Author has written 31 stories for Gossip Girl, Big Love, Glee, and Hunger Games. Well, I'm Kiki (a horibble name that I was christened with in the college dorms). I read way too much fanfic, and occasionally attempt to write my own. I tend to write cracky polyamorous stories overfilled with soap opera style drama and tabloid-esque scandals. But you should give them a peek anyway, 'cause you never know. Gossip Girl has been a total bore this season, so I doubt I'll write much in that area. My other fandom, Glee, has kind of captured me. I'm not sure if I even like the show, and don't watch very often, but I've fallen in love with the music and fanfic. I love getting reviews and constructive criticism, so please leave feedback, and feel free to PM me about anything. Updates at http:/// 20th May 2011: Minibars and Dirty Sheets is now only available at my LJ Account. Waldsen }{ Cherry }{ Puckleberry Pez }{ Raineinn }{ Finniss |
Alien Altered (72) DaeDreemer (33) mystripedskirt (25) | only-because3 (74) SewerUrchin (20) shyath (111) | singsongsung (140) smc-27 (136) xoVanilla-Bean (76) |