Hello ladies (and gents) of cyberworld!

I am so happy to inform you that My Best Mate Is Extremely Attractive has been nominated for the RoseScorpius Fans Forum's 2011-2012 ROSESCORPIUS AWARDS! A million thanks to the nominator (Scorpions and Roses) and to the rest of you who have read and reviewed this story, you are forever my heroes. Check out the RoseScorpius Fans Forum to see how you can participate. I believe they need more nominations, so if you want to join the forum and nominate some of your other favourite fics, the deadline has been extended to February 29th. Three of my other fics: Girl Behind the Curtain, If She Were Here,and Four Hours have also been nominated. Also, feel free to check out my new Scorrose story Guarded if you feel so inclined.

Please don't favourite without reviewing!

Happy reading!

I wish you all the best-always and forever,
