![]() Author has written 6 stories for Harry Potter, and Glee. Hi. My penname is Niamh. It's gaelic. It's pronounced "neev". In galic mythology she was one of the queens of the land of Tír na nÓg, which is the land of the eternal youth. Vargie is a trouble maker from switzerland. I like to think of myself as a changling. I know. I'm odd. -0- As for my stories, here's the low-down. -I promise I haven't abandon my Neville story, all three of you who are watching it. I do still have the entire things planned out in my head. I got rather sick about a week after I started posting, that's why I left it. -I think that "The Roadtrip of a Lifetime" needs no explination, but PM if there's anything that you're wondering! -"The Unusual Seduction" is my first story for my OTP (yay milestone!) and I liked the challange of writing it. I've been asked a bit about doing a follow up. I don't know, I'd really like to but at the same time I liked the way it's wrapped up. I am considering doing some more Kurtofsky stuff, whether or not it's in that verse. -Alright, guys, I've done it. I've extended the Unusual Verse and am now writing a multi chapter sequel to "Seduction." It's called "The Unusual Courtship" and picks up roughly 3 hours after the end of Seduction. Check that out! Its getting a chapter a day, and its going to be equal parts fluff lovely and dirty sexy as we follow Kurt and Dave's developing relationship. Honestly I probably need to up the rating, but we'll burn that bridge when we get to it... I hope you read that and enjoy! -0- If you'd like the detes on my fandoms: Within Harry Potter, I have an unhealthy obsession, with a particular taste for all things within the cannon. I'm a sucker for lost moments. Anyone who can take a single line from a book, and write a complete little back story about it is a writer after my own heart. I have an extra special love for the Marauders. As a redhead, I want my own James Potter. Although I'd happily take a Remus or a Sirius. I want to hug Neville every time he comes up in conversation. I'm so proud of him for everything. I think that he did so well in the final battle. For a while in there, I wanted him to be the one to kill Bellatrix Lestrange. But who could fault "NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!". I am a DIE-HARD Luna Lovegood-Neville shipper, and as much of a cannon purist as I am, I am will to bend the rules of space and time to find a plausible, epilouge-fitting way for them to be togeather. The theories range from killing Rolf, to gay Rolf, to living on Mars, to Luna cheating with Neville and the twins really being his, to the dreaded time travel. GOD DAMN IT THEY'RE SUCH A PERFECT COUPLE! I learned to love Draco during the sixth and seventh books. And I honestly forgave his parents for almost everything after they went running wandless though the battle to get him. Scorpius Malfoy- Rose Weasely. LOVE ITT Severus Snape. I love what Jo did to him in the books to even look at Snape fanfiction. I'm sorry! It was tooooo goood. Fred Weasely and Colin Creevy made me sadder then anything else. I cried for a very long time for the both of them. In my heart, Harry has raised Teddy since the end of the Battle. I don't find Angalina-George as creepy as most people do. I think that during the ball, she must have realized she liked him better. Or thought she was saying yes to George in the first place. Or something like that. She was never really with-with Fred. -0- Within in the insanity that is Glee, OTP is Kurtofsky. It just is. Although I have an apperication for all the others and have been known to read and love them. Kurt's pretty much my favorite character and I like to read things about his relationships the most. I've yet to get into non-Kurt centric stories, although give me time and I'm sure I will. But my true favorite things are the friendships and silly situtations. Which is why I'm writing "Puck, Artie, Kurt, and a Video Camera-The Roadtrip of a Lifetime" There's certainly some lovin' in that, but its more about bromance and redicliously rediclious situtations. I like to creep on the glee kink, angst, and fluff memes. I seem to do well with prompts. If you want to try and prompt me at some point, or show me a prompt on one of those memes, I'd be much oblidged. A VERY IMPORTANT PLEA: I really think I need a beta. I have horrible spelling, which I'm sure you've been clued into by now at least a little bit. I try very hard to edit my own stories, but there are only so many times that you can re-read something before you go cross-eyed. Spellcheck also has a tendency to change my error into a legitimate word, but not the one I wanted to use. I used to have my mother quickly proof read for me, but The Roadtrip deals with teenage behavior and The Unusual Seduction ends in smut. Which I would not like her to read. So if anyone reading this is skilled in things of the gramatical and spelling nature, hear my plea! I'm not entirely sure what beta means, so honestly if there is someone who would proof read a story and tell me if the tenses and spellings are wrong, in exchange for...my abundent love and a chance to read my stories early, if that's anything of a draw? (I don't know if it would be...) PRETTY PLEASE PM ME! Another marginally less important plea: I'm extreemly appreciative of all my reviews, favorites, and alerts. I would really really love it, however, if you do like a story enough to put it in your favorites, please review it to tell me why. I know I'm being a greedy author, and this is a grabby hands post, but I'd really love to know why you like the story enough to save it where you can find it and essentially rec it to other people. I really appericate it; I never realize what a motivater feedback could be. Thank you and end grabby hands. Also, my tumblr is if you wish to find me there as well. Have a jolly time and I hope you find just the story you were looking for. |