Reviews for Rebirth of Azure
Guest chapter 13 . 5/20
Why do I have a feeling that Ragna and Nine will become a bickering but adorable couple in the future? Assuming Rachel or Nu are not around.
Guest chapter 13 . 5/18
I can't wait for more!
Hotshot6 chapter 12 . 5/16
Ch 12: I see intense hate sex in their future.
Niphilim chapter 13 . 5/7
A few things I noticed while reading this chapter and some suggestions I have, aside from a missing hyphen here and there in words like "half elf" or "monster infested," some misspellings like "mentaly," and spaces between punctuation marks;

"While he admittedly stumbled as he tried to figure out what enchantment Terumi had put on the hood, he could easily feel that the magic enchanting the object wasn't from the enigmatic threat, but it wasn't enough to assure him that nothing was wrong." [A bit of a run-on here... You could put a period after "threat," then continue the following sentence with: "Still, it wasn't enough to assure him that nothing was wrong"?]

"Don't stay up too late reading, undstand?" [Understand? And the following sentence, you could've just said "she nodded"]

"Ragna didn't listen and kept walking leading..." [Comma before "leading"; it just reads weird otherwise]

"There are different reasons for hating them; some like..." [Mostly a subjective change imo but I dislike the use of semicolons in dialogue since it's people talking and not a script]

"The trolls around them gave their own grunts and hoots, before rushing in on the fallen monster and tearing it to shreds with their teeth and made a meal out of one of their own." ["The surrounding trolls gave their own grunts and hoots before rushing the fallen monster, tearing it to shreds and making a meal out of one of their own"?]

"Down below one of the trolls had taken notice of the two and let out a series of grunts, getting the attention from the rest of its pack." [ "One of the trolls below that took notice of them alerted the rest of the pack with a series of grunts"?]

"The flames of the blow managed to pierce the defenses just as easily as those of his scythe and the colossal power behind his punches was easily enough to stun it from his force." [A bit wordy and kind of repetitious. You already wrote the colossal power behind his punches were enough to stun it, there is no reason to write "from his force" because we know. I can't think of a way to re-write this, so take this as you may, Storm]

"The trolls jumped as well to try and follow after, only to be met with a mass of stone and flame to the face." ["The troll attempted to give chase, only to be met with a mass of stone and flame to the face"?]

"...the pure agony and pain in the pale dead eyes of the victims told him that they had been alive for all of this, that these trolls had very much played with their food." [Very wordy. Maybe: "...the agony and pain in the pale eyes of the dead told him they lived through it all, that these trolls had very much played with their food."?]

"Provided the guild still follows the old policies; to..." [Incorrect usage of a semicolon. A comma will do just fine]

"Of course; that much about this place would never change." [A comma will do just fine here]

"Keeping a scowl as Relius passed him by; he knew..." [A comma is just fine]

"...there was a lot riding..." ["a lot was riding"–a slight change in wording]

I'm liking the story thus far. Anything with Terumi being the trolly bastard he is is always a hoot!
Lovnag chapter 13 . 5/1
Love to see this getting an update - I think I like this work of yours the most.
Qmaster chapter 13 . 4/29
First Terumi and now Relius,are you also going to do a alt!Izanami just to complete the villainous trio
Guest chapter 13 . 4/29
So does this version of Terumi has any connection to the susanoo unit or not
Almightylord chapter 13 . 4/29
...Will I have to take a trip to Rule 34? Indeed. Do I harbor any shame in the cardinal sin I'm about to commit? Absolutely not.

A welcome story to see updated, nice work, as always.
Monkeymerc chapter 13 . 4/29
I kinda want to see ragna and nine together now
And I don't know why
Rialga chapter 13 . 4/28
Relius, eh? Carl too... makes me wonder who else from Ragna's old world is now somehow connected to the guild.

Looking forward to the next chapter and stay safe!
archive4465 chapter 13 . 4/28
thank you for the chapter

I'm curious to know when are the other characters coming?
Wlyman2009 chapter 13 . 4/28
stay safe with this mess that's going on and great chapter
Doctor Snake Eater chapter 13 . 4/27
What a surprising update to wake up to! How lovely!
The Unplanner chapter 13 . 4/27
Oh boy, trolls! The only way to deal with them is to flame them to death, which is the exact opposite of how they work on the Internet.

Ms. Terumi's constant needling of all the other characters is quite entertaining. Definitely looking forward to seeing more of her!

Relius, too? Makes sense; he was the head of the Mage's Guild in the other world, too. Does Relius "Sage One" Clover actually have any ability to use magic this time around, or is it still just a grand facade?
ArmantusCumPinnae chapter 13 . 4/27
holy effing hell... this thing updates. hot dam. and now we got relius to boot? be honest with me Storm, you lowkey screwing with ragna here? cuz with so many of his "former" enemies with him and not trying to off him is gonna take a toll on ragna's mental fortitude. i half expect he gonna crack if this keeps up. but this actually really good, we can see ragna try to come to terms with his past life. that the ones here are not his ghosts, but a different people all together. hell maybe he even might take it as a different "possibility". ragna needs to accept things as they are or risk blowing his cover somewhat, he already made terumi a bit surprise that he know "she" keeps knives on her person. also it would bite him in the ass if he knew too much, he barely escaped Nine's interrogation cuz of trinity. i dont think think he gonna get much of a pass later on.

on the off side, i wonder what would happen if he meets rachel..perhaps as some far off noble from a different nation. or even the princess even. that will throw him in a loop. other than that good to see this update. now if you were to update the cross tag, azure throne, or even azure guilt then i would be even more surprised
p.s. i still ship him with terumi. i hope there will be mission together. he needs to chill his murder boner. that terumi's thing.
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