![]() Author has written 21 stories for Inuyasha, Sailor Moon, and Rurouni Kenshin. 1/29/18 - Daichi's corner I'm happy to report that I've actually been active! And wow, how great it feels to be back. Please check out my new stories, especially "At the heart of the King" and even some older ones. I'm so grateful for the responses I've been getting recently. I am humbled and overjoyed that so many people enjoy my story-telling. Stay tuned for more stories! 6/25/17-Daichi's corner Well, um, it's been a while since I've been here. So sorry for my sudden disappearance from fanfiction. I don't really have any other way to explain but for the fact that I just wanted some time for myself and the fact that I suddenly lost all inspiration for my stories, which saddened me enough to just not write for the time being. That and other major life events that I will not go into detail about. But, I'm happy to say that I'm back and ready to pick up where I left off. I still have a lot of responsibilities to deal with but writing has always been something that's a part of me and I don't want to neglect it anymore. I'll do my best to finish the stories I have here, because I really do love them, but it might be slow at the beginning. I have to get used to the muses but I don't think it'll take too long. Hopefully, people are still interested in my stories even after my long absence! Here's to being back for good! 9/24/14 - Daichi's corner So it's been a full year since I've really been on fanfiction. I haven't been able to do much apart from school and work. Still, I owe you guys at least a hello. You may also notice that my RK story, "Wanted," has been deleted. I wasn't happy with the way the story was going so I decided to take it down and rewrite it. I published the first chapter so long ago that my style has shifted a bit and I want my work to start reflecting my style of today and not of a teenage girl (believe, you can see the difference). Anyway, have faith in me guys! Some other unfinished stories might also start disappearing in favor of new, more updated versions. I apologize ahead of time for any confusion I might cause. I will also tell you guys if any of the titles change so that you can find them if you want. Thanks for reading! 9/22/13 - Daichi's corner Hey you guys! It's been a while, I know, but let me explain my situation. I just entered University, so this month I've been preparing to go. I just got here a week ago so everything's been a little crazy and subsequently I haven't been able to write anything down. Don't worry, though. I did take the time to at least write my ideas for future chapters so I'm about to start writing and finishing up some started chapters. Please bare with me during this transition and as always, thank you for supporting me! 2/17/13 - Daichi's Corner So "Gone with the bullets" is finally updated. I have a wonderful co-author, midnightlily, who has decided to help me with this story. I hope you guys check out the new update or read the whole story if you haven't read it yet. Happy reading! (And happy late Valentine's day!) Daichi 12/10/12 - Daichi's Corner
The story that will be ending soon is "Death Angels". I'm happy and sad at the same time, which might be why I still haven't finished. ;D Haha, not really. It's just the fact that this chapter is reeeeeeaaaaaalllly long. Like, more than eight full pages. I wonder how I do it sometimes! The next story I will probably update on will be "Prophecy" because that has a couple of chapters left in it (give or ner take a few) and the one I have ideas for the next chapter. I'm sorry about not updating it at a set rate, but I've invested quite a bit of time in this story so I will finish it. And for those of you who have only read my non-Inuyasha story, which is my RK story "Wanted", I'm sorry! I have the next chapter halfway done, but inspiration has been sluggish so I'm going at a snail's pace. This is one of my favorites to write because I get to try my hand at a little action as well creating the "budding romance" between two people who are both very stubborn in nature. Rest assured, this story will see it's end. I have multiple ideas for future chapters, just not any to finish the current chapter. Please be patient with me. *bows* Also, even though I said I would never do this, I am seriously considering dropping "Gone with the bullets." I got this story from Kimiko888 (bless her soul) but now I can't keep up with it. I am completely dry of ideas for this story. Plus, I don't want to keep this story here and not update it. I would consider a co-author though, if anyone is interested . . . ;) JUST PM ME! (THIS POSITION IS NO LONGER AVAILABLE) Well, that's it for today. I have to go now because I have a field trip, so see ya! 9/7/12 - Daichi's corner
Reason #1: I have been having problems with my internet access and recently we had to drop off my old laptop at the repair shop because it's going crazy and my completed chapter for DA (yes, Death Angels is going to updated) and the final chapter for the same story are on that laptop. The computer I am using right now is my school issued laptop, so I don't have anything here at the moment. :( Reason #2: I haven't been getting any inspiration for hardly ANY of my current stories (except for Death Angels, which will be ending soon!) and I really feel bad, but what can I do? If I force a chapter out, it'll be dog poo and no one, not even I, will like the outcome. I don't think it's a good idea to force anything, so we'll just have to see if the writing muse will honor me with some new ideas. (She's been slowly creeping back . . . I have an idea for Gone with the bullets but idk yet . . ) Reason #3: I just became a Senior this year in HS, which means I will be taking SATs, writing essays, applying for colleges and scholarships, finding a job, certifying in my career pathway AND doing my dreaded end of year project called CAPSTONE. So as you can see, I am swamped. BUT that doesn't mean I won't try to write when I do get inspiration! You are my readers and you guys have always supported me. Thank you. Just be a little patient. :D Daichi 6/18/12 - Daichi's corner Hey you guys! I'm back. I have been recently MIA but now that I'm back, I've been hearing about this group called "Citrics United," and their quest to remove anything that doesn't follow the rules. Now, I know it might be completely stupid to put my opinion here, but I really feel like fanfiction should listen to its users. I don't like it at all and I think that it's an infringement on author's rights. I have one story that may be deleted, but for safety, I'm going to back ALL of them up. If something happens and my account becomes deleted, you can be sure I will be back. I will go somewhere else to post them up, but I really hope it doesn't get to that point. I went into their forum and read the thread. I THOUGHT IT WAS A HORROR MOVIE COME TO LIFE. Seriously, they're sole purpose is to find stories and get them deleted or banned. Take caution, you guys, with your stories and back them up! I have a bad feeling I won't be around for long after this unless something is done, but until that day comes, I will be here posting and updating stories. Thank you to everyone who has ever reviewed any of my stories! Now that I've had the scare of my life, I'm going to go back up my stories now. See ya guys! Author's note part whatever 4/16/12 Yes, you guys I am indeed alive. Actually, there's no point for that statement since I have updated stories. Just wanted to tell you guys about another new non-Inuyasha fic I'm working on. (I'm gonna have to put it on my stories under here and explain how I thought it up) It's called "Wanted" and is a Rurouni Kenshin fic, which, also is above Inuyasha. I should probably put a list of my favorite anime/manga in order, shouldn't I? Well, anyway, I would like all you RK fans to check it out. The pairing is Battousai/ Kauro (just because they fit the bill for my story better--I like Kenshin and Kaoru too!) Something I thought would be cool . . . ;D FEMALE COMEBACKS Man: Haven't I seen you someplace before? Man: Is this seat empty? Man: Your place or mine? Man: So, what do you do for a living? Man: Hey baby, what's your sign? Man: How do you like your eggs in the morning? Man: Your body is like a temple. Man: I would go to the end of the world for you. Man: If I could see you naked, I'd die happy. Man: If I could rearrange the alphabet I'd put u and i together This should be Author's note from Daichi(part 4) . . . 2/2/12 Hey guys! Finally go around to speak a little. Sorry the updates have been so sparse. School is really kicking my butt into this new semester, and it's like my teachers want to stuff all this information down my throat . . . I guess that's what I get for taking 4 AP classes. Anyway, I got a one-shot out today. It's my first fic for Sailor Moon, and I am so excited! SM is actually above Inuyasha on the list of favorite anime's (Sorry!) but I prefer to write Inuyasha stories because I like it. SM didn't get a story until Christina Perri came out with "A thousand years," I wish I could call her and tell her how AMAZING she is for that song. Besides, it was my inspiration The story is actually called "A thousand years," and it is a song fic. I hope you guys venture out there and take a look (and maybe leave a review? PLEASE?!?!?!?) Daichi Not sure if this should be Author's note from Daichi (part 3) . . . 11/7/11 Again, I have been absent for three months. Seems like I take 3 month sabbaticals, huh? I updated just today for "Two spies are better than one," so check it out if you're a fan. Also, I keep getting reviews for stories I have already finished, but I love it when you guys keep reviewing! Kudos! Btw, "Death Angels" is being dropped. KIDDING! :D Who freaked out? I bet a lot of you did. Well, here's the deal. I'm on a writer's block. *fireworks* Yeah, it sucks because I know how I want to end it ( It's going to be so epic!) but this ball thing . . . is it my inability to capture girly-girly scenes because of my inexperience or my lack of feminism? God, I don't know but I wish I could just fix it. I'll take another month on that, if nothing comes to me this week. I am hoping I get hit with the cover of "inspiration" and write until my hands fall off. Hope for that too, you guys. "Gone with the bullets," is not in better shape . . . writer's block again rears its ugly head. I have sorta of an idea to go along on, but I haven't visited my plot in a while, so I have to do that, come up with another idea and write another chapter. That's a month of my free time gone. D: But I love doing it, so don't worry! I might surprise you and update early!!!! Daichi Author's note from Daichi (part 2) 8/9/11: So hi! I just want to make an appearance since it seems that I haven't been making much of them in my stories . . . what can I say? Summer is such a busy time. I had thought to at least update my stories more than once this summer, but sadly, I have not accomplished that goal. It seems that my brain is taking a vacation as well. I've also been on a general writer's block, meaning I haven't had much inspiration for ANY of my stories (Seriously, what is happening to me?!?!?) and well . . . I've been reading Manga too. Obsessed, actually. I feel ashamed. . . :( Anyway, that's my excuse. BUT I am working on Death Angels, so if you're a fan of that, don't be discouraged! I haven't received many reviews for that story lately. Am I losing my touch . . . ? Bah, it's nothing. Another story near its update is "After the honey moon ends" It's the last chapter/ epilogue. I'm only waiting for my co-author to send her part of it to finally work on it and be finished! I can't wait for that moment! Haha, I will shine with pride for having completed another story. (Even when you have, like, fifty other stories to update?) That's all for now, actually. :) I hope you continue to stick with me through even the hardest of updates. Take car and REVIEW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My Fanfiction Birthday: 2 years (5/14/11) Oh my gosh, today's the anniversary of me creating an account on Fanfiction! This is the day where Daichi became an authoress! I updated two stories,"Two spies are better than one" and "After the honey moon ends," to commemorate! I'm totally celebrating! I hope you guys will celebrate with me by reading and reviewing my stories!!! Author's note from Daichi: (This note is no longer valid. [except the excerpt about "Prophecy".] Stay tuned for the next one!) Fellow readers, I know it has been a while since my last update for various stories. Please know that I am working on the next chapter for every single story (except Prophecy. Due to lack of time, and lack of votes on the poll, this will be put on a hiatus. Sorry for any fans, but better late than never, right?) I am trying very hard to meet all the demands, because I'm sure there are some from you readers, and its going slow but steady. Let me tell you guys when each story might get updated. After the honey moon ends: Ok, if you read this story then you know this is a co-authored story. If you don't, I am seriously doubting your IQ. Anyway, updates for this story also depend on my co-author, who I'm sure is experiencing some type of difficulties and that is the reason she hasn't sent me the new chapter, but don't worry, she's working on it. I know this for a fact because she messaged me earlier this month to get some ideas for the second half of the story. Hang in there, my wonderful, lovely readers! Death Angels: Yes, this chapter is started and is halfway finished. I just stored it away on my computer for the some time to write for some other stories that I haven't updated on in months. Plus, I wanted to see if I could let my creative juices take a break and then be fresh to start writing again. Fear not, for I will update sometime next week. Gone with the bullets: Hmm, this one isn't going to come out as quick as the others. I still have to figure out some things and after that it will take about two weeks to write everything down. I want to make it semi-long, to be worth the late update. Don't worry, again, because things are under control! ;) To be with you again: This one is being uploaded today! Aren't you guys happy that I have at least one thing going for me? :D (Today's date is 4/28/11, just so you know) Two spies are better than one: This chapter is also half finished! What is with me and not finishing anything? Well, this chapter will be out a little before or after Death Angels and To be with you again. I am trying to make the story exciting and finally pick up the pace! This story wasn't meant to be long, so it won't go on for too long. It's just the wait that makes it seem like some huge story that I can't comprehend, when really, it's a simple story. Prophecy: This story will be put on a Hiatus, so I'm very sorry. I will not abandon it, I just need to take a break with that story (Haven't you taken a long one already?) Anyway, please put in on story alert so you know when I do update. Thanks for sticking with me *bows* Hey you guys! It's Daichi here in the new year of 2011! Wooo!!! So this is just some detail on the new poll that is up on my profile. I have lots of stories that I'm currently writing, but some haven't been updated for quite a long time. I'm putting up a poll to see which ones you guys want me to update more often. First place will be my priority, second place the next and so and so on. It all depends how many votes each story gets. So vote for your favorite and have your opinion count!!! MWHAHAHAHAH! I HAVE A PROFILE NOW! 9/17/10 Daichi: Hey! It's me! If you are reading this, thanks for visiting my page! Points for you! (that seems to be my new phrase now lol) So yeah, I was kind of bored so I think I'll write about myself. Hey, maybe you'll get a little insight on my stories. Let's see, where to start with... I'm in high school (as I have mentioned many times in my stories) and I am the oldest of four kids. Having siblings sucks sometimes, but soemtimes, it's worth the fighting :) I love romance, which is why ALL of my stories, past, present and future are/will be romance. It's the secondary genre that I vary a lot it. I'll write some of my thoughts down about them. Humor: I love doing romance/humor stories (Check out Shop til you drop) but boy, does it keep me on my toes! I have to think about what needs to happen in a chapter and then figure out how I can make it funny. While I was writing STYD, it was kind of hard, but I got the hang of it soon enough. I loved writing it, and there were numerous requests for a sequel. About that... I don't know if I will, but I haven't ruled it out just yet. Since I have five other stories going on, it would be a lot of hassle to do it. BUT I would do it if I had a co-author to help write part of the chapter and bounce Ideas with. So if any of you guys are interested, pm me and we'll go from there. STOP! IF YOU ARE READING THIS AND YOU WANTED TO CO-AUTHOR, THE POSITION IS NO LONGER OPEN. THE STORY IS FINISHED. But for now, go vote on the poll to have your voice heard!!! Tell me whether you want a sequel or not! (Invalid--since a loooong time ago!) Angst: I am very doubtful I will write one like this, just for the simple fact that I can't stand when a character is crushed or something. I have this sort ot sentimental thing that if I read something sad, I cry like if it was happening to me. If you've ever read "Kitchen Princess" (MAJOR SPOILER) when Sora died, I moped around the house as if I was in mourning! My sister was all like "Why are you sad?" And then I told her, sniffling as I did, "Sora died!" She had read the manga too and she just laughed at me. ;) What can I say, I'm a sensitive girl. Fantasy: One of my favorite genres of all time. I have one story like this,(To be with you again) but hopefully more will pop up in the coming months. I really want to see the end of TBYA, not because I don't like it, but because the ending is supposed to be awesome!!!! *runs around room* My favorite books always carry some type of fantasy and are almost always romance. (The one exception being the Harry potter series which I loved) So keep on the look out! Tragedy: Never. Nuh-uh. Not me. Don't ever ask for one like this! If I cry if I read angst, I bawl my freaking eyes out when I read tragedy. Stories where people die are so hurtful! I'm not saying I won't make a character die randomly in my stories, but my stories will never center around just pure tragedy. Adventure/action: I love writing stories like this as well. I reading about adventure and fighting stuff like that! Sword fights, fist fights, you name it! I have one currently, which is "Two spies are better than one." I like the whole spy plot, and after watching a movie, "TSABTO" came to be. You will see more of this genre (whenever I get an idea) so also be on the lookout. Romance: I love romance! I love the pretty, poetic scenes writers can create. I love reading romance because I'm a romantic myself. Maybe a hopeless romantic though. Every story I write will be, most likely, with romance. I've gotten so used to writing like that so I'm not about to change. A lot of my stories are primarily romance, but I always have a subgenre and that's for the actual story line. The romance just gets incorporated. Hurt/comfort: Not very sure about this genre. I've read stuff like this, but then we go back to the whole angst/tragedy thing. I feel bad for the characters, and I'm so serious. I acutally stopped reading some stories because I couldn't take it. (It wasn't the author's fault. I read good stories, so it's very rare that an author makes me stop. That time, it was my own emotions. I get too into it sometimes.) UPDATE: Ok, so now I do have another story and it is hurt/confort. I guess I had a change of writer's perspective! Hope you read "A thousand years," and review!!!! So it depends if I'll do it, but maybe. Oh, but I am co-writing a story with this with another author so does it really count...? . Sci-fi: This is also one of my favorites. Anything to do with sci-fi is cool to me! "Death Angels," is currently my sci-fi fic for it. I hope to get more ideas and write some more sci-fi because I love it. Ideas would be welcomed as well. (pm's please) Suspense: Maybe. I want to do one, but I'm such a procastinator that I probably won't in the near future. I suck don't I? But it might just happen ;) Horror: Nope, won't do this one. I tried my hand at it once, as a rough draft, and I totally had an epic fail. I really don't write this and I don't read it so I don't know how it's supposed to be written. Besides, I don't have any ideas. Poetry: Does this classify as a genre for a story? I don't think so, but whatever. I might but then agian I might not. I'm such a fickle author. I think that's it. If I missed any, well, too bad. Those are my thoughts. If you're offended, don't try to start an argument becuase YOU WILL NOT WIN. This is a warning. If you would like to discuss something(which is DIFFERENT from ARGUING) then pm me. I look forward to anyone messaging me! I might also write on how I got the ideas for my stories. You know, to give it some background? Here are the story backgrounds for my two new stories: "WANTED"- This is my first Rurouni Kenshin story. I wanted to do one for this fandom for such a long time but I wanted to have sword fights and action and all those cool things that come with RK! Finally, after reading a pirate book where the girl could fence and subsequently could partly fight with a sword, I thought about it. Then it hit me! I wrote down some things, crossed out some others and finally got the plot I wanted. This is going to be good so stay tuned! "A thousand years,"- I explained my reasons in the story itself, but I'll repeat them here if you haven't already read it. (You really should if you're an SM fan.) So this is my first fanfic for my most FAVORITE, BELOVED anime/manga OF ALL TIME. I love Sailor moon to death . . . seriously. I collect things that look like or remind me of Sailor Moon. No, I'm not crazy just a heart-crazed fan! So I was listening on the radio when the song, "A thousand years," and the very first thing I thought was, "For who can I make a story for this?" (That's how obsessed with writing I am.) I crossed out some and then came to sailor moon and I was like, "Perfect! They waited a thousand years for each other. . . " and so the story was born. I used scenes from the manga strictly because I own the two newly released volumes. :D And that's it! So I said I would give my stories backgrounds and her I am. So let's start. "Shop til you drop!- One of the very first stories of my writing career was lended to me by Kimiko88. So the original idea wasn't mine, but the rest of it was. I tried really hard to make it funny and many times I thought it was stupid, but I got such a good response to it that even I was amazed. I loved writing it. All the scenarios were taken from random movies, TV shows and other books. I used some personal experiences as well. Hopefully, people read the sequel. "To be with you again"- The second story and my first orginal idea. I got the idea listening to a song by Paramore called "Brick by Boring Brick" and the idea hit me. I used the lyrics and built my story on it. In one of the chapters, Kagome does sing it (it's also a band fic) and you can read the lyrics. It's still in the works and I'm trying very hard to get the next chapter out. Please, if you read or review it, stick with me! "Prophecy"- This story came to me from a fic that I had started years ago. The first three chapters are the ones from long ago, if you wanted to know. That was the official first fic, but STYD was the first published fic. The chapters were in my recycling bin and when I found them, I completely fell in love with the idea. I had always wanted to write a fic of Inuyasha and Kagome using the Shikon jewel but in a slightly different angle of viewing. That's why the characters are more or less the same but their world is different from the manga and anime. Hopefully, this story works out too! "The only one"- This story, like TBYA, was inspired by a song. the difference was that it was a spanish song. Now, there are some good spanish songs that would be great as songfics, but I can't do them because if I write it in spanish, the accents and stuff are missing. It would be an Epic Fail. Still, I decided to use the song as a plot line. The song is basically the story. The guy is happy with his new gf, but a call from an ex-lover found by the current gf, makes things go haywire. The girl thinks he's cheating and the guy basically sings about how he never cheated on her and is asking her to listen and stay. So, as you can see, that's the story in a nutshell. That's all for now. I'll do the rest later. BYE :) 12/19/10 Ok, I'm back with the rest of the story backgrounds! "Two spies are better than one"- This one came from a cool spy movie that I saw with my mom on the spanish channel. The characters reminded me so much of Inuyasha and Kagome, that I couldn't resist! Of course, it's not the same thing either. It's my own version of the movie. The title comes from the phrase, "Two head are better than one" so I just instilled it in my own way. I thought it was clever. The story is basically that Kagome and Inuyasha are always competing to be top spies, but when they go on a mission together, they soften on each other. Go read the story if you want to know more!!! "Gone with the bullets"- This is another idea lended to me by the wonderful Kimiko888. This story is about Kagome and the tragedy that turned her world upside down. After becoming an assasin in Sector 8 for Naraku, she goes AWOL and leaves to live her life. But it's tough when everytime you settled down, you have to move because they almost catch you. And what's worse, she meets and all-time wanted man Sector 8 at her new job. Inuyasha Takahashi. Read and review that story please! "Death Angels"- Oh my gosh, I could talk about this story for hours on end! This was an original idea from me. I wanted to write an assasin story, but with a different type of plot than most. I threw in the artificial life thing to see how it would come out. I'm pleased to say that I loved hwo the story started and is continuing. There's so much depth in that story that I love to write, which is why I think that out all of my stories, that it's my best one. I can't wait to see the end of this one. "After the honey moon ends"- This is a recently started story that's the sequel to STYD. I loved writing STYD, so a sequel had always been floating around in my mind, but what I really needed a co-writer. midnightlily105is my co-writer and together we hope to write a wonderful, funny and exciting story. This time around, a lot more drama will occur! Please, check it out and review!!! So that's all of them! Feel free to read and review any of them! (2/3/12) "A thousand years"- Well, here's to the first new story of the famous year of 2012! I had been wanting to make a story for Sailor Moon, because it is my ultimate obsession. When I heard the song "A thousand years" by Christina Perri, the story just hit me! (And yes, it is a songfic) That's basically it! The song is the story, but I'd suggest to take a look at it and drop me a review! Name: My name is Daichilover but you guys can can just call me Daichi. Age: I'm a teen. That's all you need to know right? Gender: Girl! Location: The United states of america. Texas, if anyone wonder about the accent. (Sometimes I am told that my character has an accent.) Nationality: Born in the states, but my parents are Guatemalan. (Hispanics rule!) Loves: I love to read, listen to music and draw in my free time. I am also writing a novel called, "Dragon child". I love being random and hanging out with friends and spending time with my family. Hates: Stupid people. I really don't like it when people act stupid even though they know they're smart. I ticks me off. I also hate it when guy hits girls. That REALLY pisses me off. There have been guys left with scars after I had finished with them for hitting a girl. Favorite pairings: Inuyasha an Kagome (You guys should know that) Sango and Miroku (Proves for a very comical pair) Kenshin and Kaoru (I love them!) Kyo and Tohru (Soooo cute!) Darien and Serena (Sailor moon rocks) If I was ever in Inuyasha. . . I would have followed Naraku and killed him in his sleep. (Does he ever sleep?) I'd have made a distraction for Kagome and Inuyasha to be together (So they could be off together without interuptions!!) Kikyo would have been long gone . . . (Heh heh) Miroku would have been jumped by Sango and me . . . (And then bagged, of course) Kagome and I would have hatched a plan to make Inuyasha jealous. . . (Find the cutest guy and tip him to hit on her . . . ) I would have done Kagome's classes for her. . . (So she could stay with Inuyasha, duh) I would have failed kagome becuase I don't know what I'd be doing. . . I would have hooked up with Bankoutsu (Way too hot to let pass, even if he was dead and trying to kill my favorite Inu) My name would be Daichi! If I were ever in Sailor moon. . . I would have been Sailor Of the stars . . . (Always liked the sound of it!) Beryl would have gotten a makeover. . . (The dark color look was not working for her) I would have bonked Darien on the head so he could remember Serena . . . I would have ran over him when he broke up with her. . . My name would still be Daichi . . . If I were in Rurouni Kenshin . . . I would be a female Battousai! Megumi would have been dragged out by me the first time she touched Kenshin Kaoru would be my best friend . . . I would have wrenched Kaoru up to follow Kenshin the minute he left! Misao and I would have gotten along really well . . . Kenshin wouldn't have to bother himself to kill . . . My name would be "Daichi the manslayer"! Hahahaha! Anyway, if you would like to join the awesome religion which is Inuyashism, copy and paste this into your profile and add your name to the list! Followers: purduepup, nightfalcon222, Daichilover This is for my best friend Rocio!! FAKE FRIENDS: Never ask for food. FAKE FRIENDS: Call your parents Mr/Mrs. FAKE FRIENDS: Bail you out of jail and tell you what you did was wrong. FAKE FRIENDS: Never seen you cry. FAKE FRIENDS: Borrow your stuff for a few days then give it back. FAKE FRIENDS: Know a few things about you. FAKE FRIENDS: Will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing. FAKE FRIENDS: Will knock on your front door. FAKE FRIENDS: Are for awhile. FAKE FRIENDS: Will take your drink away when they think you’ve had enough. FAKE FRIENDS: Will talk shit to the person who talks shit about you. FAKE FRIENDS: Say they are too busy to listen to your problems, but when it comes to them they expect you to have all the time in the world. FAKE FRIENDS: Say no when you want to talk to them at odd hours of the night, or even just hang out at odd hours. FAKE FRIENDS: Will ignore this Advice for guys When she acts shy... When she runs away from you... When she puts her face near yours... When she kicks and punches you... When she is silent... When she ignores you... When she pulls away... When you see her at her worst... When she screams at you... When you see her walking... When she's scared... When she looks like somethings the matter... While she holds your hand... Girls - You really don't need any tips just be your flawless selves and let the Post this in the next 69 seconds and you will have the best day of your life My favorite quotes: "I'll get to you later." "Who's that idiot?" (Might just use this line in a story.) "Like it. Love it. Live it" |