inconsiderate while I was writing.
Matthew Cruz chapter 10 . 3/31
Finally a chapter anyway nice chapter.
DoctorHayden chapter 10 . 3/29
Ok, I know you're playing the long game but *holy shit* that's a lot of time. You know what, fine, fine. I can wait another year or two, if you insist. Just don't die before then.
Reclusive Dork chapter 10 . 3/29
Maybe you should have Juvia fall for Ragna instead of gray, especially if he gets his eye and arm back before then.
Spartastic 4 chapter 10 . 3/29
As usual, you had me laughin pretty hard in this chapter. Poor Ragna gettin treated like an old man... would he funny if he went back to the cafe with both eyes open and the same group of girls were there.

Anyway, maybe a mission with LeviLucy on somethin to do with books... like deciphering an ancient tablet or book. And it ends with Levi calling Ragna Dad as well. Or a mission with Erza to hunt down a magical beast and Erza becomes more comfortable with Ragna and his ‘Dad’ position.
Primus1661 chapter 10 . 3/29
This was a good chapter, and when body switching comes up, would anyone feel any difference in Ragna"s body compared to usual?
Wlyman2009 chapter 10 . 3/29
ah. filler that fits into the story
The Unplanner chapter 10 . 3/29
Magic means never having to take s*** lying down.

Even Kagura types have their uses.

But after the eight chapters, is this elixir even going to work, or will the status quo reassert itself with a vengeance?
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