Reviews for Big Milk Jugs
Guest chapter 1 . 5/30
I'm a Hispanic reader and I really love your stories.
Guest chapter 4 . 5/10
Man, I'm hankering for some more of this story! Please write more soon! :)
Norkix chapter 4 . 5/12
... is this a sequel to Firefly?! DUDE WHAAAAAA

I love this story even more now, jeez

I actually didn't receive an email for your reply to my previous review, so no it's not just you! I hope they get that ironed out soon. But anyway...

This is a fantastic chapter with so many great moving parts, but my favorite is very easily the confrontation with Ikaros. Link's writing here is so well done, from the quiet refusals, to the pleading for her to stop leading into tears when she brings up Navi, to "you should know better than to corner a wolf" (holy FUCKING SHIT by the way, what a great line!) What an interesting character she is! I can't wait to see how this will play out. You gonna pull some Ravio shenanigans too? I will lose my mind!

Your pacing is commendable and it's genuinely a damn shame people are gonna have to work to find this because of the M rating because this is a great idea for a sequel fic! Way better then mine anyway, although, heh, that isn't very difficult to beat. Haha. DEPRESSION

Fantastic work, Blizz, you're honestly kinda making me want to start writing again. Update soon, man
Mugen Kagemaru chapter 4 . 5/5
I might be misremembering, but was this not where we left off last time around?
Guest chapter 4 . 4/30
I love the idea of a counterpart to Princess Zelda in Terminal! And the princess of Ikana too! I don't know if she's trustworthy or slightly malicious like Princess Hilda from Lorule. Great story so far!
KiyoFaye chapter 4 . 5/2
Can't wait for next chapter!
Chicwa88 chapter 4 . 5/2
Great chapter! Poor link. Nothing like opening up old wounds to get what you want... I don't ever receive message notifications. I just have to go In and manually check them every once in while. Update soon!
UltimateCCC chapter 4 . 5/1
Reopening old wounds too soon.
The Unplanner chapter 4 . 4/30
In every frickin' timeline, it's the same raw deal. Zelda (or Store-Brand Knockoff Zelda) shows up with some minor-sounding request that blows up into eight dungeons and a Demon King. I bet Link's been waiting the whole five years for the other half of his Terminian dungeon quota to come knocking.
Joey Hengst chapter 3 . 4/24
First of all, I saw the line, "the fireflies have come back!", and if that is a reference to your previous work, I tip my cap to you. Anyways, the writing is great as usual, and the character are realistic. I love it, like all of your other stories.
lolrus555 chapter 3 . 4/24
Huh... holy shit, seeing this story again was a serious blast from the past. If I had to compare my reaction when I saw that familiar title to anything, it would have to be Dante's reaction in DMC5 when he sees the remains of his childhood home for the first time in decades. 'Holy shit... I can't believe any of this is still standing.'

Hoo man, where to start though? I guess I'll start off by saying it's really amazing seeing that you're giving this fic another shot. With how much time has passed and how it's been deleted for so long, it just sorta... felt like an impossibility. One of those unfortunate little facts of life, but fuckin'-A, here it is getting updated again, and so recently at that! It's so cool too because I always did find the plotline you were setting up here to be an intriguing one. I always thought it was fascinating that the Ikana kingdom was revealed to still be active all along, and that Termina's Zelda equivalent was their ruler. In retrospect, Zelda being Hylia's mortal incarnation calls the possibility of her having a Termina equivalent into question, but that's just a really minor, nitpicky bullshit issue.

I also have to wonder if you're still going to go with the plotline you told me about in our PM all those years ago. A lot of time has passed since you last touched this fic, so I'm intrigued to see whether you've had any changes of thought regarding the plotline.

Still, one thing I'd recommend to you if you're still going to go with the Ikana plotline is try and properly foreshadow it this time around. Perhaps you could provide us with a bonus chapter that shows us Cremia's foray into Clocktown, maybe have her do some catching up with Kafei and Anju before hearing some gossip regarding Ikana Kingdom.

Anyway, at the moment, this is really all I can think to say at the moment regarding your story. Still as good as I remember it though, and that especially applies for that Link/Cremia lemon! I still clearly remember it being the first well-written Cremia lemon I found and it really did stand the test of time. Had everything I liked about a good lemon, and it was always nice to see a pent-up Link getting some release when I remember uh... Release, where he never properly got the chance to vent all the pent-up frustration he felt in that story. I know they're two different, unrelated stories, but I dunno.

But before I end this review, I thought I'd also take a moment to tell you about this interesting Romani/Link/Cremia story I found that always did remind me an awful lot of this fic. It's called Shadow Of Ikana and can still be found on Adult . It's by no means a rip-off of your fic, but I just found it interesting how that story struck a lot of the same beats Big Milk Jugs hit, that being a young adult Link returning to visit Cremia and Romani, the elder sister seducing him after the troubled but kindly young man is caught eyeballing her assets, Romani finding out and friction occurring between the sisters, and Link returning to Ikana where a malicious force (BEN) watches him. There are some very real differences, like Link's reason for returning being out of a sense of paranoia and night terrors he'd been having showing the sisters meeting a horrible fate, neither Link nor Cremia being virgins, and so forth, but I always found it interesting how both those stories featured such similarities. If I've piqued your interest, I'd highly recommend you check it out. Not only does it feature some genuinely well-written lemons, chief among them being a great Link/Cremia scene, but it also has a threeway scene and actually has a proper ending!

Sorry for rambling though. All in all, it's really nice seeing this fic make a return and I hope to see more in the future.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/16
Good to see you active again.
UltimateCCC chapter 3 . 4/17
She doesn't care if her sister might walk in.
Chicwa88 chapter 3 . 4/16
Aww such a good chapter. I had the hardest time with the aliens in the game. Horse back riding in video games is not my strong point lol. Link likes her! Can't wait to see the next update!
AeroJester203 chapter 3 . 4/16
Glad to see this story back. :)
I didn't notice much different from before save some extra details that may or may not have been present before. Then again, it has been a while since I've read this. Either way, I'm eager to see what else you have planned, especially beyond the point it unofficially ended last time.

Until the next chapter.
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