![]() Author has written 33 stories for Harry Potter, StarTrek: The Next Generation, Gossip Girl, Sin City, Make It or Break It, Star Wars, Supernatural, Degrassi, Dead Poets Society, Inglourious Basterds, Glee, Wrestling, and Misc. Tv Shows. Name: Emma Location: my own business Age: 25 Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Fandoms: SuperWhoLock, Harry Potter, Game Of Thrones, Yu-Gi-Oh!, and many others I'm probably forgetting, but my main fandom is wrestling. Pairings By Fandom: (OTP's In Bold Italics) Supernatural: THERE IS ONLY DESTIEL Doctor Who: Ten/Rose Eleven/River Jack/Rose/Nine Amy/Rory Rose/Nine Mickey/Martha Donna/Her sass Donna/Nine Sherlock: THERE IS ONLY JONLOCK Harry Potter: Harmony Ron/Luna Neville/Luna Luna/Ginny Hermione/Ginny Seamus/Lavender Yu-Gi-Oh! (Original Series): Yugi/Kaiba Joey/Mai Tristan/Serenity Duke Devlin/His Own Hotness Kaiba/Kisara Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Aster/Cyrus Zane/Alexis Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's: Jack/Carly Game Of Thrones: Sansa/Jon Sansa/Margaery Sam/Gilly Lyanna/Rhaegar Dany/Jorah Wrestling: Trish/Lita Nikki Bella/Seth Rollins Punklee AJ Lee/Kaitlyn Dean Ambrose/Renee Young Paige/Roman Reigns AJ Lee/Bray Wyatt AJ Lee/Paige CM Punk/Eve Torres Sasha Banks/Charlotte Paige/Seth Rollins CM Punk/Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly/John Cena AJ Lee/Kane Randy Orton/Kelly Kelly Kelly Kelly/Kane |