Author has written 5 stories for Harry Potter. I first started writing when I felt a need to share my story ideas with others. I started by writing short, four chapter stories, illustrated by drawings on sheets of paper held together by staple pins or selotape. While browsing through a fan site I stumbled upon an open forum where fans could write their own stories using characters created by celebrated writers and since then I haven’t stopped expressing my creativity through my fanfics. Hopefully, you’ll enjoy reading my stories. I can be found at portkey, harrypotterfanfiction and a few small and scattered places. If you like my story and feel that it should be put up at any place it already isn't drop me a mail at charmingal2003@ . MY favourite people on the net are fallenwitch, my beta reader for Can love survive it all who can be found Bshlhofer who doesn't write anything of her own, but can be found on the portkey forums. She worked with me on Orange nail varnish and hopefully someday we shall work together on my first Severus/Hermione fic. I'm pretty new with fanfiction writing, and have tried my hand at all different type of stories. Hopefully by the time I'm like 25 and still writing, I'll have an impressive list of stories. Meanwhile, here's the list of the one's I have going currently. My Stories- My Boss- Is now complete. It was one of my first stories and it is my first completed attempt and I'm proud of it. Even though it has Draco and Ginny working together as boss and employee, it isn't an alternate universe fic. Its very much magical. Hope you enjoy reading it. Can love survive...-Is my latest Daco/Ginny offering, and promises to be about 20 chapters long.This was also one of the first buds that bloomed in the garden of my imagination, but due to the fact that My boss... was longer and needed more of my time, this one was put on the backburner. However, it is now back again, and being regularly updated.I've got very good response for it. Keep reading people. Its my first attempt at Angst. Edit: Can love- is now officially complete. I had a great time working on it and hopefully everyone who read it enjoyed too. Orange nail varnish-Is my first attempt at humour, and is going fantastically well. Its the first Ron/Luna fic I have written and I'm really happy with the way people all over the net are responsing to it. It is now complete. There have been requests for an epilogue, but I don't see one coming along for the time being. I may write a sequel. My Fanfiction preferences. I'm very partial to the Hermione/Severus pairing , since it seems not likely to happen. I just believe that Hermione would make a great team with Severus Snape, however I doubt Jo does too. I'm not a big fan of either Harry/Ginny or Harry/Hermione, however, I don't feel passionately against these ships either. Ron/Hermione is also an okay pairing. I love the Draco/Hermione, Draco/Ginny and Ron/Luna pairing, and have repeatedly used it in my fanfics. Someday I might even venture into the world of the articulate and write a Snape/Hermione fic. It would be difficult but I would really love to write one someday. Thats all for now- Taklia. |
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