For the last and final time, I don't own Inuyasha or Hawksong.

Hey guys just wanted to say a quick good-bye. It's been great writing for you guys. You've been really cool. A few more personalized thanks first to the real Soumyee for my most critical and longest review. Thank you so much for being so honest. Then to xxfreefallangelxx for my very first review thank you soo much. Then to the others who reviewed including:





Thank you all for your reviews and for sticking with this lame storywriter.

Now for the thing you all want and wish I'd stop babbling to read…


1 year later

Kagome was working in the dancers guild trying to get the move Soumyee was showing her.

"No, no. Lift your leg higher." She instructed grabbing the offending appendage and lifting it up more.

"Ow. Soumyee that hurts." Kagome complained.

"Get used to it." She replied flatly holding the leg up for a second more before backing away and looking at Kagome's form.

"Soumyee, are you torturing my mate again?" Inuyasha asked strolling into the guild.

"Your Majesty, I am offended that you would even think such a thing." Soumyee said playfully.

"Can I relax now?" Kagome asked.

"Fine. Two minute break." Soumyee conceded as Kagome dropped her leg.

"Man, I feel awful." Kagome told Inuyasha after he kissed her hello.

"Why? Soumyee pulling things your not supposed to pull again?" he asked.

"Not like that." Kagome said serious, "Like sick."

"Do you need a doctor?" he asked looking concerned.

"I don't know." She said right before she turned and emptied the contents of her stomach all over the floor.

"Woh! Kagome!" Inuyasha said as Soumyee ran over and held back Kagome's hair.

"You okay, honey?" Soumyee asked once Kagome finished retching.

Kagome shook her head her face pale. "Come here. We have a room in the back you can lay there. Inuyasha, go get a doctor or something else useful." Soumyee ordered turning Kagome to the back room.

Five minutes later Inuyasha rushed in with Betsy. She immediately went to the room Kagome was in leaving Inuyasha outside.

Worried he paced up and down as someone came over and cleaned up the mess Kagome had made.

About a half hour later, a long horrid grueling half hour later, Betsy came out smiling.

"What is it? Is she okay?" Inuyasha asked immediately.

"I would think so. Being heavy with child doesn't make you ill the last time I checked." Betsy said.

Inuyasha fell into silence. His mouth was working but no sound came out. "Ch…chi…child?" he asked.

"Oh my, yes." Betsy confirmed her smile going wider.

"What…but…How?" he asked.

"Now Inuyasha, I don't really have to explain that process to you, do I?" Betsy asked.

"I'm going to be a dad?" he asked next the truth still not sinking in yet.

"Would you like to see the mother honey?" Betsy asked sympathetically.

Without making a reply Inuyasha ran into the room and saw Kagome sitting up in bed smiling.

"Did you hear?" she asked.

"It's true?" Inuyasha asked still feeling very stupid.

Kagome nodded. Suddenly it did sink in and Inuyasha ran forward and grabbed her in his arms. "We're having a baby!" he cried spinning her in circles while she laughed.

"Yes you goof, we're having a baby. Now put me down before I get sick again." Kagome chided. He set her on her feet immediately.

"Wow this …this is HUGE! We have to tell everyone! I'm going to be a dad. Wow!" Inuyasha was excited beyond belief. He grabbed Kagome in a hug again and whispered in her ear, "I'm going to be a dad."

1 year later

Kagome stood in the new nursery at her new home. The palace she and Inuyasha had started planning was finally completed and they had thought of the perfect name for their new people. The hanyou people. It was a perfect name for them and for the new species that her baby girl was the beginning of.

Suddenly, Kieko started crying.

"Shh, shh. Now why are you so fussy tonight?" Kagome asked lifting her up.

The second she was in her mother's arms Kieko quieted.

"I can't stay here all night." Kagome told her rocking her side to side.

"Yeah, I want to be with your mother a little too." A voice behind her said.

Kagome turned and saw Inuyasha leaning against the door frame.

"She just wants some attention." Kagome told him rocking her.

"No, she wants you to sing to her again. That's all she ever wants." He said smiling. He got up and walked over to his darling baby. She had his hair and ears with Kagome's eyes. She had a small crescent moon on her forehead and tiny fangs and claws and judging by the way she would make things float around her room at odd times, she also had the Power.

At Inuyasha's words she giggled and waved her arms in the air as if to confirm what he was saying.

"Oh all right, you greedy little thing. One song." Kagome said placing her daughter in her crib.

With a twist of her power she made the castle float in the air above the little princess and made people walk around inside it. With another twist she made a little tune float out of the air as she sang her song:

"Hush now my baby,

be still love don't cry.

I have a story to te-ell

Of two kingdoms of old

Joined to make a new

Land of peace

Where there is no War

A land of peace and prosperity

Where a king and a queen

Joined to make you

A bra-and new Heartsong."

The end


Yes yes I finished. This is my first completed fanfic. Go me go me. You can still leave reviews if you want though.