![]() Author has written 12 stories for Harry Potter. IMPORTANT NOTE:
Story Information: Adventures of a Young Black: Thank you all for the wonderful reviews! I'm really glad that people are still reviewing, even though the story's finished :) Also, in chapter 4, Sirius dreams of Professor Mosse in a ballerina outfit. Here's a link to what he wore in the dream: h t t p : / / 2 . b p . b l o g s p o t . c o m / _ T t c 0 b 2 p N M n 4 / R 6 r z R 4 M - U E I / A A A A A A A A A G 0 / q 8 f m a g J 5 T 0 M / s 3 2 0 / 5 _ Y E A R S _ O L D _ P I N K _ B A L L E T _ C O S T U M E . j p g (just get rid of the spaces) "100 Things Draco Malfoy Would Never Do" This is based on rideaseeker629's list on deviantart, "100 Things Draco Malfoy Would Never Do" (see the title resemblance there?) Link to her profile: http:/// Link to the story: http:///gallery/#/dxym59 Chapter 4, Pansy's dress: http:///imgres?imgurl=http:///images/WEDDINGH402A.jpg&imgrefurl=http:///product_info.php_id&usg=_XP_CaduChPbF3TplA5D6WnsdtRE=&h=290&w=250&sz=24&hl=en&start=0&zoom=1&tbnid=Hn3qBa6bPJVndM:&tbnh=146&tbnw=96&ei=dIozTb_zAsX7lwfJn8WiCg&prev=/images:10&itbs=1&iact=hc&vpx=647&vpy=90&dur=3013&hovh=232&hovw=200&tx=95&ty=85&oei=dIozTb_zAsX7lwfJn8WiCg&esq=1&page=1&ndsp=28&ved=1t:429,r:5,s:0&biw=1280&bih=702 Ginny's dress: http:///image/dark/SpiritoftheWhiteRose/Prom/DarkBluePromDress.jpg Most recent news: 100 Things is on a mostly-permanent hiatus. Sorry, guys, but I'm just really not... I can't think of anything to write, really, and if I were to continue the story it would be horrible. So yeah... "Aftermath" Chapter 20 is up, and I've decided that shall be the end of it. So yeah, 20 chapters for 20 songs, and I'm pretty proud of it! Thanks for all the lovely reviews! "Of Ears And Long Held Secrets" Thank you guys so much for all of the reviews! Also, this one-shot won the Sibling Rivalry competition, so thanks everyone! "Mama's Boy" Once again, thank you all for the great response (in my opinion, at least)! "Mating Season" Chapter 3 is up. It's the last chapter- the story is now complete! Thanks for all of the reviews are favorites! I had lots of fun writing this story, so I hope you all enjoyed reading it. "Wedding Invitations and Forgotten Sisters" This was written for the same competition as "Of Ears and Long Held Secrets", and the reviews I've gotten so far are so nice! Thanks, guys :) "Unrequited Acceptance" I'm not a Pansy/Draco shipper, but after watching the Deathly Hallows part 2, I felt this had to be written. I hope you all enjoy it! "A Solitary Mission" The first story I ever wrote! I'm not really too fond of it, but I'm not stopping anyone from reading it. "What Goes Around" Not my best... at all, really, but oh well. I'd like to hear feedback, though! "HalfBlood Kid" Oh, did I love writing this. It's based off of the song "Emo Kid", and I think it's quite funny if you've heard the original song first. Read at your own risk! "True Evil" I wrote this one-shot about Luna a while back but only just posted it, because I was a bit hesitant about it. Thanks for all the great reviews! "Odd Little Twinges" Written for the "Homesickness Competition", this will be a three-shot about Bellatrix, Andromeda, and Sirius. I hope you guys like it, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! I just posted Chapter 3, and "Odd Little Twinges" is over! Oh, by the way, this won the Homesickness competition, so thanks to everyone who reviewed! New news: This won the Homesickness Competition! Woo! So yeah. "Dreaming" Written for the "Anything You Wanna Write About- Audition Week". I wrote it in 15 minutes, so it's not my best work, especially since I haven't written recently, but it's probably not that bad. *cough* please review *cough* "Awestruck" Written for the "Anything You Wanna Write About- Round Two". It's pretty angsty, but I think it's not that bad. I kinda like it, in a depressed way. I hope you read it! I'd love to hear your feedback. Well. That's it! Thanks for reading this, and for caring enough to click on my profile. Have a wonderful day! :) |